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I had to put down my buddy today


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Tweety had a knot in his in Oct and we took him to the vet and had it removed and the vet sent it out for a biopsy and it was thyroid cancer. Another knot came back less than a month later. The Vet said it was a fast growing cancer and if we treated with chemo it would only extend his life another 6 months, but we did not want to put him through. We had to put him to sleep today, he was buddy for the past seven and a half years.






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Oh, my condolences....

Had a orange tabby like that too, shorter haired, ours lived almost 21 years, though, and my ex still had to put him down a few years back.

At least you had the good years with him ... time to fill the void pretty soon.

- OS

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Cats are great animals and it looks from your pictures Tweety was really special and had a wonderful life with follks who loved him. Again, my heart goes out to you, but I know Tweety is at Rainbow Bridge, playing with my Abigail and our other furry friends - who are waiting for us there when we, too, leave this "veil of tears".

Merry Christmas to you and yours and I hope your sadness passes quickly to become only the great memories of Tweety.


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Sorry for your loss. I know how tuff it it is.

we went thru chemo with one of our danes not sure I would do again

Its been several years and I still choke up when I see his picture

He was my very special best buddy

Edited by laktrash
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Like much in life, it often takes experiencing something for yourself to truly understand when someone else is going through the same thing...I lost my cat back in 2006; she was 21. A few months after she died I adopted an HIV positive Main Coon from the local shelter - at first I wasn't sure they were going to let me adopt him but I knew I wanted to give him a good home for as long as he makes it...he is still healthy although every year he makes it is on borrowed time. He and my 6 year old basset are almost inseparable and I don't want to fact the day I lose either of them.

My condolences for the loss of your friend.

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Sad to hear. My own Telemechus, a Maine Coon was with me for seventeen years. She came into my life when I was two, and she left when I was nineteen.

I focus on the memories and the good times.

Having been raised with animals my entire life, I have made sure that my children were as well. Right or wrong, I think that it teaches compassion, knowing that you have a being that is completely dependent on you for survival. Although a cat would never let you believe that.

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Thank you guys, they are like your kids. The ones that have or had a Maine Coon know what I am talking about they are always near thier owners and always try to help them with what they are doing. Tweety always met me at the back door when I came home from work, one night about 3 weeks ago I had to work until 9pm and my said he sat at the back door until I came home.

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Guest mcgyver210

Me & my Family are very sad for your loss & I do really understand what you may be going thru.

We now have a dog that is a very big part of our family.

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So sorry to hear that. I grew up with a cat when I was a kid and was without one until about six months ago. Few months later, I saved a stray and gave it to my sister... needless to say, I love cats and hate to see one put down. Hopefully, you'll find a new friend soon!

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Truly sorry Bro !!!!

We had 4 Maine Coons 3 pasted still have 1.

They act just like dogs and get along great with dogs they grow up with.

I miss mine and understand how you feel.....

Tiny passed a few Months ago he was only 9.

Maine Coons are a great breed....


Thanks guys. Tweety was a Maine Coon and thay call them a mans cat because they follow their owner where ever they go, and he always met me at the back door when I came home.
Edited by Kano
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