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Gang signs, Gang activity in Smyrna Tn.


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Guest Lester Weevils
Thats what the neighbor said and I read that also, thats why I thought they might be "posers" . Learned a new word here... :)

Rap music and popular culture glorifies gangsta's and lots of kids are probably 'posers'.

On the other hand, in Chattanooga we had what seemed to be a lot of posers and wannabe's. But then the last couple of years the posers have been shooting each other quite a bit. Acting pretty genuine. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck.

Older folks always are distrustful of kids who dress and act strange and listen to awful music. Forty years ago plenty of old folk expected long haired youth to be violence prone because of shining minority examples such as Charles Manson. Unfounded fear and superstition in many cases.

But if it walks like a gangsta and quacks like a gangsta, then even a poser can mess you up in his persuit of the gangsta dream.

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Guest Lester Weevils
"Older folks"

reminds self to turn off his age..

Hi soapy.

I'm older than you. I just turn off the age in a futile attempt at internet privacy, and to sometimes avoid people 'stereotyping' my responses because of age.

Alarm bells go off for me on meeting certain youngsters with their possibly innocuous passing fashion fads. In many or most cases perhaps needless worry born of generational distrust. But stereotyping is a natural survival trait evolved into our species. POSSIBLY not every lion is a hazard, but our long-ago ancestors would have had lower odds of survival if they didn't stereotype every lion they would encounter.

It can be a puzzle sometimes. Sometimes at the range I meet young fellers with skin heads and a few tattoos. They could be gangstas or they could be young soldiers on leave. So far all of them have been nice guys, at least concerning our interactions. Its just difficult to know. Ya pays yer money and takes yer chances.

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Hi soapy.

I'm older than you. I just turn off the age in a futile attempt at internet privacy, and to sometimes avoid people 'stereotyping' my responses because of age.

Alarm bells go off for me on meeting certain youngsters with their possibly innocuous passing fashion fads. In many or most cases perhaps needless worry born of generational distrust. But stereotyping is a natural survival trait evolved into our species. POSSIBLY not every lion is a hazard, but our long-ago ancestors would have had lower odds of survival if they didn't stereotype every lion they would encounter.

It can be a puzzle sometimes. Sometimes at the range I meet young fellers with skin heads and a few tattoos. They could be gangstas or they could be young soldiers on leave. So far all of them have been nice guys, at least concerning our interactions. Its just difficult to know. Ya pays yer money and takes yer chances.

* wise old buzzards here *

chatta noogggaaa

First job I got out of the army was as a security guard at a hotel there called the

Read House.

Lasted a very short time...

had a radio station in it...bar, etc

is that still there?

mr mackie

Is that still there , thanks.

Edited by soapy
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Guest Lester Weevils
* wise old buzzards here *

chatta noogggaaa

First job I got out of the army was as a security guard at a hotel there called the

Read House.

Lasted a very short time...

had a radio station in it...bar, etc

is that still there?

mr mackie

Is that still there , thanks.

Hi Soapy

That hotel seems to be still going. I don't go thru downtown much lately. Not from any antipathy to downtown. I just don't have the need to go very often.

I think I recall driving by a couple of weeks ago and noticing that the name has changed, but it appeared to be about the same setup except a different name. I played music there a few times long long ago. It has had a few management changes, but they seem to keep the bar, restaurant, and other features about the same across management changes.

The Mr Mackie name sounds familiar or maybe its just bad memory. Was he a hotel manager when you were there?

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They are in every state and like others have stated stay away if you can.

I knew just about every gang leader back in CT, from working in corrections

for 25 years. I saw a gang kill a guy in the yard for something his Brother did

a few months before. They have there code and trust me the serious groups

will do what it takes. A friend of mine along with 2 other officers almost got killed

by a gang years ago.

A LT's, Mothers house got sprayed with bullets one summer night because we

shipped out gang members to another location and that screwed up the travel time

for there family and friends for there visits.

Best to avoid the real deal gangs but there are many who sell wolf tickets

and are nothing to worry about.

Edited by Kano
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The Mr Mackie name sounds familiar or maybe its just bad memory. Was he a hotel manager when you were there?

Sorry about that, Mr. Mackie is just a character on a cartoon tv show... I used to get ragged about looking like him.. I pasted that by accident.

I have a guitar habit, play a bit, work on them for a hobby. Bass guitar since I was 17, but because of the weight of them, I can't do much with it anymore. Just this year, I was given a Kayla U-Bass guitar by a bigtime country star, It only weighs around 2 lbs, I play it. It thumps hard as any full size bass. I can handle a gibson sg, but fenders, strat and tele, feel heavy to me. I have a couple of acoustic taylor guitars, that I play mostly.

I did the software thing for some friends and got my name on a R&B Gospel CD. They listed me as "technical engineer" *sticks out his chest*

anyway, i've hijacked another thread.. *sorry*

will have to start a music thread and find out what you play..

Edited by soapy
wasn't done..
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