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ACLU says no to Christmas for TN schools?


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American Civil Liberties Union of Tennessee

Any thoughts?

That quote I love is:

"We welcome holiday celebrations that teach children about a variety of holidays. We believe, however, that holiday celebrations that focus primarily on one religious holiday can result in indoctrination as well as a sense within students who do not share that religion of being outsiders to the school."

So does wishing someone Merry Christmas mean one is intolerant?

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They tried this crap when I worked in retail. We were not allowed to tell anyone "Merry Christmas" and should instead say "Happy Holidays". I was a door greeter due to my bubbling personality :D and everyone that came through I yelled MERRY CHRISTMAS! I had the regional manager even tell me to stop...I didn't stop. They threatened my job but never followed through. Now that I have a child, if they don't get a Christmas break, I will pull my child out of school for at least a week to celebrate Christmas. So now that my rant is over, I say that everyone else is allowed to have an opinion (at least for now) and it seems like religious groups aren't. So with that said...MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!

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They tried this crap when I worked in retail. We were not allowed to tell anyone "Merry Christmas" and should instead say "Happy Holidays". I was a door greeter due to my bubbling personality :up: and everyone that came through I yelled MERRY CHRISTMAS! I had the regional manager even tell me to stop...I didn't stop. They threatened my job but never followed through. Now that I have a child, if they don't get a Christmas break, I will pull my child out of school for at least a week to celebrate Christmas. So now that my rant is over, I say that everyone else is allowed to have an opinion (at least for now) and it seems like religious groups aren't. So with that said...MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!

Did the same crap when I worked retail. I was an Asst. manager at a bookstore in the mall and they had a big memo come out at a meeting about not saying Merry Christmas, but Happy Holidays. Only the Store Manager stuck to it, the rest of us said Merry Christmas and no one cared.

The only people that care are the ACLU who want to see their name in the paper, and stay relevant, and the one person who complained somewhere at some point. I just don't understand how it's being intolerant to celebrate a holiday we have celebrated here for so long. If someone wishes me a Happy Kwanzaa I'm not gonna get bent out of shape, I mean hell at least it's a well wish. Maybe that's the answer, maybe we should just start saying "Welcome to Wal-Mart! Go **** yourself!"

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Guest Letereat!
Ironicly, the ACLU offices will be closed for Christmas. Maybe they should lead by example and just ignore Christmas all together.

Thats rich.

Why cant these chouder heads just lets us all take care of our own business, we do not need a moderator. For the LOVE OF GOD, if someone saying "Merry Christmas" gets you all puffed up maebey you should just sequester yourself for the holidays.

Way to fight back JonnyFox!!!!! and MERRY CHRISTmas to all.

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Ironicly, the ACLU offices will be closed for Christmas. Maybe they should lead by example and just ignore Christmas all together.

I bet they don't turn down Holiday pay on Christmas either. I never met anyone that refused Christmas Holiday Pay or the day off (excluding some places that are required to remain open and normally those people get paid extra to be there). I know if I work a Holiday I get double and a half to be there.

I have never known anyone to say I did not believe in Christmas and re enforce their point of view enough with I will only work for my standard wage thank you.

Seems a true atheist would just reject the extra pay at least on that holiday.

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From the link: "The holiday season is fast approaching. Across the state students and their families

will be celebrating various holidays including Christmas, Hanukkah, Bodhi Day,

Kwanza, Eid al Adha, Winter Solstice, Christmas and New Years."

You said Christmas twice.

I like Christmas.

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I love this. Very insightful!

....Ironicly, the ACLU offices will be closed for Christmas. Maybe they should lead by example and just ignore Christmas all together. ....

I say: "....Merry Christmas" you godless commie b******s!...".

Santa Leroy

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I have often wondered if it is the ACLU and others attempt at finding a somewhat mentally unstable person and push them over the edge with crap like this. If the person loses it and does something incredibly stupid, the ACLU or whoever it may be then comes out and says, "See. We told you how all these people are."

It would be nice if the superintendents responded back by stating that Christmas is a federal holiday, so (quoting Eddie Murphy), "Have a Coke and a smile and STFU. By the way, have a Merry Christmas."

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