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Does this seem probable (hog hunting)?

Guest mosinon

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Guest mosinon

I know nothing about hunting except that if I was hunting it would be for hogs.

I stumbled across this video (which has probably been posted before):


I have a couple of problems with this. First it seems like they let the animal suffer too long but also they just walk up on this giant pig and shoot it.

I've admitted that I know nothing but I am guessing that you can't just walk up on a feral hog in the daytime and be all like "Oh hey, gotta a gun"

So, for the hunters on this board, especially the hog guys, is this kind of hunting even remotely realistic?

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Not with any hog I've come accross & I've hunted them in Texas, Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Namibia, South Africa & Spain. I'll take a week of hog hunting over a full season of deer. I love hog hunting!

That kind of thing I have never, ever seen. OK, Their eyesight & hearing isn't perfect, but you simply cannot beat their noses. Wild hogs are very aware of what's going on around them & 99% of the time a wild hog will high-tail it as soon as it knows you're in the county. To see this behavior makes me think that it's a farm raised pig. That & the weight. Even in South America & Eastern Europe hogs rarely get to 400lb without man-supplied feed. Available forage simply isn't nutritional enough on it's own to let a hog get to that weight.

Firstly I'd say that the film is of a free-ranging, farm raised hog & secondly I'd have to say (sorry y'all) that it died fairly quickly. Death ain't ever pretty & it's seldom as quick as you see on TV.

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I agree with Rob. If you play the wind and other conditions right, you can slip up on a wild hog, but nothing that close. They have poor eyesight, but can see movement fairly well. What they lack in eyesight, they surely make up in exceptional hearing and smell. Feral Hogs can be alot of colors, including blonde, black, brown, red, blue and silver. Russians usually run in black and sometimes tinted with other colors. I think that hog in the video was free range domestic hog, that someone decided to test their handgun rounds on. In my opinion, that was far from hunting.

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That definitely ain't hunting. If your gonna shoot something with as big a gun as that, don't rapid fire, a single well placed shot is all you need.

I've done lots of feral hog hunting out in my neck of the woods, and it's never taken more than 2 rounds to kill one.

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Guest TnRebel
Not with any hog I've come accross & I've hunted them in Texas, Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Namibia, South Africa & Spain. I'll take a week of hog hunting over a full season of deer. I love hog hunting!

That kind of thing I have never, ever seen. OK, Their eyesight & hearing isn't perfect, but you simply cannot beat their noses. Wild hogs are very aware of what's going on around them & 99% of the time a wild hog will high-tail it as soon as it knows you're in the county. To see this behavior makes me think that it's a farm raised pig. That & the weight. Even in South America & Eastern Europe hogs rarely get to 400lb without man-supplied feed. Available forage simply isn't nutritional enough on it's own to let a hog get to that weight.

Firstly I'd say that the film is of a free-ranging, farm raised hog & secondly I'd have to say (sorry y'all) that it died fairly quickly. Death ain't ever pretty & it's seldom as quick as you see on TV.

+1 and when they are pined up and can't get around you they will go through you and if they have good size cutters like the one on my wall they will cut you . I have the scars to prove that .

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That looks to be a canned hunt. They have some land that is fenced in and have some pigs roaming around fattening up. Someone pays the money and goes in there and shoots one.

It looks very violent because, well, it is. That is the nature of any firearm kill. Most people are surprised that the animal doesn't fall over as if hit by a lazer beam. While I don't want to sound supportive of these yahoos in a canned hunt. This is not an an unusual reaction at all to a wild animal that has been shot. Deer do the same, but don't squeal like pigs. They stumble off a couple of yards and then lay down and bleed to death.

That is just part of the part of getting meat on your table. Still I can't believe the yahoos in the video had to ask about putting it out of its misery. Any time you can make a clean and quick kill you do it...

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Guest mosinon
That looks to be a canned hunt. They have some land that is fenced in and have some pigs roaming around fattening up. Someone pays the money and goes in there and shoots one.

It looks very violent because, well, it is. That is the nature of any firearm kill. Most people are surprised that the animal doesn't fall over as if hit by a lazer beam. While I don't want to sound supportive of these yahoos in a canned hunt. This is not an an unusual reaction at all to a wild animal that has been shot. Deer do the same, but don't squeal like pigs. They stumble off a couple of yards and then lay down and bleed to death.

That is just part of the part of getting meat on your table. Still I can't believe the yahoos in the video had to ask about putting it out of its misery. Any time you can make a clean and quick kill you do it...

To be honest it wasn't the squealing that bothered me, it was the asking part that I found troubling. But it wasn't all that troubling, what was more bothersome was the impression that hog hunting was basically a very violent mugging. Hey hog, guess who has a gun and is a bad shot? Me!

I'll admit to having a sissy side at this point. I don't like the idea of canned hunts at all (not that I would outlaw them) and I found this video disturbing. Crikey though, it seems like it is fishing in a stocked pond or something. Half the point of hunting is the being out out there not sure if you are going to get meat part. Where is the thrill in a guaranteed hunt?

I can go to the grocery store and buy some dead pig no problem, someone acting like a badass because they walked up to one and shot it isn't deserving of my respect. There are hard working people who actually process dead pigs all day long and they work for Hormel. A dead pig is a dead pig and all that but hunting is entirely different from processing.

I'm glad they got their pig, I hope they ate it but if they think they are hunters I would beg to differ. It would be like getting laid in a whorehouse with hundred dollar bills stapled all over and calling yourself a chick magnet.

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To be honest it wasn't the squealing that bothered me, it was the asking part that I found troubling. But it wasn't all that troubling, what was more bothersome was the impression that hog hunting was basically a very violent mugging. Hey hog, guess who has a gun and is a bad shot? Me!

I'll admit to having a sissy side at this point. I don't like the idea of canned hunts at all (not that I would outlaw them) and I found this video disturbing. Crikey though, it seems like it is fishing in a stocked pond or something. Half the point of hunting is the being out out there not sure if you are going to get meat part. Where is the thrill in a guaranteed hunt?

I can go to the grocery store and buy some dead pig no problem, someone acting like a badass because they walked up to one and shot it isn't deserving of my respect. There are hard working people who actually process dead pigs all day long and they work for Hormel. A dead pig is a dead pig and all that but hunting is entirely different from processing.

I'm glad they got their pig, I hope they ate it but if they think they are hunters I would beg to differ. It would be like getting laid in a whorehouse with hundred dollar bills stapled all over and calling yourself a chick magnet.

That was perfectly stated.

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