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No tax increases next year?

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In Kentucky, everyone pays a yearly personal property tax on their automobiles. When they go to renew their registration, they pay a rate based on the value of the car. So they pay sales tax when they buy a new car and they are taxed based on its value every year they register it. And they have a 6% sales tax and a 6% income tax.

Government has an unquenchable thirst for money.

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In Kentucky, everyone pays a yearly personal property tax on their automobiles. When they go to renew their registration, they pay a rate based on the value of the car. So they pay sales tax when they buy a new car and they are taxed based on its value every year they register it. And they have a 6% sales tax and a 6% income tax.

Government has an unquenchable thirst for money.

What would they do if we all just stopped paying.

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What would they do if we all just stopped paying.

They would probably just cry, but since they already know we're a nation of sheep,

they will lead us to slaughter.

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The usual crap, tax liens, threats, penalties...

Yep. Just ask Wesley Snipes.

You could consider seeking a postion within the administration. That seems to work out okay for tax cheats. Just blame it on TurboTax.

The only way to fix it is by putting a majority of strict constiutionalists in office and in the courts, which I seriously doubt will ever happen.

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Apparently House Dems are refusing to support the tax breaks for anyone above the middle class.

House Democrats reject tax plan unless changed - Yahoo! News

Whole concept of higher tax rate for higher income is totally flawed, and indeed, Un-American.

One major reason we have lost our national ethos is because we punish success and reward failure in many ways, often including our tax codes de jour.

- OS

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Guest 85rx-7gsl-se

Yeah but they try to get away with it by characterizing it is as you simply paying them a larger cut in exchange for them providing a country for you to be so successful in lol

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The income tax came into being because it was just going to hit the rich. Those making something like $3000.00. Anyone who thinks that a tax increase at any income level doesn't affect them is fooling themselves.

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You know what would save a ton of money? A flat tax. Everyone, on all income, from $0.01 to umpteen billion, pay 15%. It would remove a large amount of the IRS and other tax enforcement... And probably would bring in more than the present system. And would be far more fair...

Oh, and for those who want to quit (fired, actually) and survive on $275 ($269 after taxes) a month, and (wrongly) believe there is no discrimination against the educated when trying to get jobs, I will gladly change places with you.

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Guest Letereat!
Just wait til January 1 when u start reporting your insurance benefits that

your company pays. That's another 8-12k of income you will be reporting and eventually probably paying tax on to pay for ObamaCare. They say you won't right now but I could see it being slipped in down the road.

Yea, we get that propaganda crap from the state every year that tells us how much we REALLY make after all their contributions. They inflate our income by like 25k. If we dont get some of this health care garbage repealed I fear that I will indeed be taxed for this "benifit" as well. All the while we are paying $540.00 for floor jacks that can be purchased at Northern for less than $100.00 etc, etc.

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You know what would save a ton of money? A flat tax. Everyone, on all income, from $0.01 to umpteen billion, pay 15%. It would remove a large amount of the IRS and other tax enforcement... And probably would bring in more than the present system. And would be far more fair...

It would bring in more money, but the whole tax structure isn't necessarily about revenue. It is about control and making sure those that are in power within the federal government stay that way. To be quite frank, our entire tax system sucks.

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You know what would save a ton of money? A flat tax. Everyone, on all income, from $0.01 to umpteen billion, pay 15%. It would remove a large amount of the IRS and other tax enforcement... And probably would bring in more than the present system. And would be far more fair...

The Fair Tax is even more well, fair. Tax consumption only. Now even illegals and others working off the books pay their fair share of taxes.

It would bring in more money, but the whole tax structure isn't necessarily about revenue. It is about control and making sure those that are in power within the federal government stay that way...

Yep, and another reason the Fair Tax is feared, because unlike the Flat Tax, the Fair Tax is pretty much anonymous. The gummit can't control any segment of America any more than any other. Everybody pays, in direct proportion to what he consumes.

- OS

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Guest Lester Weevils

Well, there was Forbes' flat income tax ideas. And the Fair tax which is a consumption tax.

I'm for the libertarian idea of minimal govt, but there does have to be some, and it has to be paid for, one way or t'other.

A feature common to both Forbes' flat tax and Boortz' fair tax-- There is no tax on investment income or investment spending.

In addition, Boortz' fair tax only taxes new stuff. It doesn't tax any used stuff you buy. Regardless if you are a po man buying a used 1990 chevy, or a rich man buying a slightly-used hotel complex.

That is the main thing that bugs me about both plans. It seems entirely too coincidental that an investment tycoon like Forbes would concoct a tax plan which taxes the kid flipping burgers at MacDonalds, but doesn't tax investment tycoons.

It is entirely too coincidental. It would be like me designing a tax plan that taxes everybody except computer programmers. Or a farmer designing a tax plan that taxes everybody except farmers.

Or on the fair tax-- There is a limit to how much new stuff you can buy even if you are a billionaire. The working man will pay national sales tax fair tax on every penny he makes, because he spends his entire income on taxable stuff. But even a conspicuous-consuming fat cat will buy (and pay tax on) everything he could think of to buy, and still have 90 percent of his income left over. He will spend that money on stocks, bonds, real estate, etc. Which are all non-taxable under the fair tax.

So the pure flat tax or pure fair tax is very regressive on the low and middle. It gives the upper end even more freedom to buy the entire world.

I basically like the fair tax idea, but it would have to tax EVERYTHING people spend money on, in order to be really fair. A fair tax would need to tax stock purchases and real estate purchases, in order to be really fair. Otherwise, after a few years about three guys would end up owning the entire world.

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Ok. Due to the new payroll tax being dropped to 4.2%, part of the new deal, the loss of the "Making Work Pay" Tax Credit from the 2009 Recovery Act (a.k.a. the Stimulus Package) your taxes will go up, but not as harshly as I had predicted. Around $210 for the "average" U.S. worker...

Tax cut deal: Working poor may do worse in 2011 than in 2010 - Dec. 16, 2010

So. Yes, your taxes are going up...

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A fair tax would reward people when they start adjusting the way they spend money. I think

a lot of people would immediately realize how much money they waste and would become more

frugal. That would lend to the idea of more people creating wealth for themselves, which is what

OS is referring to by rewarding success, instead of punishing it with the system we have now.

It would also limit the government's control over our lives by making government live within its


I don't have a problem with rich folks and I don't see how only three people would end up with

everything, Lester. There are millions of small investors. You have to start somewhere. They did.

Welfare is slavery and a sin. It needs to be completely eradicated, both individual and corporate.

Charity is an investment in kindness and needs to be encouraged and replicated. Charity is not

welfare. Safety nets, like welfare and government health care only cost other people and have

huge bureaucratic overhead and should be abolished. T

I like the Fair Tax. No need for billions of wasted dollars trying to figure out how to minimize your

tax burden each year, and no need for the IRS audit. Overnight, there would be a reduction in

government spending, just in one department alone. Productivity would go straight up, unless you

are a former government employee looking for gainful employment, or maybe work for H&R Block.

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Isn't it amazing how the Dems think that maintaining the same tax rate is giving money to the rich.


Its like when a government department gets a smaller increase than they asked for and call it a budget 'cut' - even though they got more $ than the year before. The local news media goes right along with it and reports it as a budget cut.

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Take the IRS agents that would loose their jobs with the fair tax and let them lateral transfer over to ICE (immigration and Customs Enforcement). I posted it before but if I remember right that would give us 16 agents per mile of border betweeun Mexico as well as Canada. Problem is immigration isn't a priority because of money. When an illegal works here under false or stolen documents do you think they file tax returns at the end of the year? I seriously doubt it. Take the 11 million (yeah right) that are here illegally. If each were to be eligble for a $100 return that is $1.1 billion in unclaimed money for the government. A lot of money to look the other way. I seriously doubt that money is used to offset the burden they put on society as a whole because we have all seen an increase in our costs to cover explosion in illegal immigrant population.

The reason the fair tax would never happen is it gives control back to the citizens. If we don't like how our money is being spent then we stop spending money, curtailing the governments budget. If it did pass it would force the government to save for the rainy days rather than spend every red cent, and then some, like they do now. I would like to see a national sales tax on everything sold. Get rid of state sales taxes and any form of income tax. Set the rate at 30%. 30% is way lower than anyone pays right now with all other taxes combined but because it gets those who don't normally pay taxes (drug dealers, illegals, welfare babies) the amount collected would be huge.

For those on government assitance, not unemployment, there should be a few mandatory things they must do. First, you must do something and not sit on your ass all day. Whether it be pick up trash, answer a phone, or something else, you must do something to help and not hinder society. Second, you must submit to a random drug test once a year. 1st offense lose of benefits for a month. 2nd offense six months and 3rd offense lose of benefits for life. And finally some sort of birth control. Nothing permanent but as long as you are suckling at the government tit you shouldn't be able to bring another suckler into the world. And with this if you are found to not be on birth control you lose benefits in the same way as when you are using illegal drugs. And along with all of this if after you are on assitance you get arrested you lose benefits in the same ways as above, 1st offense 1 month, 2nd offense 6 months, 3rd offense life. I am not worried about those who got in trouble before but after you are on assistance you should be expected to be a law abiding citizen, which isn't that hard to do.


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Take the IRS agents that would loose their jobs with the fair tax and let them lateral transfer over to ICE (immigration and Customs Enforcement). I posted it before but if I remember right that would give us 16 agents per mile of border betweeun Mexico as well as Canada. Problem is immigration isn't a priority because of money. When an illegal works here under false or stolen documents do you think they file tax returns at the end of the year? I seriously doubt it. Take the 11 million (yeah right) that are here illegally. If each were to be eligble for a $100 return that is $1.1 billion in unclaimed money for the government. A lot of money to look the other way. I seriously doubt that money is used to offset the burden they put on society as a whole because we have all seen an increase in our costs to cover explosion in illegal immigrant population.

The reason the fair tax would never happen is it gives control back to the citizens. If we don't like how our money is being spent then we stop spending money, curtailing the governments budget. If it did pass it would force the government to save for the rainy days rather than spend every red cent, and then some, like they do now. I would like to see a national sales tax on everything sold. Get rid of state sales taxes and any form of income tax. Set the rate at 30%. 30% is way lower than anyone pays right now with all other taxes combined but because it gets those who don't normally pay taxes (drug dealers, illegals, welfare babies) the amount collected would be huge.

For those on government assitance, not unemployment, there should be a few mandatory things they must do. First, you must do something and not sit on your ass all day. Whether it be pick up trash, answer a phone, or something else, you must do something to help and not hinder society. Second, you must submit to a random drug test once a year. 1st offense lose of benefits for a month. 2nd offense six months and 3rd offense lose of benefits for life. And finally some sort of birth control. Nothing permanent but as long as you are suckling at the government tit you shouldn't be able to bring another suckler into the world. And with this if you are found to not be on birth control you lose benefits in the same way as when you are using illegal drugs. And along with all of this if after you are on assitance you get arrested you lose benefits in the same ways as above, 1st offense 1 month, 2nd offense 6 months, 3rd offense life. I am not worried about those who got in trouble before but after you are on assistance you should be expected to be a law abiding citizen, which isn't that hard to do.


You're being kind to the IRS agents, Dolomite.

Ah, heck, it's Christmas.

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... I would like to see a national sales tax on everything sold. Get rid of state sales taxes and any form of income tax. Set the rate at 30%. 30% is way lower than anyone pays right now with all other taxes combined but because it gets those who don't normally pay taxes (drug dealers, illegals, welfare babies) the amount collected would be huge...

That essentially IS the Fair Tax.

- OS

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