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Show this weekend @ Expo Center

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the expo has a security licence their uniforms say kcso which stands for knox county saftey officer read the small print on shoulder patch

according to the state dept of ins the security licence is the expo center corp.

Ah, IC.

They are the Expo's own in-house security, not contracted from the outside.

Thanks, I think I get it now.

- OS

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David and I both contacted the state after the incident earlier this year. I had everything I needed to file a formal complaint but decided against it and allowed the promoter to make things right, which he did.

As I said before the Expo Center is responsible for their own security as part of the contract with RK Shows. They charge RK Shows for the security they provide rather than allow RK to provide his own which is how it was a few years ago when the KCSO officers worked it. After my last incident I probably spent 30-45 minutes total talking to Rex, the promotoer, about everything related to his shows as well as the Expo Center.

Maybe I'll call Rex and see if he is going to make it down that way he can see first hand. I doubt he would see it unless he made sure they didn't know it was him. I don't know him well but I got the feeling he would do anything to try to make his shows better for his customers.


Edited by Dolomite_supafly
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Guest RevScottie

I bet the threats of arrest for selling guns can be traced back to vendor complaints. I'm sure that vendors are none to happy with having to pay for space and then having to compete with private sales.

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I bet the threats of arrest for selling guns can be traced back to vendor complaints. I'm sure that vendors are none to happy with having to pay for space and then having to compete with private sales.

Some of the vendors are outside trying to buy up personal guns from people walking up. So they are in on it too, except I havnt seen any of them sell. I bet a lot complain while the others are outside.

Then there is the regular non vendor guys that are at every show in Tennessee. I've been to shows in Bristol, Nashville and Knoxville over the years. Its the same people out front traveling the circuit. I dislike this the most. These travelers sell guns like their selling crack. Anybody who has been to more than one show knows what I mean. These are the ones I bet the vendors hate most.

All the while security is trying to enforce rules or complaints not having a clue how to do so. There lies the liability for RK and the security company. The gray haired guy is going to do something really stupid to the wrong person and get sued, arrested or both.

.....and I'm sick of the RK Show commercials already, lol

Edited by Tncobra
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Guest mrkirker

FWIW, I'll probably show up Sunday, for lack of anything else to do. Saturday a/m, I'll be at the range, empting some brass.

I don't attend too many shows here, it seems that it's just the some stuff, recycled over and over.

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Guest RevScottie
See you guys around lunch time....gonna wait for the mailman to hopefully bring me an expense check from work :)

Maybe you are getting a subscription to the Jam and Jelly of the month club instead, you know it's the gift that keeps on giving :)

I'd hoped to come up this weekend but Xmas stuff keeps popping up :tough:

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I had a good time at the show today. Hung out with the usual crew as we blocked isles and watched Caveman do some torture testing on some of his merchandise.

Also watched the "KCSO" steal ammo from people why were trying to check their guns. One elderly woman was not too happy about it.

Ken, what happened to you today man?

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Went today wasnt much used stuff. I ended up buying a glock 19 3rd in like new condition. I already have a od glock 19 but the price was right so i bought another. Wasnt many outside trading going on guess it was to cold. I heard thier getting really strict though. Later AL

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