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Why does this always happen at Christmas time....


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[Rant] Driving home the other night from Nashville down 40W, my transmission went TU, stopped going forward while in gear. I had a blown return line so I figured that might have been the issue, nope....

Tranny's fried. 2k+ to rebuild... :)

Right at f-in Christmas time. I don't have the money to get this fixed, so it looks like borrowed cars and lots of overtime for the next few weeks to get the fundage together to get it paid for.

Then I have to worry about presents for the family, this is going to suck, hard, again....


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Then I have to worry about presents for the family...

A small piece of advice: Don't do that part. Worry about getting the money together for what you need, and don't lose any sleep over an unnecessary luxury like Christmas.

People have become programmed to believe they HAVE to spend at Christmas or they're somehow a bad person. Screw that, it's not true. Do what you can and don't worry about the rest. The bad people are the one's that wanna look down their noses at you for it. Your family should understand.

... and that'll be the end of MY rant for the day. :)

Edited by Jamie
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Guest Sgt. Joe

Sorry to hear that friend.

You are right that nothing rotten seems to happen when things are going good for us, they always happen when times are tough and or at Christmas time when we are trying to give to others.

One thing as an old man I can promise ya though,

As messed up as it is right now, you will come through it just fine and when you are my age you will probably have forgotten all about it.

Be thankful that you can borrow rides and still have a job to go to. I have had vehicle breakdowns cost me jobs in the past simply because I could not get to them.

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Your Family will understand. Got to have a ride to make money.

I'm sure they'd rather he fixed his ride than them end up having to support him 'cause he spent too much at Christmas and then lost his job 'cause he couldn't get there. :shrug:

Now THAT would suck for everybody involved. :)

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Yeah, my dog is at the vet with an IV in it. I once knew how to fix problems such as this, but my wife and kids think more of the dog than they do of me. My youngest has strep throat and scarlet fever, and I'll be danged if my throat isn't starting to get scratchy as well. My oldest is on his way to the Orthodonist. $$$CHA-CHING!$$$ But guess what; these are temporary problems that we'll look back on and laugh at. Life's short....live it and get the most from it you can. Kegger, I hope you'll take a bit of advice from someone a bit older without getting your feelings hurt. Times like these are why you don't spend all your money as soon as you get it. An emergency fund ensures that you don't have nearly as many emergencies. I wish someone would have told me this a long time ago. Merry Christmas!:)

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Oh believe me, the truck comes first. I already bought the present that means the most so I'm covered on gifts. I love my mom, eveyone else is just gonna have to deal this year, lol.

I am thankful that I have a vehicle I can borrow, though it looks like my sister-in-law is about to pull that too. Oh well, sh*t happens.

My savings will be gone, and then some, but as long as I can get to Knox this weekend I'll at least stay out of prison.

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A small piece of advice: Don't do that part. Worry about getting the money together for what you need, and don't lose any sleep over an unnecessary luxury like Christmas.

People have become programmed to believe they HAVE to spend at Christmas or they're somehow a bad person. Screw that, it's not true. Do what you can and don't worry about the rest. The bad people are the one's that wanna look down their noses at you for it. Your family should understand.

... and that'll be the end of MY rant for the day. :D


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A small piece of advice: Don't do that part. Worry about getting the money together for what you need, and don't lose any sleep over an unnecessary luxury like Christmas.

People have become programmed to believe they HAVE to spend at Christmas or they're somehow a bad person. Screw that, it's not true. Do what you can and don't worry about the rest. The bad people are the one's that wanna look down their noses at you for it. Your family should understand.

... and that'll be the end of MY rant for the day. :D

+1 on this big time

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I feel for you, there are times you wonder... for instance in 93, old Datsun's tranny blows, walk on to work, sole comes off my only pair of boots, pouring the snow can't find it. Work 8 of a 12 hour shift at 9am. get a call at work, my lawyer says I got to get to the court-house, my x is suing me over more child support. Start walk'n to down town, has warmed up, now pouring RAIN, other sole comes off boot, too tried to pick it up. Got to court house judge is pissed, gets really mad, seeing a muddy wet guy in "his" courtroom. I pull out my receipts from paying child- support, their a wet mess. Her lawyer calls me a lair, I finally loose it, call her a "fata$$ bit**" !! Judge finds me in contempt of court, I get 5 days in jail. Get out ,go to work, no job. Rents due, don't have it. I got no place to live, no job, no runn'n wheels, not even a pair of boots. I get my stuff, walk to the national forest pitch my tent( in Jan.) swapped my last pistol for a pair of boots and a camp-stove. ...... I made it. You will too, I figure when things get bad, they could always be worse. I once lived 2 weeks on a small jar of jelly and a box of crackers and drank creek water. Hold your head up, somebody else has it harder !!!!

Edited by Ae-35
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