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Guest aaron_wil

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Really sad. I know that area well. I have a boat very nearby on Cypress Bay. Just lie you always hear when ever something like this happens, you would not think about

something like this happening here. It is a nice quiet area with a lot of retired people.

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This is not something you'd expect from Paris, but thats the reason we carry because it's usually not when or where you would expect something to happen... terrible

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Are perps more likely to kill victims? It their twisted thinking, "one (or more) less eye wtinesses"

For the Habitual Offender and 3 Strike Laws, the perp knows he or she is going away if caught, so tack on a murder rap or two, life in prison or decades on death row, what's the difference?

Growing up in the early 70s, kid safety was "don't talk to strangers or get in their car."

For home safety, it has evolved to, "don't open the door for anyone you don't know or recognize as a legitimate service provider."

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I'm glad they have this bastard; it's just too bad that the taxpayers now have to go through the expense of a trial and likely keeping him in jail for the next 60 or so years. It's especially sad that this elderly couple didn't shoot and kill this guy before he shot them; they would still be alive and the taxpayers would be saved a lot of money.

I do agree with the posts above; this is yet more evidence that we need to be prepared to defend ourselves at all times and especially so when we least expect to need to do so! Being prepared and being paranoid are NOT the same thing.

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