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Fort Benning 3 gun championship

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just some FYI

this weekend is the Fort Benning 3 gun championship. if you wanted to ever watch the top names in the game now is your chance. most of them are very nice and friendly just let them shoot there stage and put away there gear, before you pose with them for a mug shot.

TV does not do there skills justice. like Jerry M., Bruce P. the Horners, K. Miller slowsure and cloudy777 to name a few.

it starts Friday and goes through Sunday. but only a small amount of shooting on Sunday so be there Friday or Saturday.

bring a little cash for the side match.

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it is unique because of the resources for sure! last year was suppose to be the last one, they promise the match for 5 years. this is #6 do not wait to long cause there may not be a 7 or 8.

good luck

just a note. all you have to do is shoot. the soldiers do everthing for you reset targets, paste etc.

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this year we will get to a belt fed machine gun. and get to start 8am friday on a all shotgu,n stage 27 shot and 4 slugs.

at least with luck Wanda will finally get to shoot a real machine gun as she calls it.

and will be wearing the knee braces lots time going to a knee and 2 tunnels

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day 1 is over. did not fall on my face in trench but it did take me 2 tries to get up after the low crawl to the trench. the long range was upsetting what a time to shoot tac irons. normally the benning match they do have contast behind the targets not this year. spent to much time on he 250 and 425 yard targets. on the 425 i was just guessing about where it was.

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lots of fun.

today we started with SAW and Wanda got to lead off with it. she was a little scared but i told her belt feed machine guns don't recoil. think of them as a girl toy they vibrate and that's all it took.

today on a rifle/shotgun stage i got a compilment from the RO on 18 "A"s and 2 "C"s saying he did not think you could be that accurate with a EO Tech but i think really, what really impressed him was dazzeling shotgun shooting in the cooper tunnel from left and right low ports off the belly

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forgot to tell you Quent the cheap axx had his young son beg the ARMS mount vendor for a badly need new front and on the 2nd day they gave him one and a very nice one at that. i did vouch for Micheal about his dad being a cheap axx.

big thanks to ARMS Mount people

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well we are back home now. had a great time. now that i can say i shot tac irons i will not be doing that again. i came in 14th got a nice prize off the table.

congrads to Cloudy for a 6th place finish in heavy metal. now for some updates.

it does look like there will a match at benning next year. Linda said, she will be turning Benning over to Ms Kitty.

Jemery Parker who normally is a sure top 10 finisher placed 40th

Todd Jarret no longer is with Para, and is making a line AR and 1911 parts under the name of Striker i think he said. he also had a little trouble on the long range stage 140th out of 200+

Jerry Miculek did NOT win open or even make it to the 3 gun nation shot off, the word going around was shotgun issues, he is now using a mossy 930. i wonder for how long?

Taran Bulter got a huge Rolex plus a trip to the prize table.

on the SAW we used standard green tip ammo on Larue steel at close range about 30 yards, the steel seems still to be in good shape.

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do not know but not winning open and the 3 gun nation shoot off cost him the chance at about 10k total. the 5k check, FN SCAR with suppersser, the very hi $ watches that the division winner got and the best item on the open prize table.

also forgot last years D.I. was there on stage 5 and he remember us. but this year he was just a RO.

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some copy and paste from another forum


at the fb3g in the lunch line the word was Jerry M did not win because of shotgun issues in the house. if true what were the issues that knocked him out of the 3 gun nation shoot off?



Talked to Jerry about his Mossy, and generally he said he tinkered with it before the match, and did not prove it before he left LA. Bout what most of us have done at some time or othe r. He did say he was impressed with it, and it was indeed faster than any Benelli he ever shot, and just smoked the 1100 he used to shoot.


thanks, i did talk to him but do not know him well enough to ask what happen. he just said "did not make this time". and we left it at that.

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