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Hello from Fredonia

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I was a member before, but dropped out due to a lot of overseas travel the last year; former user name was 3pugguy. Glad to be back and look forward to reading the various topics.

I am in the Clarksville area, SE side of town - toward Ashland City.

Hoping all had a great Thanksgiving.


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Welcome! Lots of dogs around Fredonia :D

I resemble that remark... :up:

Oh, and Hiya, 7dogguy... from another 7 dog guy... who also happens to be just south of Clarksville but north of Ashland city... but not in Fredonia. :shhh:

Confusing, ain't it? :D;):P

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Welcome back and I assume you have 4 additional dogs now

Well, had seven then but used the Pugs (two original members, the other a rescue, as are all the others). Recently lost our precious old girl; she is in dog heaven now and no longer in pain. But it hurt to see her go. So I am in purely technical terms six dogs, but still have number 7 in my heart.

We love dogs and would have more, but it is a challenge with the ones we have to give them all enough attention. When we started rescuing dogs, we did not intend to get so many but what the heck - we have no kids so we care for dogs. To me, kids, dogs (and domestic animals in general), and the elderly deserve our protection and help.

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