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Duck Season approaches and the boat is ready,..

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DuckBoat1.jpg quietly slipping into backwaters where the big boats can't go or drift hunting a raft up in open water....

ducksview.jpg Last thing a duck/goose will see is the O/U coming out of the "holster"

Have shot geese by drifting close to them with another kayak,.. this one works better (bigger) and the deck mount will keep things accessible yet under control, last time I had to get the gun out from inside the cockpit :( Much safer now...

Usually the motion of the draw will kick them up so no, I am not water raking them.... they are up when they get shot at.

Edited by LngRngShtr
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That is interesting. Can you just like float a river or something and shoot them? This seems like it would be more fun than sitting in a blind.


I have heard of some folks doing it,. I started floating open water because you get that cluster that loves to hang out in the middle where you can't reach ,.. since drifting is legal ( no motor or sail power, but if the current /wind do it it is OK ) you just head upwind and let nature take its course pushing you into range if the birds aren't too spooked,.. sometimes you get to watch them fly away.... sometimes they fly into range sometimes not..

Ever flipped? Is it hard to manage?

I have tried in the warm water weather to flip it,without the gun and have to really work at it, it usually spits me out before it will go "total turtle" .. at 11 ft. long and 27" wide it is actually pretty stable,which makes re-entry easier ..although I do avoid broadside shots,why tempt fate? ?

Most kayaks you see that folks roll are longer/narrower and more round in profile, this boats midsection is more oval with a flat spot on the bottom...

The way it is mounted the gun sits so low it is out of the way of the paddle which is on a leash and simply dropped overboard when you go for the gun the cockpit is deceptively long which makes the gun look like it is further back than it is, the butt is actually about 6-9" away from my belly which puts it right where you want it and balances out the 3 to 8 decoys and gear I can carry in the aft compartment the shooters bag sits in the hull between my knees under the deck..padded floating case goes down the inside along the hull for the trip out and back...


Guest sharpshooter01

Where did you get the "holster"? I've been thinking about trying my kayak out in some river hear in E.TN and would love to keep my O/U on the deck instead of inside. I'm also thinking about taking some burlap that I have and cutting a hole for the cockpit and just draping the rest over the whole boat. It should look like a log floating down the river.

Guest sneakboxer

Nice rig. If you get the chance to use a dedicated sneakbox or skull, do it. It is crazy sliding right through a raft of divers then them jumping up. You could use some fast grass and disappear in the swamp too. I have a jon boat right now and man i miss my sneakbox!

Stay safe and shoot them up.

Posted (edited)

This may surprise you......



HOME DEPOT actually a leftover piece of 3" "soft" PVC pipe from the plumbing section,..they sell it in 2 ft. lengths it has a hard inner and outer skin with a hard foamy inside says not for pressure on it.. and a bit of Krylon.. with 2 1/4" x20 bolts holding it down.. cut in this shape it holds securely but as you draw it naturally rolls the gun upright to clear the "horns"

I would trim any burlap to just cover and slightly over edges of the deck though ice forms easy and if you get too top heavy........

Edited by LngRngShtr
burlap thoughts...
Guest sharpshooter01

I will have to try that, great idea. At first I thought it was some kind of fire extinguisher holder. Thanks for the reply.


Nice duck hunting rig. I don't know anything about Kayaks, but this appears to be a different design. Would you mind telling us a little more about it? For instance, where could one get such a craft, and how much would a model like this cost? It appears it would be the cat's meow for an individual duck hunter that hunts alone on the lake, river, or duck pond. Thanks.


Originally got it at Dick's Sporting Goods,... they discontinued it when the went to the Field&Stream line though they look like an option..Old Town has one that's 12 ft. I think also..

Perception American Angler 11.0 dry weight is 46 Lbs. I think,.. easy to carry to the water and load up I think I draw 6 or 7" when full loaded

A kayaking buddy just got one at Gander Mtn. in Bowling Green on Black Friday I think...they don't show it on website though..not sure how much he paid though I got mine showroom model on clearance for 375 (no paddle no spray skirt etc.) 3 years ago. I want to say his was 450 or so with paddle and PFD. but again that was Black Friday Sales price..

it is 11 ft. long 27" wide load rated for 350 Lbs. large cockpit so it is easy to move around and holds 6 decoys in the after compartment.. blind bag in cockpit and have fun...

BTW if you get "inspected" by a bass boat coming too close it is very stable but you should still know how to keep right side up it can get rough



Thanks for the additional information. It looks like it would be a lot of fun. I was wondering about that "upsetting" possibility by a passing bass boat. That water is awfully cold when there's ice around the edges!

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