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I'm thinking about having some TGO Decals made...

TGO David

TGO Decal...  

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By way of an update...

The first batch of decals arrived yesterday and look great. I'll take some photos tonight and post them for everyone to see. I've been laid up on my back for the past few days after taking a spill on the ice earlier this week, so I'm moving a bit slowly right now and just haven't had the endurance to get up and do much.

I'm also closing the link to order any more decals until I am positive that we have some left over after all existing orders are filled.

Hope to have these in the mail to you all before Christmas.

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  • Administrator

I'm almost done stuffing envelopes and hope to be mailing them out tomorrow. It looks like I may have between 30-50 left over but I need to double check and make sure that everyone who pre-paid receives theirs before I sell any more.

Thanks for being patient.

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  • Administrator

Just a very quick update. I have mailed all of the existing orders out and folks should start receiving them in the next few days. Keep in mind that the USPS is slow right now due to the holiday rush.

Once everyone has received their stickers we'll look at how many extras we truly have left. Of course, everyone had a chance to pre-order so if you missed out this time maybe you'll act faster next time. :D

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk

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