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S&W M&P 15-22 MOE


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I picked up an S&W M&P 15-22 MOE I’d ordered from one of our nicer gun store’s here in Clarksville on Wednesday and due to work didn’t get to really spend any time with it until today. I’m impressed with the workmanship and ergonomics of this rifle, to be honest aside from older S&W revolver’s I’ve stayed away from S&W products for a long time. After this I believe a S&W M&P 15 MOE is on my short list of “to buy†firearms.

I’ll revisit this post with some pictures in a few days as I need to pick up a set of rings to mount a scope on this rifle. The MOE flip up front and rear sights work very well though, so I’ll probably purchase a dot sight to run on it as well. I really hadn’t considered running an AR-15 platform in 22.LR until recently and wish I’d done this sooner now.

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I bought the regular one over a year ago. Since then I've put many thousands of rounds through it. I took off the tac rail and put on a regular AR floater.

Best ammo for me has been Blazer in the brick of boxes. Some reason the 500 round bulk didn't seem to run as well. The regular 36gr American Eagle brick of boxes also works fantastic. I prefer to buy it when I have an option.

I've shot about every brand and grain of ammo and settled on the above with mine.

I will say it's been the best autoloader rimfire gun I have ever owned. Especially cleaning the thing.

The MOE is cool and I'd like one of those too :P

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You should be able to just stick the Magpul stuff on the one you have, correct?

Yeah all of it sticks on. Seems like the MOE is cheaper already done and my converted one is staying. Solution is two rifles!

Time to sell some other firesticks.

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Guest motonut

As I stated in another thread I love my S&W M&P15-22. As for ammo the Fed Match Grade (?) bulk in the 325 rd. boxes work great for me. For the first 100 rds. or so I used CCI Mini Mag, just to break it in.

I found it to be a very accurate firearm w/ the stock sights, put any kind of mag. scope on it and it's a tack driver.

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