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Buffalo Wild Wings letter.

Guest sL1k

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Where did you get that email address. I want to send them a reply but I want to make sure local people see it, not some idiot from another state. I want the local business to get it.

I have one written up ready to go, but I am trying to locate another email address that might be more direct to local, otherwise I can use the same one.

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I guess I'm gonna play Devil's advocate for this one. While I do think that we should be able to carry wherever we want, I don't believe our right to carry trumps individual property rights. I think there should be a limit, I.E gun in car on parking lot, but no one is forcing you to eat at a Buffalo Wild Wings, you don't HAVE to be there. I'm all about trying to change people's minds, but honestly if you tell them the truth and they don't want to hear it and dismiss you, that's pretty much all you can do. Anything past that is basically being mad you didn't get your way.

Those of us who carry like to think we are the most important group because we have good intentions, but we can't love the 2nd Amendment so much we forget the rights of others, whether it makes us happy or not. After all don't we always say the 2nd protects the others? I think we should always try to change minds, but talking about slapping stickers on doors and stupid crap like that is petty and juvenile. There are a million places to eat, but if you love BWW that much then go eat there and carry a TASER or something. Me personally, I don't dine in posted places. The only exception is if I'm out drinking, which is rare, and then I'm not carrying.

Just my opinion on it.

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Those of us who carry like to think we are the most important group because we have good intentions, but we can't love the 2nd Amendment so much we forget the rights of others,.

All that is well said,

However, TN is the only state, AFAIK, that (except for liquor by the drink establishments) has a specific statute about carrying past any posted business that carries a criminal penalty just for that act.

So all the other 47 states in the union that allow carry don't seem to have the same viewpoint. They seem to have no problems differentiating between "individual" private property (your residence/car/camper) and "public" private property (businesses open to the public).

- OS

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You beat me to it! :)

I spent A LOT of time up there on biz the last 25 years and that response does not come as a surprise.

To echo my question, why?

Looks to me about like TN as far as gun stuff; general politics not that different either.


- OS

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All that is well said,

However, TN is the only state, AFAIK, that (except for liquor by the drink establishments) has a specific statute about carrying past any posted business that carries a criminal penalty just for that act.

So all the other 47 states in the union that allow carry don't seem to have the same viewpoint. They seem to have no problems differentiating between "individual" private property (your residence/car/camper) and "public" private property (businesses open to the public).

- OS

Oh I'm all for eliminating the criminal penalty portion. That's a good point though as to why it's an issue to us here. Seems like we need to be after the powers that be then, instead of writing to restaurant owners.

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Oh I'm all for eliminating the criminal penalty portion. That's a good point though as to why it's an issue to us here. Seems like we need to be after the powers that be then, instead of writing to restaurant owners.

Seems to me like we can do both :)

I am very sure most of the places that do post actually do it for the wrong reasons, they think more about the illegal gun owners coming into thier stores and actually believe they will pay attention to that sign. If they were more informed of our logic/standpoint on this the smaller businesses would recognize the benifits of it. I am sure most of the larger businesses however have more political reasons behind it.

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Well look where the home office is...The People's Republic of Minnesota. How shocking they have this 'tude.
You beat me to it! :)

I spent A LOT of time up there on biz the last 25 years and that response does not come as a surprise.

... I've never found it to be a very liberal state.

Looks like drive-by denigration, Erik.

Maybe they confused it with Wisconsin, firearms-wise.

- OS

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Seems to me like we can do both :)

I am very sure most of the places that do post actually do it for the wrong reasons, they think more about the illegal gun owners coming into thier stores and actually believe they will pay attention to that sign. If they were more informed of our logic/standpoint on this the smaller businesses would recognize the benifits of it. I am sure most of the larger businesses however have more political reasons behind it.

There are things in life that a certain percentage of people simply will never react to logically.

Spiders, snakes, and guns are three prime examples.

- OS

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Man...F spiders. BLEH! *shakes*


If people were logical about danger, we'd shake every time we got in a car, and wouldn't even consider a cycle. We wouldn't waste all that fear on snakes and spiders.

Riding in autos is the most dangerous thing that most of us regularly do.

- OS

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If people were logical about danger, we'd shake every time we got in a car, and wouldn't even consider a cycle. We wouldn't waste all that fear on snakes and spiders.

Riding in autos is the most dangerous thing that most of us regularly do.

- OS

Lol agreed. I'm not afraid of dying by a spider. I just hate them and their webs that get on me! I'm man enough to admit though that it's a personal fear and I don't wanna ban spiders. Maybe if we could get the antis to feel the same way we'd be better off. Course then they might just start screaming and trying to squish us with newspapers!

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Looks like drive-by denigration, Erik.

Maybe they confused it with Wisconsin, firearms-wise.

- OS

Have you spent any time there??? If you read my post, I said I spent A LOT of time there, as in every other week on biz for at least 5 years in the early to mid 90's.

Not sure about the rest of the state but everyone I met in Minneapolis/St. Paul was a flaming lib.

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I always have to laugh a bit when someone wants to sue a business that has posted if something happens to them when inside, but then I feel a bit sad. Why, because whatever happened to personal responsibility? You have a choice whether to enter or not/whether to disarm or not. If you disarmed and entered, then you made that choice and therefore should be responsible for your own actions.

Don't get me wrong, I still think "public accommodation" properties (look-it up) should be able to post or at least a posting shouldn't constitute a criminal offense, but that is the law for now anyway.

I believe one reason places post is because everyone is so sue happy....if you shoot someone in their store the store is going to be the "deep pockets" in any civil suit. And even though they more than likely have nothing to do with your actions or those of the person you shot they have now found themselves in the middle of it.

I think another reason some places post, especially after a robbery or the like is so they don't have to wait to see what a person is going to do with a gun, just the mere possession of it is enough to throw them out, have them charged or so on. Like many laws now, they are not designed to punish illegal behavior or prevent it by fear of the punishment, but prevent criminal acts by making any preceding actions illegal.

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Guest RevScottie
whatever happened to personal responsibility?

On the flip side there is also corporate responsibility. Shouldn't the business be responsible for providing you with a safe place to eat your wings? If they are so certain that weapons have no place in public dining then why not put a metal detector at the door?

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On the flip side there is also corporate responsibility. Shouldn't the business be responsible for providing you with a safe place to eat your wings? If they are so certain that weapons have no place in public dining then why not put a metal detector at the door?

But the metal detector would be bad for business. It would make the sheeple afraid. :poop:

Putting the little gunbusters sticker on the door makes everyone 'feel' better. We all know that is the useful extent of the posting.

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Have you spent any time there??? If you read my post, I said I spent A LOT of time there, as in every other week on biz for at least 5 years in the early to mid 90's.

Not sure about the rest of the state but everyone I met in Minneapolis/St. Paul was a flaming lib.

I don't want to derail this thread anymore but yes I have spent a lot of time there. Several weeks every summer growing up till I was about 15. And you are right about Minneapolis but that is probably the only part of the state that is mostly liberal.

Anyways, carry on!

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Guest tnxdshooter
On the flip side there is also corporate responsibility. Shouldn't the business be responsible for providing you with a safe place to eat your wings? If they are so certain that weapons have no place in public dining then why not put a metal detector at the door?

Exactly, fall guy laugh all you want to but it is their corporate duty as a business open to the public to keep us safe. Yes we have a responsibility to keep ourselves safe. Thus if they ban firearms then it is no longer our responsibility to keep ourselves safe inside their posted environment. If they want to post they can provide us with the security we need through security guards etc. If they are not willing to do that and crap hits the fan they need to get held accountable. The only way to do that legally that I can see would be to sue for punitive damages if something did happen while in a posted establishment.

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Guest tnxdshooter
I always have to laugh a bit when someone wants to sue a business that has posted if something happens to them when inside, but then I feel a bit sad. Why, because whatever happened to personal responsibility? You have a choice whether to enter or not/whether to disarm or not. If you disarmed and entered, then you made that choice and therefore should be responsible for your own actions.

Don't get me wrong, I still think "public accommodation" properties (look-it up) should be able to post or at least a posting shouldn't constitute a criminal offense, but that is the law for now anyway.

I believe one reason places post is because everyone is so sue happy....if you shoot someone in their store the store is going to be the "deep pockets" in any civil suit. And even though they more than likely have nothing to do with your actions or those of the person you shot they have now found themselves in the middle of it.

I think another reason some places post, especially after a robbery or the like is so they don't have to wait to see what a person is going to do with a gun, just the mere possession of it is enough to throw them out, have them charged or so on. Like many laws now, they are not designed to punish illegal behavior or prevent it by fear of the punishment, but prevent criminal acts by making any preceding actions illegal.

So, if a place such as walmart is mopping the floor and I slip and fall even if they have a sign out that says wet floor or whatever do you really think I wouldnt be awarded any money if I sued?

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So, if a place such as walmart is mopping the floor and I slip and fall even if they have a sign out that says wet floor or whatever do you really think I wouldnt be awarded any money if I sued?

You'd probably win, but that doesn't make it right.

Neither does your choice to eat at a place that forces you to disarm make it their responsibility to protect you from other people.

If respecting other people's rights pisses you off, take your business elsewhere.

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Guest RevScottie
If respecting other people's rights pisses you off, take your business elsewhere.

What happens when we run out of "elsewheres" to take our business? What happens when all of the grocery stores in town post? Do I move to an Amish community and churn my own butter?

This problem runs deeper than just how I spend my recreational dollars. I can choose if I want to eat out or not but I still have to buy food, gas etc and would rather not have to disarm to do so.

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