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Friend's idea troubling to me

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What they said about the badge. CTAC, wear it everyday, taken classes in it. Can draw as fast with it as I did my Blackhawk Serpa, reholsters great, extra step to do if drawing with shirt tucked in. Comfort, pant sizes are a size, inch, too big for me, once I wore it about a week, I didn't notice it, sometimes, I have to physically check with my hand to make sure I put it on, that's how comfortable it is to me.

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For the “For what it’s worth” category.

I have read many postings on the “Open Carry” Forum. I understand that there are times when it may be OK to open carry, but for the most part they have not convinced me that for everyday carry it is the best way to carry. When you are playing Poker, even with friends, you NEVER show your hand or let anyone know what you’re holding. Why should it be any different with carrying a firearm. Concealed carry may be the very edge you need to defend yourself by surprise or defuse an otherwise bad situation. I think the stigma attached to open carry labels many people as a “Cowboy” wannabe or other undesirable connotations.

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I don't open carry as a general rule but I do make it more accessible if the "spidey sense" tells me to. If I am in an area where people won't freak out if they see a gun, like the stables where my wife boards, I will make the pistol a lot more accessible or even OC. Everyone there knows I carry and there are a few others that regularly do there as well.

In this weather I will wear a shirt and a jacket, both of whcih cover the gun. If I get that tingling feeling I will lift my shirt up and over the pistol while still keeping it covered with the jacket. If the jacket is zipped I will unzip it at that point as well. This gives me less layers to work through if I need to draw. Winter is easy to conceal but summer can be challenging depending on what he wears. I don't have to tuck a shirt in so for me it is easy but if he did have to tuck in his shirts then it would make it harder but not impossible or uncomfortable with the right gear. I would rather wear a business jacket everyday with the pistol under the jacket yet outside the shirt rather than have a pistol tucked under so many layers it would be really hard to get to in a critical situation.


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