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Friend's idea troubling to me

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An old high school friend of mine recently got his HCP and mostly carries concealed. However, at times his dress code requires him to wear his shirts tucked in. Recently while at a local store he was approached by the manager and asked to conceal his firearm because several customers were nervous. He dresses well, and never appears to be a thug. I have, as I'm sure many of you have also, seen police officers off duty, carrying and no one ever seems nervous to me. I was with him at this store and I didn't notice anyone acting nervous, nor did I see any customers approach the manager. We had only been in the store for maybe 7 to 10 minutes, and when we went in I noticed the manager, behind the counter, immediately notice him and started watching us. If anyone was nervous, it was the manager. My handgun was concealed, as always.

Anyway, my friend has decided to buy one of the Handgun Carry Badges and wear one whenever he has to wear his gun exposed, hoping it will prevent anyone from becoming nervous when seeing him, as most off duty police officers do when wearing their badges around our city. He feels what he is doing is ok. I have tried to explain to him the negative side of doing this but he honestly feels it will be for the better. I'm hoping to hear from some of you here and pointing his attention here so that he can see the opinions of most of us concerning these badges.

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Holy smokes!!!! The last thing I would want would be to be mistaken for a LEO. God love them, but I don't have that training and I don't wanna walk around with a bullseye on my back. I admire our LEO's, but I don't want to be one and I don't want to play one in retail stores.

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Guest 1010011010

D&T in Goodlettsville recently had a thread about getting in a shipment of CrossBreed SuperTuck holsters.

If he wants to get a mall ninja brooch and spend his money on jewelry... sure. I wouldn't, but he's not me.

If he just wants to avoid unwanted attention, spend the money on a tuckable holster.

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Thanks for all the comments. I have not seen him in several years and don't hang around with him. I just happened to run into him that day. I have suggested buying an IWB to him, amongst other idea's, but he makes excuses for not having the money to buy another holster. He actually has a nice holster, but it's a paddle, and Ive never seen a paddle that concealed well, so I wonder whether he really conceals at all. I told him all the negative's I could think of at the time for wearing one of those retchid badges, but it's always better to hear it from several others rather than just one, so I'm going to let this serve as my way of letting him see what a mistake he's making. Thanks for the input.

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Guest carbonarcher

What ever happened to "Walk softly and carry a big stick"? I have not even told my family about carrying! I have been to many gatherings and heard some hard core southern people talk about how they feel that carrying is "very extreme"! Yea, till push comes to shove! As they say in poker, hold your hand close to your Vest!!!

Just my 2 cents

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Guest 1010011010

Even with the consensus here on getting a good tuckable holster, I think it'll fall on deaf ears. He just wants the HCP badge and you're probably not going to talk him out of it.

It's a free country. Let him waste his money and learn the hard way.

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Once an idiot has made up his mind, then there's really nothing you can do to change it. If he wants to be a mall ninja, let him learn the hard way.

Personally, I wouldn't hang around with anyone wearing one of those badges. Bad things are going to happen and I wouldn't want to be in the way.

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Holy smokes!!!! The last thing I would want would be to be mistaken for a LEO. God love them, but I don't have that training and I don't wanna walk around with a bullseye on my back. I admire our LEO's, but I don't want to be one and I don't want to play one in retail stores.

I'm not a LEO either, but I did sleep at a Holiday Inn Express last night.......

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Even with the consensus here on getting a good tuckable holster, I think it'll fall on deaf ears. He just wants the HCP badge and you're probably not going to talk him out of it.

It's a free country. Let him waste his money and learn the hard way.

I agree. he's a hard headed kind of guy and personally I think he "wants" one. I see it as a way of giving those of us who make up 99.9% of the people who respect the right to carry a black eye and just one more argument against Handgun Carry. I know that since I got mine I have become a MORE "law abiding" individual and am less likely to get caught up in a road rage incident or in an argument over some meaningless incident. he will regret it one day. Thanks to you all.

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At some point he will be questioned about it by LE about the badge. Even though it is legal it can get him in trouble if it is appears he is acting in a manner similar to LE.

At this point I believe everyone is right in the fact he wants one just to have it and not to prevent anything. If he wanted to prevent problems all he would need to do is cover his gun up. It isn't that hard with the right equipment but it doesn't sound like anything you are going to say is going to change his mind.


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Guest tnxdshooter
he needs a good tuckable holster. like the crossbreed then he would not need that "badge" and it would be more comfortable too

Im sorry yall but I think dm bullard dual carry holsters are better. THey come with the belt clips to carry with shirt tail out and leather straps to carry with shirt tail tucked in.

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Guest tnxdshooter
Advise him to buy one of these instead. I have tried one and once I get some money, I will get one. Concealment Concepts - Concealed Carry Holsters - Cell Pal / PDA PAL

You can get a dm bullard for 8 dollars more that is twice as good. Bullard has gone up 11 dollars on their holsters. At close to 80 some odd dollars they are still a good deal. I kept putting off getting one for my 1911 now I wish I had gotten one back when they were around 68.00 tax and all.

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Im sorry yall but I think dm bullard dual carry holsters are better. THey come with the belt clips to carry with shirt tail out and leather straps to carry with shirt tail tucked in.

That's great, but what's better for you might not be for someone else. I have a couple of Crossbreeds and a K&D Thunderbird Defender. They both serve their intended purpose.

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Im sorry yall but I think dm bullard dual carry holsters are better. THey come with the belt clips to carry with shirt tail out and leather straps to carry with shirt tail tucked in.

The clips can be used for shirt tail out or for tucking, depending on whether you keep them in the slots or move outside them.

By "leather straps" I guess you mean leather belt loops, which can be used to carry either way also. However, they are a $25.00 additional option; I didn't like them, as the vertical extra leather "riser" that makes them compatible with his design I found to be too bulky. YMMV, I guess.

- OS

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I would recommend to your friend to take the $ the badge would cost and put it toward a good tuckable holster.

If only such a holster truly existed... I've bought 3 so far, all of them complete junk... including the much praised crossbreed supertuck, CTAC from Comp-Tac, and a Blackhawk... the most uncomfortable holsters I've ever worn in my life.... And don't even get me started on how hard it was the draw the weapon, and completely impossible to reholster the weapon into those holsters. And none of them were truly tuckable... they always prevented me from getting my dress shirt tucked in... they weren't usable for daily wear while working.

I've spent well over $200 on 'tuckable' holsters none of them I'd wish on my worse enemy... So I just finally made up my mind that comfort was a lot more important to me than concealment... So I switched to a SEPRA for $35 and stopped worrying about what other people thought... If I can I'll wear something to cover the weapon, if I can't... better to be armed than not armed.

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