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Zombie flicks!!!!

Guest REDDOG79

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Guest REDDOG79

What are some of your favorite zombie flicks???

I just watched Autumn off Redbox and it was OK as it was set in England and the zombies had a delay before craving brains.

Romero's movies are great Seen them all: Night, Dawn, Day, Land, Diary and Survival of the Dead

28 Days Later and 28 Weeks later were alright.

and I love the Resident Evil movies.

Probably some that I have seen but forgot to mention so what do you like?

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I can't believe this thread isn't 20 pages deep already. And I can't believe Shaun of the Dead isn't on the top of everyone's list!

what he said

Zombieland and just about anything from Romero too.

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Romero rocks :rock:, Rob Zombie rocks :rock:, Shaun of the Dead - sucks :snore:, Zombieland - sucks :shake:, come on guys, we are talking REAL zombie movies . Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead (both versions), all zombie movies that make you close your closet doors before going to bed :wall:!!! The newest is "The Walking Dead" on AMC, that ones well done. :ugh:

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Guest Lester Weevils

I haven't seen all of them mentioned, but the original black'n'white Night of the Living Dead and Dawn of the Dead are my favs of what I've seen.

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Romero rocks :rock:, Rob Zombie rocks :rock:, Shaun of the Dead - sucks :snore:, Zombieland - sucks :shake:, come on guys, we are talking REAL zombie movies . Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead (both versions), all zombie movies that make you close your closet doors before going to bed :screwy:!!! The newest is "The Walking Dead" on AMC, that ones well done. :ugh:

I keep my closet door open, that's where ole faithful is.;)

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Romero rocks :rock:, Rob Zombie rocks :rock:, Shaun of the Dead - sucks :snore:, Zombieland - sucks :shake:, come on guys, we are talking REAL zombie movies . Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead (both versions), all zombie movies that make you close your closet doors before going to bed :screwy:!!! The newest is "The Walking Dead" on AMC, that ones well done. :ugh:

Blasphemy! Zombieland and Shaun of the Dead are just a different part of the genre.

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Seen Quarantine from '08?

With Jennifer Carpenter, the gal who plays Dexter's sister?

Pretty chillingly claustrophobic flick, the handheld "live" video perspective very effective.

- OS

OS that one scared the living ba-gee-bers out of me, thats the one with the night vision camera? CHILLING!!! I fo sho kept the closet doors closed after that one.

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Blasphemy! Zombieland and Shaun of the Dead are just a different part of the genre.

its a generational thing i guess, the original Dawn of the Dead was most likely made b4 your time therfore you cannot appreciated it. Shaun of the Dead was a spoof----bad casting, bad acting, bad everything. Zombieland - bad casting (a skinny, pimple face kid lacking self confidence especially around wimmin), bad acting, bad everything. Both movies get rated -5........

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Dawn of the Dead (original) and Land of the Dead are about even in second though.

Resident Evil Apocalypse

28 Days/Weeks Later

Shaun of the Dead

I hated Diary of the Dead. I couldn't wait for that movie to end. Survival of the Dead was better, but could have benefited from a larger budget. Romero is by far my favorite of the Zombie Makers. The original and the best IMO.

Zombie movies don't scare me. Never have. I sleep like a baby after watching them. That was part of why I loved Zombieland so much, it took the fun of a zombie movie and did in tongue in cheek.

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Seen Quarantine from '08?

With Jennifer Carpenter, the gal who plays Dexter's sister?

Pretty chillingly claustrophobic flick, the handheld "live" video perspective very effective.

- OS

If you liked that, then watch [REC]

which is the original Spanish version that Quarantine was based (literally frame-by-frame copy with subtitles & a hotter lead). The only reason to watch the original is to watch [REC]2 which is even better than the original(s). Just imagine Quarantine with commandos, demonic possession, and gun- toting children.

Sent from my HTC Incredible using Tapatalk Pro

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If you liked that, then watch [REC]

which is the original Spanish version that Quarantine was based (literally frame-by-frame copy with subtitles & a hotter lead). The only reason to watch the original is to watch [REC]2 which is even better than the original(s). Just imagine Quarantine with commandos, demonic possession, and gun- toting children...

Been waiting for that to roll around on cable...

- OS

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its a generational thing i guess, the original Dawn of the Dead was most likely made b4 your time therfore you cannot appreciated it. Shaun of the Dead was a spoof----bad casting, bad acting, bad everything. Zombieland - bad casting (a skinny, pimple face kid lacking self confidence especially around wimmin), bad acting, bad everything. Both movies get rated -5........

Umm I grew up on movies "before my time" so I can appreciate quite a bit thanks. I get that you don't like the comedy zombie movies, but I think comparing them to actual "horror" zombie films is just an unfair comparison. To each their own.

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Umm I grew up on movies "before my time" so I can appreciate quite a bit thanks. I get that you don't like the comedy zombie movies, but I think comparing them to actual "horror" zombie films is just an unfair comparison. To each their own.

i thinks you are probably right. zombie movies should be "horror" not comical IMO, but as you state to each his own. nothing personal........

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