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Why are people so scared?

Guest ADAM

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I was out with some friends the last night hanging stands and setting up blinds to hunt saturday, and we had stopped in at a little mom and pop to eat restaurant and as we are sitting there cuttin up and shootin the s*** a man comes over and tells us to "turn it down"

that we are being to loud. So we lowered our voices and carried on with our conversation. After we had finished eating and leaving we walked out the door and the man that had asked us to be quite followed us out the door and told us "dont ever come back." When he said that my buddy turned around and told the guy to kiss his ass. The man then said "I have something for you to kiss" and pulled what appeared to be a .22 derringer and pointed it at him. you could plain tell tell that this man was scared, but wasn't willing to shoot. J.R walked straight up to him and quickly disarmed the man in a rather forcefully fashion. He took the mans gun put it in the truck and called the cops. When they showed up they arrested the man for agrevatted assault and told us this wasnt the first time hes been arrested for this. We gave the cops the pistol and went on our merry way. I dont understand why the first thing people do is pull a pistol. What ever happened to taking a good ole ass whoopin? I've always been taught that you dont pull your gun unless you intend to destroy whats in front of you.

Whats your guys opinion?

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Guest clsutton21

First of all, your friend is an idiot. Scared people are more likely to shoot than trained professionals. I do agree though that he shouldn't have pulled the gun.

However, maybe your group should have just said okay and walked on your "merry way" without telling the guy to kiss your ass? Sounds like you all were being a bit immature.

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Immaturity aside, the guy followed them out and pulled a gun, he's lucky he isnt dead. Being told to kiss ones arse is not justifiable for shooting someone, but having a gun pulled on you would be justified.

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I do need to clarify a few things. One is that yes he is lucky that he wasn't shot but I never said he was the sharpest knife in the drawer. He is one of my friends that I've literally known all my life and yes if it is the unexpected thats what hes going to do. Second there wasn't any need for him to follow us out side when we had done what the man asked inside. And besides the guy would have felt funny with three .45' pointed at him but I never thought about drawing.

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What does "sittin there cutting up and shooting the ****" mean? I want to know so I don't get a pistol pulled on ME! Ya'll had been out hanging deer stands. Do ya'll look scary? Are you Charles Manson look alikes? Were you hittin on the waitress or cursing? I ain't never had a gun pulled on me for unruly conduct in a restaurant. If your buddy is crazy enough to walk up to a man and disarm him does he look crazy?

I think it comes down to the fact that the man with the pistol is mentally unstable. If you looked THAT scary he should of let you go on your way. Your buddy is a good man to have around. He should have told the man to kiss his arse.....but I understand.

Edited by Will Carry
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I do need to clarify a few things. One is that yes he is lucky that he wasn't shot but I never said he was the sharpest knife in the drawer. He is one of my friends that I've literally known all my life and yes if it is the unexpected thats what hes going to do. Second there wasn't any need for him to follow us out side when we had done what the man asked inside. And besides the guy would have felt funny with three .45' pointed at him but I never thought about drawing.

Guy pulls a gun on you and you don't even think about drawing yours? My training would have identified a threat and my reaction would be stopping that threat at all costs. I would have been retreating to cover, drawing and preparing to end the threat.

Edited by db99wj
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well like I said he disarmed the man forcefully. And no I didnt think about pulling my piece for the fact I didnt feel like my life was truly threated.And yes we are rather big and burly looking men, but all are truly teddy bears at heart.

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well like I said he disarmed the man forcefully. And no I didnt think about pulling my piece for the fact I didnt feel like my life was truly threated.And yes we are rather big and burly looking men, but all are truly teddy bears at heart.

I don't understand.

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I'm a teddy bear at heart too..but not when someone is pointing a lethal weapon at me and making noises like they're going to use it.

another question. was this guy the proprietor of the place? was he someone in charge?

he had no justification for drawing a firearm. You should prosecute this guy and make sure he sees jail time.

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Probably the reason that i didnt feel threatened is that I was the farthest away, and to there was men that know that we would all have each others back. I dont want to kill anyone over something stupid and anyway most of the time in my opinion a person that goes looking for trouble isn't much of a threat.

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Guest Archminister01
A guy draws a pistol in your face and says, "kiss this" and you dont think about defending yourself with your sidearm? Odd.....

Why is it that you carry? A man that you know nothing about pulls a weapon and points it at you in a threatening manner, but you determined that he wasnt serious and didnt draw yours nor take any defensive action? I do not know you personally and I am willing to bet your a stand up fella, but going strictly off what has been written, your buddy isnt the only dull knife.

Either you have unknown and untapped psychic ability or you need to rethink your reasons for carry. The differnce between dead and alive in a drawn weapon situation is smaller than anyone would like it to be. I am thankful that none of you was shot, killed or injured in anyway shape or form. Your friend is probably a really good guy, but he just cashed in another of his fate tickets on that one. And for the record, big and burly still doesnt stop fired ammunition.

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The reason I started this post is that I have seen this happen twice now and both times the weapons were drawn more for intimidation rather than defense. The first time That I ever saw this happen I or my party was not envolved or did we now the two people, the guy that pulled the gun was badly beaten and I do mean badly beaten by the man who had the gun stuck in his face,and this was at a well known restaurant in Johnson City,and the second was last night. I just dont understand why the first thing that pops into someones head during a confrontation is to pull a weapon.

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I do have a carry permit, but I rarely carry a weapon. I mainly carry when I go and long trips from home or when I'm hunting for a backup weapon but other than that no I dont carry. I dont feel the need in going armed and keep myself out of situations (most of the time) that I would need a weapon. I am the type of person that tries to walk away. I just feel that I can defend myself rather well without a weapon, and if that gets me shot then so be it.


Nobody knew who the man was. This is a little diner that we eat at alot the owners, and staff know all of us pretty good.

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I just feel that I can defend myself rather well without a weapon, and if that gets me shot then so be it.

That's what's setting the meter off for me.

I have a very liberal niece who thinks she can defend herself from an attacker with a firearm using her minimal martial arts skills.

That's what I call living in La-La Land.

Ain't buyin' a word of this.

Edited by DaddyO
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Guest bluecanary25
well like I said he disarmed the man forcefully. And no I didnt think about pulling my piece for the fact I didnt feel like my life was truly threated.And yes we are rather big and burly looking men, but all are truly teddy bears at heart.

Then be sure to carry a deminutive handgun to offset your big burliness!!! :lol:

Hot Pink Cobra 22LR derringer comes to mind.......

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I do have a carry permit, but I rarely carry a weapon. I mainly carry when I go and long trips from home or when I'm hunting for a backup weapon but other than that no I dont carry. I dont feel the need in going armed and keep myself out of situations (most of the time) that I would need a weapon. I am the type of person that tries to walk away. I just feel that I can defend myself rather well without a weapon, and if that gets me shot then so be it.


Nobody knew who the man was. This is a little diner that we eat at alot the owners, and staff know all of us pretty good.

But alas, you have either been near where someone pulled a gun or has had a gun pulled on them. That's 2 more times than me and I live in a big scary dangerous city of Memphis.

It is probably safe to say, all of us that are questioning you would rather walk away and would defend themselves without drawing a weapon under most circumstances, but in this situation, an aggressive person followed you and your friends out and pulled a gun....on you and verbally threatened you. It is not like he walked out and put up his fists, he pulled a gun on you guys. At that moment, this guy escalated the event to a different level. If someone pulls a gun on me, I'm not going to wait around to see if he is "serious" or not, I'm reacting and acting. It seems you don't understand how close you or one of your friends became to having an extra hole in them. Thank God no one got shot, but this could have easily been a story of how one of your friends got shot the other night.

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Reasons to not draw your weapon on an armed adversary:

1: Backstop is a bunch of kids, nuns, elderly celebrating a birthday party.

2: Adversary is too close to draw on without first distracting him by saying "Look over there. . . BOOBIES!"

3. Police on the scene already about to shoot that fool, thus saving you legal fees.

NOT reasons to not draw your weapon on an armed adversary:

1: Afflicted with Big & Burly Disease

2: WHY? My boyz gots my back!

3: He just actin' crazy. I mean a derringer? Really?

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Reasons to not draw your weapon on an armed adversary:

1: Backstop is a bunch of kids, nuns, elderly celebrating a birthday party.

2: Adversary is too close to draw on without first distracting him by saying "Look over there. . . BOOBIES!"

3. Police on the scene already about to shoot that fool, thus saving you legal fees.

NOT reasons to not draw your weapon on an armed adversary:

1: Afflicted with Big & Burly Disease

2: WHY? My boyz gots my back!

3: He just actin' crazy. I mean a derringer? Really?


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Guest tnxdshooter
I was out with some friends the last night hanging stands and setting up blinds to hunt saturday, and we had stopped in at a little mom and pop to eat restaurant and as we are sitting there cuttin up and shootin the s*** a man comes over and tells us to "turn it down"

that we are being to loud. So we lowered our voices and carried on with our conversation. After we had finished eating and leaving we walked out the door and the man that had asked us to be quite followed us out the door and told us "dont ever come back." When he said that my buddy turned around and told the guy to kiss his ass. The man then said "I have something for you to kiss" and pulled what appeared to be a .22 derringer and pointed it at him. you could plain tell tell that this man was scared, but wasn't willing to shoot. J.R walked straight up to him and quickly disarmed the man in a rather forcefully fashion. He took the mans gun put it in the truck and called the cops. When they showed up they arrested the man for agrevatted assault and told us this wasnt the first time hes been arrested for this. We gave the cops the pistol and went on our merry way. I dont understand why the first thing people do is pull a pistol. What ever happened to taking a good ole ass whoopin? I've always been taught that you dont pull your gun unless you intend to destroy whats in front of you.

Whats your guys opinion?

Yeah, definitely should not have tried to disarm the guy. Also, is this in the knoxville area? I seem to remember a dude dropping a derringer at food lion or some store up there and it going off and nearly hitting someone.

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