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Some of the morons at Comedy Central's Sanity gathering

Guest 6.8 AR

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This rally was in the same grain as Colbert's dumb, and waste of time, self indulgent use of a congressional

hearing. I considered both to be in the same level of stupidity. They were using the stage to promote

themselves as if they were some kind of credible source of wisdom. And they did this primarily to mock

Beck's crowd, which dwarfed them, by the way. If you don't like Beck, so what? I don't care. It wasn't

why I posted this, anyway.

I don't get my news from comedians.

And yes, Lester, they do seem to have a different version of rationality and sanity.

You better read the crowd estimates again.

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The rally was a blast. Far less partisan than almost anyone would've guessed, really the overall message was that our collective national discourse is and has been polluted by an over-active over-sensationalized 24-hour news-cycle that does much to generate buzz and zero to generate progress.

I don't care what side/ideology you're buying, if you think you've got it figured out 100% correctly you should just consider yourself part of the problem.

6.8AR, most of what you post is complete 100% BS and is basically propaganda. More or less this entire section of this forum is poisoned by what falsehoods you and to a lesser extent a few others post here. Forums in-general are usually considered places to discuss and share opinions, not propagate an agenda as you've been treating it. I'd implore you to take a look in the mirror and realize it's obvious to everyone on here that you hardly have anything truly figured out at all and that perhaps discourse may mean that before arguing, it may be worth a little of your time spent making an effort to understand where other points of view may be coming from before making it your mission to drown them out by shouting your opinion and false-facts over them. Many of your postings have made me honestly feel genuine empathy for you and truly hope that you are taking necessary steps to keep your predisposition towards delusion and angst in-check and are not taking your feelings of unrest and intense partisanship to areas of your life where it would have a negative effect on your family, friends, or co-workers.

Before you make your next post or start your next thread consider this fact: you are not righteous, you are not more informed, mostly you are just a liar.

(btw, Glenn Beck's rally's attendance was 85,000+, yesterday's Stewart/Colbert rally's attendance was 215,000+)

;):D Now that's some really constructive discourse there. So, if he agrees there is no discourse. If he disagrees he is self righteous and irrationally angry. Interesting. I can't wait till I get as enlightened as the liberals to know that no one can know except the liberals who know that no one else knows what they know and when they do they will then be the blessed intelligentsia. (read thick sarcasm.):D

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I apologize for my mini-tirade guys, it's just that the same-old constant political BS that gets posted in this section by the same little group of kooks just gets infuriating sometimes.

As a public service announcement, I'd like to take this opportunity to hopefully remind some of those same idiots I'm talking about that our founding-fathers just happend to be "east-coast liberal elites", and that if Lincoln had not been assassinated (and Andrew Johnson hadn't been such an easy-to-bribe southern-sympathizing wuss...) many of the same old-boys-club/aristocratic organizations and influences that have them regurgitating their nonsense and voting against their own economic interests (whether knowingly or unknowingly) would not even exist. Turn off Fox news and read some history books fools, TN is one of the dumbest states in the country already and there's no need to make it any worse.

Sorry if I'm starting to sound like a kook too, but the political fake-BS being pushed around here most of the time is just maddening.

Time to recuse myself, politics on TGO just end up giving me a headache or have me looking into relocating.

Edited by CK1
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I apologize for my mini-tirade guys, it's just that the same-old constant political BS that gets posted in this section by the same little group of kooks just gets infuriating sometimes.

As a public service announcement, I'd like to take this opportunity to hopefully remind some of those same idiots I'm talking about that our founding-fathers just happend to be "east-coast liberal elites", and that if Lincoln had not been assassinated (and Andrew Johnson hadn't been such an easy-to-bribe southern-sympathizing wuss...) many of the same old-boys-club/aristocratic organizations and influences that have them regurgitating their nonsense and voting against their own economic interests (whether knowingly or unknowingly) would not even exist. Turn off Fox news and read some history books fools, TN is one of the dumbest states in the country already and there's no need to make it any worse.

They were only East Coast till they forced open the frontier so they could move. ;)

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Guest Sgt. Joe
The rally was a blast. Far less partisan than almost anyone would've guessed, really the overall message was that our collective national discourse is and has been polluted by an over-active over-sensationalized 24-hour news-cycle that does much to generate buzz and zero to generate progress.

This I can agree with 100%, our media, ALL included are the folks who are continuing to keep us more divided. Confrontation is better news to them than a whole bunch of people getting along.

We can have, should have and always will have our differences, but at the end of the day we are all Americans and that is what gives us the right to disagree and even to hold rallies such as the one mentioned in the OP or even Beck's. We would all do well to remember that.

United we can still stand strong, why our media seems hell bent on continuing to divide us I have no idea.

I don't care what side/ideology you're buying, if you think you've got it figured out 100% correctly you should just consider yourself part of the problem.

6.8AR, most of what you post is complete 100% BS and is basically propaganda.

I do hope you understand that the above is simply your entitled opinion, it is of no more value than that of 6.8AR's nor mine. Not everyone agrees with 6.8AR, not everyone agrees with me, and Sir not everyone agrees with you either.

Before you make your next post or start your next thread consider this fact: you are not righteous, you are not more informed

A good time to take your own advice because frankly Sir, neither are you, yet your post implies that you think you are.

And notice I left out the name calling part. I have not been here all that long but I am pretty certain that is a violation of the forum rules and if I am not mistaken they do apply to everyone.

Why is it that some folks can not have a civil disagreement without resorting to calling those who do not agree with them names? I dont understand it personally I learned that lesson in elementary school.

(btw, Glenn Beck's rally's attendance was 85,000+, yesterday's Stewart/Colbert rally's attendance was 215,000+)

These numbers are simply estimates, if you have not noticed different people have different estimates. And does it really matter other than at the polls?

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Guest Lester Weevils
I apologize for my mini-tirade guys, it's just that the same-old constant political BS that gets posted in this section by the same little group of kooks just gets infuriating sometimes.

As a public service announcement, I'd like to take this opportunity to hopefully remind some of those same idiots I'm talking about that our founding-fathers just happend to be "east-coast liberal elites", and that if Lincoln had not been assassinated (and Andrew Johnson hadn't been such an easy-to-bribe southern-sympathizing wuss...) many of the same old-boys-club/aristocratic organizations and influences that have them regurgitating their nonsense and voting against their own economic interests (whether knowingly or unknowingly) would not even exist. Turn off Fox news and read some history books fools, TN is one of the dumbest states in the country already and there's no need to make it any worse.

Sorry if I'm starting to sound like a kook too, but the political fake-BS being pushed around here most of the time is just maddening.

Time to recuse myself, politics on TGO just end up giving me a headache or have me looking into relocating.

Newark and Detroit have much more intelligent people. Fabulous places to move. ;)

It is fabulous that you are smart enough to know what other folks best interests are, and how they ought to vote in furthering those interests!

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Guest Sgt. Joe
I apologize for my mini-tirade guys, it's just that the same-old constant political BS that gets posted in this section by the same little group of kooks just gets infuriating sometimes.

As a public service announcement, I'd like to take this opportunity to hopefully remind some of those same idiots I'm talking about that our founding-fathers just happend to be "east-coast liberal elites", and that if Lincoln had not been assassinated (and Andrew Johnson hadn't been such an easy-to-bribe southern-sympathizing wuss...) many of the same old-boys-club/aristocratic organizations and influences that have them regurgitating their nonsense and voting against their own economic interests (whether knowingly or unknowingly) would not even exist. Turn off Fox news and read some history books fools, TN is one of the dumbest states in the country already and there's no need to make it any worse.

Sorry if I'm starting to sound like a kook too, but the political fake-BS being pushed around here most of the time is just maddening.

Time to recuse myself, politics on TGO just end up giving me a headache or have me looking into relocating.

Boy you sure are ON IT with the name calling tonight.

So if I happen to watch FOX news which you do not know if I do or not I am a fool?

Andrew Jackson was a Wus?

Tennessee one of the dumbest states? Please cite the source for any of that, other than your entitled opinion that is.

Better yet please DO relocate to one of the SMART states.

I think us dumb wussie fools just maybe can make it OK without you.

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Guest mosinon

Odd, when you paint your opponents as "liars" or (even worse) "liberals" you aren't really giving them their due. You turn them into cartoons. Oh, that guy listens to Glen Beck, Rush Limbaugh and so forth. While in the meantime the conservative guy thinks you are running around hugging (and spiking) trees in a tie dyed t shirt.

The truth is that if people were to forget about the cartoon representations of their "opponents" they'd find a lot of common ground.

But common ground isn't productive for either party, can't whip your base into a frenzy on the plank: ""We mostly agree"

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The rally was a blast. Far less partisan than almost anyone would've guessed, really the overall message was that our collective national discourse is and has been polluted by an over-active over-sensationalized 24-hour news-cycle that does much to generate buzz and zero to generate progress.

I don't care what side/ideology you're buying, if you think you've got it figured out 100% correctly you should just consider yourself part of the problem.

6.8AR, most of what you post is complete 100% BS and is basically propaganda. More or less this entire section of this forum is poisoned by what falsehoods you and to a lesser extent a few others post here. Forums in-general are usually considered places to discuss and share opinions, not propagate an agenda as you've been treating it. I'd implore you to take a look in the mirror and realize it's obvious to everyone on here that you hardly have anything truly figured out at all and that perhaps discourse may mean that before arguing, it may be worth a little of your time spent making an effort to understand where other points of view may be coming from before making it your mission to drown them out by shouting your opinion and false-facts over them. Many of your postings have made me honestly feel genuine empathy for you and truly hope that you are taking necessary steps to keep your predisposition towards delusion and angst in-check and are not taking your feelings of unrest and intense partisanship to areas of your life where it would have a negative effect on your family, friends, or co-workers.

Before you make your next post or start your next thread consider this fact: you are not righteous, you are not more informed, mostly you are just a liar.

(btw, Glenn Beck's rally's attendance was 85,000+, yesterday's Stewart/Colbert rally's attendance was 215,000+)

When you get down off your high horse and prove to me and several others that what I post is Barbara Streisand, I will sing

Cumbaya(sp) and buy you a beer. And that last line you wrote about attendance is from where? Of the pictures of the two events

I saw, from various places, it appears quite the opposite.

I think it's hilarious if you wish to take a jab at me. Knock yourself out.:D

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From what I saw, the official part of the event was pretty calm, logical, and they actually made some good points. Many of the attendees took the opportunity to make political statements that were exactly what the organizers were talking about (and undoubtedly those particular attendees were too stupid to realize it). I'm definitely not a fan of Colbert or Stewart, but they have the right to say what they want and just because I don't like their politics doesn't mean they don't have anything legitimate to add to the debate. I'm glad to see folks on the left who are actually willing to debate the issues openly instead of just throwing insults.

And let's be clear on crowd counts: There is no 'official' crowd count. If you really care about the 'truth' of these counts, just Google any particular event and you will find that event supporters always inflate the numbers while event detractors low-ball the numbers. Case in point is the Beck rally. Supporters (such as Beck and FoxNews) claim 300,000 to 1 million. Detractors (such as CBS and Huffington Post) say 80,000 or less. The One Nation rally shows almost identically opposite results. Left-wing sources gave really high estimates of 200,000 plus while right-wing sources go far less. The Colbert/Stewart rally will be the same. From the pics I saw, there were obviously more there than I expected would actually show up. I also know that the One Nation and this rally were attended by people bussed in by left-wing groups like SEIU. It is entirely possible that the same sort of 'astroturfing' took place at the Beck rally, but I don't know for sure. Just looking at the pics myself using my unscientific eye, I would suspect the turnout was about the same for each. One problem is that Beck used the Lincoln Memorial for his rally, which stretched the crowd out all the way down the Mall. The other rally was concentrated near the Capitol, which concentrated the crowd there. Crowd counts are far from an exact science and since they are done by people - who are potentially guided by their own biases and political ideologies - I don't put much faith in them. A lot of people showed up for all of them.

I do know from my reading of reports that the crowd at the Beck rally was mostly white and the media made claims of racism. The crowds at the other two left-wing rallies were also mostly white, but the media made no such accusations of racism.

Edited by East_TN_Patriot
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From what I saw, the official part of the event was pretty calm, logical, and they actually made some good points. Many of the attendees took the opportunity to make political statements that were exactly what the organizers were talking about (and undoubtedly those particular attendees were too stupid to realize it). I'm definitely not a fan of Colbert or Stewart, but they have the right to say what they want and just because I don't like their politics doesn't mean they don't have anything legitimate to add to the debate. I'm glad to see folks on the left who are actually willing to debate the issues openly instead of just throwing insults.

Unfortunately, both sides are guilty of throwing insults. That's what the political machine wants us to do, and we follow blindly. They want us to be extremists. It makes them money, and keeps our eyes off the ball.

EDIT: Take a minute and watch the whole speech. Nothing liberal about it, even tho it's coming from one.


Edited by mikegideon
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Yeh, it's interesting how the charge of racism gets thrown at non-liberals, while

MLK's niece was on stage at the rally of "white" radicals, hosted by that evil Beck.

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Sorry if I'm starting to sound like a kook too, but the political fake-BS being pushed around here most of the time is just maddening.

Time to recuse myself, politics on TGO just end up giving me a headache or have me looking into relocating.

So you're on a gun site and surprised by an overwhelmingly conservative point of view? :D

Odd, when you paint your opponents as "liars" or (even worse) "liberals" you aren't really giving them their due. You turn them into cartoons. Oh, that guy listens to Glen Beck, Rush Limbaugh and so forth. While in the meantime the conservative guy thinks you are running around hugging (and spiking) trees in a tie dyed t shirt.

The truth is that if people were to forget about the cartoon representations of their "opponents" they'd find a lot of common ground.

But common ground isn't productive for either party, can't whip your base into a frenzy on the plank: ""We mostly agree"

We're not supposed to agree. That's why the founding fathers wanted a multi-party system. People who act like discourse and argument is bad for the country need to think about it. If your opinion/view is X and the government is doing Y, how else do you think it's going to change?

Another thing I find interesting is how this rally was supposed to be the one that ends the divisiveness, yet every single one of those signs in that video was a direct jab at Tea Partiers. Great job on that one.

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Sigh. Name calling. Lovely. AR6.8 can be open minded, please remember this. Also,remember, name calling does not say anything about the target, but about the one who says it. Wish the politicians would remember this when they start the mud slinging.

Beck is a pundit. It is his job to stir people up, and make them angry. So they will listen to him and he makes money.

Stewart and Colbert are comedic pundits. They parody and make fun, so people will listen to them, and they make money.

They only difference: One is out of anger, the other comedy.

This said, both groups have made valid points.

The 24 hour news pundit concept has negatively impacted the view of the American people, focused on the fail, instead of the ingenuity and resilience of the American People... A disservice, at best.

Worse, the new opening, where PACs and special interests can now flood the airwaves with their high dollar commercials, has pushed the general public's view further down towards failure.

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Yeh, it's interesting how the charge of racism gets thrown at non-liberals, while

MLK's niece was on stage at the rally of "white" radicals, hosted by that evil Beck.

Beck isn't evil... he's delusional. It's hard to say which group has the most racists, especially since there are lots of black racists too. The point (that you seem to be missing) is that it's a very small percentage of the whole. You and I are friends, but disagree alot politically. Frankly, i think mostly we disagree on who we trust. You're certainly not the enemy. That honor goes to the people that take advantage of BOTH of us every day. It ain't just Liberals.

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We're not supposed to agree. That's why the founding fathers wanted a multi-party system. People who act like discourse and argument is bad for the country need to think about it. If your opinion/view is X and the government is doing Y, how else do you think it's going to change?

Another thing I find interesting is how this rally was supposed to be the one that ends the divisiveness, yet every single one of those signs in that video was a direct jab at Tea Partiers. Great job on that one.

Those folks have been conditioned. The message was against that conditioning. Hopefully, they learned something.

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Can we who watched it agree that:

Kid Rock was awesome!

Ozzy would've been awesome if he wasn't interrupted by the lame comedy bit.

Sheryl Crow kept screwing up the lyrics.

2 of the O'Jays looked half-dead.

Sent from my HTC Incredible using Tapatalk Pro

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