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Without Permit decal

Guest GlockenVol

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We need to work next year with some legislators to remove the teeth from this sign statute. The best way to remove the teeth of the sign statute without a big fuss would be to cut the fine down considerably to a civil offense, like twenty five bucks for not leaving a property, ensuring someone does not have his permit suspended or revoked, and making someone's gun is not confiscated over a sign.

Some states have a sign statute to make people feel better, like Missouri and Minnesota, but you can't really get in trouble and worry about any sort of criminal offense, large fine, and technically gun seizure.

I agree, but am afraid it may be hard to get done.

One fact alaways brought up when trying to allow carry somewhere (restaurants) has been they can always post....well if violation of a posted sign isn't seen as much of a detterent, then some may prefer to see more places off-limits by statute.

Again...I agree, just afraid it could be a double-edged sword....

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I may be wrong, but I believe the main reason businesses, city parks, banks, etc. put up the gun buster signs is they are afraid of the legal ramifications of a civil lawsuit in the event of a shooting, justified or not. With the lawsuit happy and wacky lawyers of our society today, it's a real fear. Add to that some fear losing their $$$ more than their life and you get gun buster signs.

Sadly, they are not going away anytime soon. If we were having more physical bank and store hold-ups, and it was really getting into their pockets, it might change. But, if one innocent bystander got caught in friendly fire, it'd all be over with again.

My business debit card was hacked not long ago. The bank manager told me that most bank robberies were happening now days by means of ID theft. The threat$ they are feeling are not from the ones coming through their doors. They are only losing pennie$ there.

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Has anyone spoken with any of the legislatures and asked if their will be any enchancements, additions, or subtractions of the current law as it reads? If Haslam wins and being all pro-gun........at last report, he would sign it...wouldn't he?

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I will write an email to Curry Todd and Doug Jackson. What are some key points that I need to ask? Help me form a letter. I get a response from Rep Todd every time I send something.

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I will write an email to Curry Todd and Doug Jackson. What are some key points that I need to ask? Help me form a letter. I get a response from Rep Todd every time I send something.

1. Under existing law, 39-17-1359 says that penalty for carrying past a sign is "a Class B misdemeanor punishable by fine only of five hundred dollars ($500)."

However, 39-17-1352 says "The department shall suspend or revoke a handgun permit upon a showing by its records or other sufficient evidence that the permit holder ... Has violated any other provision of §§ 39-17-1351 — 39-17-1360".

2. Need to take any penalty away from carrying in posted establishments. Most states have no provision for it. The ones that do, simply allow that if asked to leave, can be charged with trespassing for non compliance. TN is the ONLY state that has a criminal penalty for carrying past a sign. And criminals aren't even charged with it, only HCP holders.

3. Desperately need for folks to be able to keep their firearms in their cars where they work. Employers are effectively denying their employees to defend themselves to and from work. This would apply to ANY employer, except for federal, I guess.

- OS

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Has anyone spoken with any of the legislatures and asked if their will be any enchancements, additions, or subtractions of the current law as it reads? If Haslam wins and being all pro-gun........at last report, he would sign it...wouldn't he?

Have created a new thread to continue this discussion....


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