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Allowing firearms in parks draws note of protest

After reading Matthew Daly's story, "47 senators would allow firearms in national parks," I was shocked and very upset.

I cannot understand why any senator would support such an effort. As the story states, "The current regulations were developed to ensure public safety and provide protection for wildlife, noting that before such a ruling was in place, people would go into the parks and shoot wildlife."

Our national parks are some of the few places left in this country where families can go to have a good time without worrying about being shot

Pitiful, simply pitiful!

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How comforting that our state Senate, that august body, has found the time among all of these critical issues to make Tennessee's bars and taverns safe for gun owners.

The juxtaposition of high-powered handguns and alcoholic beverages is sure to enhance public safety.

once again we are at the "bar bill"
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Maybe if we promised only to carry "low-powered handguns" into bars they would be OK with that.

The whole anti mindset is just pitiful for being misinformed. The bottom line is this: the responsible folks will continue to act responsibly. The irresponsible folks will continue to act irresponsibly. We have laws already in place to cover the latter group and any additional laws simply infringe on the responsible group.

Any questions?

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Guest bkelm18

Well thats fine. But I bet when these people have a family member raped/murdered/beheaded they're going to wish something could have stopped it. They'll probably blame it on the police. Whatever. Natural selection's a b*tch.

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Well thats fine. But I bet when these people have a family member raped/murdered/beheaded they're going to wish something could have stopped it. They'll probably blame it on the police. Whatever. Natural selection's a b*tch.

These anti-gun sheeple, when the SHTF, will stand around wringing their hands and crying "somebody do something". Not to worry, the police will be there soon, maybe they can bring your loved ones back to life.

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Guest CrazyLincoln
The juxtaposition of high-powered handguns and alcoholic beverages is sure to enhance public safety.
Geehehe... Me an' my redneck buddies hopes this law passes so we can all go out drinkin' with our 454's on our hip to blast away whoever we get pissed at. What? No 'high-powered' handguns? Durn, I gots to carry a .32. I cain't kill nothin' with that. Durn do gooders and their families...... :rolleyes:
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  • 2 weeks later...
The bottom line is this: the responsible folks will continue to act responsibly. The irresponsible folks will continue to act irresponsibly. We have laws already in place to cover the latter group and any additional laws simply infringe on the responsible group.

Any questions?

Well said.

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