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New Bellevue gun shop

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I saw a new shop in Bellevue. YES, REALLY!

It's near Sam's Club on OHB next to the Subway and across the street from Rojo Red's car wash. Does anyone know anything about this one? They were closed yesterday. Looks like the hours are 9-9 Mon-Sat. I couldn't tell if they were open for business yet or not.

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You beat me to the post. I got lucky and noticed them on a Saturday when the were having a viewing day. They told me they'll be officially open on November 1st. At least one of the men working there is former law enforcement. I walked in and he recognized that I was part of Nashville State's police science academy by my shirt. He asked about the instructors and he said he knew the older ones really well and used to work with them. I'm definitely gonna be spending a lot of time there whenever I get a frikkin' job again.

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Well I guess I just heard him wrong on the opening date then. The good news is that it no longer matters that I don't have any money because I'm still jobless, with that place opening up I wouldn't ever have any money even if I had a job.

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You beat me to the post. I got lucky and noticed them on a Saturday when the were having a viewing day. They told me they'll be officially open on November 1st. At least one of the men working there is former law enforcement. I walked in and he recognized that I was part of Nashville State's police science academy by my shirt. He asked about the instructors and he said he knew the older ones really well and used to work with them. I'm definitely gonna be spending a lot of time there whenever I get a frikkin' job again.

I roll by you guys every afternoon. I work at the reserve center behind Nashville State.

as a side note there is a thread on this already. I googled the store name when I drove by it Sunday and a TGO thread was one of the returns.

Edited by Daniel
edit to remove my inappropriate comment.
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