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Is Halloween evil? One man says yes!


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Posted (edited)
It is funny to me, too, how our own traditions become so much a part of our lives that we don't even stop to consider how odd they are or how much they would appall us if we were on the outside looking in. For instance, there is an old belief in the Christian (largely some Catholic) faith called 'transmogrification'. According to this belief, the bread and wine used for the Sacrament are transformed into the flesh and blood of Christ and the participants are, quite literally, eating Christ's flesh and drinking Christ's blood. Holy cannibalism, Batman! To me, that is a whole lot more disturbing than a cardboard ghost stuck on someone's front door.

Um... Unless someone Catholic chimes in different I was under the impression this is the exact belief of Catholics. It's like one of the tenets.

*and here it is.*


Edited by Daniel
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It is funny to me, too, how our own traditions become so much a part of our lives that we don't even stop to consider how odd they are or how much they would appall us if we were on the outside looking in. For instance, there is an old belief in the Christian (largely some Catholic) faith called 'transmogrification'.

almost . . "Transubstantiation"

but back on topic . . MORE CANDY PLEASE !

almost . . "Transubstantiation"

but back on topic . . MORE CANDY PLEASE !

Yes, transubstantiation, it is a fundamental difference in belief between the Catholic Church and protestant religions. Taken from Jesus words in Matthew 26:26, also said several other times. It has been said, by biblical scholars, that many people left after Jesus said these words, "Take and eat. This is my body." And taking the chalice, he gave thanks. and he gave it to them, saying : "Drink from this, all of you. For this is my blood of the new covenant, which shall be shed for many as a remission of sins." Catholics take this as the truth. Many disciples left that day because they could not understand this. Typically when Jesus told a parable that shocked people, he would go further and explain the parable so that there is no misunderstanding, however, after he said this, he did no such thing. When the protestants split from the Catholic church, this is one of the beliefs from the early church that was not believed in. That is my basic understanding of that.

Anywho, I love Smarties and Sweettarts, I get my fill during Halloween. Oh, and 100grand candy bars. They are my favorite.

Guest KimberChick

100 grand.....ZOMG. it's like a Crunch bar mated with a MilkyWay Caramel.....

If Cadbury ever offers a Halloween/Christmas version of the Cadbury Creme Egg.....Katie, bar the door! :poop:

BTW, am I the only person who likes those peanut butter filled saltwater taffy things?

100 grand.....ZOMG. it's like a Crunch bar mated with a MilkyWay Caramel.....

If Cadbury ever offers a Halloween/Christmas version of the Cadbury Creme Egg.....Katie, bar the door! :poop:

BTW, am I the only person who likes those peanut butter filled saltwater taffy things?

That come in the orange and black wax paper? Oh nom nom nommmm!

100grand???!!! Now that's an abomination before God! Yuck! :)

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Dude, you are wrong for that! As Kimberchick said, a crunch bar that mated with a milky way caramel FTW!!!!


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We've been through this. Feet.:poop:

For Halloween I might go as a cop, from Bartlett, wearing Crocs.

:) He's going to light me up the next time I roll through Bartlett isn't he!:D

I'm of the opinion that people need to lighten up and focus on the true evils of this world.......Teletubbies.

Teletubbie land...there is evil there that does not sleep.

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I'm of the opinion that people need to lighten up and focus on the true evils of this world.......Teletubbies.


Guest KimberChick
That come in the orange and black wax paper? Oh nom nom nommmm!

Dude, you are wrong for that! As Kimberchick said, a crunch bar that mated with a milky way caramel FTW!!!!


Now, if they'd just start making snack-sized Mars bars.....Richard Simmons would have to cut a hole in my house to drive in the forklift and rescue me from my own ruination....

Oh yeah....Target has bags of Vanilla Tootsie Rolls right now.....amazing...

We've been through this. Feet.:poop:

For Halloween I might go as a cop, from Bartlett, wearing Crocs.

:) He's going to light me up the next time I roll through Bartlett isn't he!:D

LMFAO hes gonna kill you. Where's he been away? Figured he'd have been all over the gay thread...

and now we shall die together lol

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Now, if they'd just start making snack-sized Mars bars.....Richard Simmons would have to cut a hole in my house to drive in the forklift and rescue me from my own ruination....

Oh yeah....Target has bags of Vanilla Tootsie Rolls right now.....amazing...

I'm gonna buy you a bag of that stuff for the party just to see you grab it and run off like a rabid squirrel lol

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LMFAO hes gonna kill you. Where's he been away? Figured he'd have been all over the gay thread...

and now we shall die together lol

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Quoted to preserve the evidence!

And yes and I don't know where he has been!

Quoted to preserve the evidence!

And yes and I don't know where he has been!

He just posted about googling his wife. I assume he'll be along soon enough. :lol:

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My third grade teacher didnt celebrate Halloween. She said it was against her religion too. So while the other classes where having their Halloween parties we were going over spelling. She also lived in my neighborhood and would had out little pamplets to the trick-or-treaters that told why Halloween was bad. Needless to say her house got rolled every year until she stopped giving the pamplets out. Rolling her house was alot better than any candy she could have given us anyway.

I HATED those people as a kid! Those and the ones that would hand out an apple.

An apple....a ****ing apple, lady? :mad: For that you get egged!

100 grand.....ZOMG. it's like a Crunch bar mated with a MilkyWay Caramel.....

If Cadbury ever offers a Halloween/Christmas version of the Cadbury Creme Egg.....Katie, bar the door! :hat:

BTW, am I the only person who likes those peanut butter filled saltwater taffy things?

Mary Janes....mmm Those are the bestest!

I also love candy corn :(:lol:

Guest RevScottie

Yes we are going to allow those who come and worship with us on Oct 31st to come in costume.

Journey Chattanooga | Facebook

What I find so amusing is all of the churches who do Fall Festivals because they don't celebrate Halloween and its pagan roots. I would say most if not all of them don't realize that what they are doing actually more closely resembles the pagan harvest festivals than Halloween does.

Yes we are going to allow those who come and worship with us on Oct 31st to come in costume.

Journey Chattanooga | Facebook

What I find so amusing is all of the churches who do Fall Festivals because they don't celebrate Halloween and its pagan roots. I would say most if not all of them don't realize that what they are doing actually more closely resembles the pagan harvest festivals than Halloween does.

Harvest festivals were not pagan in nature, but were part of pagan cultures where it existed as well as every other society. Every agrarian society celebrated harvest time according to their particular religion or culture. It meant they were thankful they would make it a little while longer. :D Halloween was purely a druid/dark magic ritual to solicit the spirits of the dead. Not exactly the same.

Guest RevScottie

Halloween is often traced back to Samhain which was a harvest festival celebrated with bonfires, food, and drink which sounds an awful lot like church Fall festivals :)

Halloween is often traced back to Samhain which was a harvest festival celebrated with bonfires, food, and drink which sounds an awful lot like church Fall festivals :)

All Hallows Eve, jack o' lanterns, spirit evocation, even trick or treating is very clearly identified and traced back in history through the druids rituals. It's lineage is probably clearest of any other holiday. What similarities they share is coincidental and not something to damn church's for hypocrisy with. There is plenty of that in other more important areas.


Smith, Revscottie you guys are both technically right.

Samhain marked the end of the harvest, the end of the "lighter half" of the year and beginning of the "darker half". It was traditionally celebrated over the course of several days. Many scholars believe that it was the beginning of the Celtic year.[3][4][5] It has some elements of a festival of the dead. The Gaels believed that the border between this world and the otherworld became thin on Samhain; because some animals and plants were dying, it thus allowed the dead to reach back through the veil that separated them from the living. Bonfires played a large part in the festivities. People and their livestock would often walk between two bonfires as a cleansing ritual, and the bones of slaughtered livestock were cast into its flames.[6]

The Gaelic custom of wearing costumes and masks, was an attempt to copy the spirits or placate them. In Scotland the dead were impersonated by young men with masked, veiled or blackened faces, dressed in white.[7][8] Samhnagturnips which were hollowed-out and carved with faces to make lanterns — were also used to ward off harmful spirits.[8]

Guest RevScottie

All I was saying is that Autumn celebrations can also be traced back to non Christian traditions yet the church embraces those while rejecting other traditions as evil no matter how they are celebrated in modern times.

I think this video does a great job explaining it all ;)


Although I'm quite sure people can be evil, I have a hard time buying that dates on the calender can... Well, except for Mondays... :-\

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