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Chattanooga Tivoli Carry Allowed? Search allowed?

Guest RevScottie

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Yea they had a right to search him, but only because he opened his mouth. Doesn't sound like anyone involved was exceptionally bright. I just don't know why you would ask going through a security checkpoint if carry was allowed if you weren't carrying. It's a question better left for another time I would say. If someone asks me "Can I carry a gun here?" and I say "No." and then ask them if they are carrying and they tell me "No." it's going to perk me up a bit too.

Where I work we don't allow carry, but we are not posted. If I see someone carrying I'm always polite, but I do ask for a permit. They don't have to show it to me obviously, but they don't have to stay on my property either. I've yet to have an issue with a permit holder though. People carrying illegally...different story lol

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Isn't there another thread here about "don't ask, don't tell"?

Yea, it has discussed. Not a Lawyer or spokes person of one, but unless posted in general you have permission. However, keep in might some places cities don't have to post like some parks which is just wrong. I think any and all off limit places should be posted or they should not be allowed to prosecuted. I also think the signs should be of a certain size and should be on the door. We should not have to play hide and seek to find them. But that is a rant for another time.

However from what I read, seems they where not carrying but may have been trying to be clear on the rules of the location for future. Perhaps they are new HCP people and being extra cautious as they don't want to accidentally break rules, that and since the place seems to do RANDOM searches which to me is WRONG under illegal search and seizure, 4th Amendment, I don't think I am stretching it to far since they are employed by the city government.

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Probably would have been better to check ahead of time, but not sure the question should have caused so much scrutiny.

Also it does seem the couple was trying to "pin them down" on an answer. I would have take the "we prefer if you didn't" as a signal that Yes, it is legal, but if becomes an issue we may ask you to leave.

As far as the response "City ordnance says....." someone need to re-read 39-17-1314 sounds like.

Normally I would say this was just a normal question....but it seems this couple was intent on stirring the post just a wee bit at least.....

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