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I've been voting for 30 years...

Mark A

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Yes, I am an old fart. I remember the very first time I got to vote. My boy Reagan won that year. I remember how excited/proud I was to get to vote.

Every election since then I've felt good about voting. I may be depressed about a lot of things going on but election day is always a great day.

I voted early today. I usually don't vote early but when I realized that voting early would allow to avoid my regular polling place ( a school - no carry) I decided to give it a shot. It took me about a minute.

So yes, I am an optimist. But at least for today, the fact that we live in what is STILL the greatest country out there makes me happy...


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Mark, I've never missed voting in any election since I got old enough to vote.

Unfortunately, there's been too many elections where I didn't like any of the choices we were offered. Guess that's probably my fault. I ought to get active in the primary process, if I don't like the ones that go on to the general election.

I used to get excited, too, figuring that I was exercising my constitutional right to choose who represented me. But for the past while, it just seems that I've had to pick between the devil and the deep blue sea. So thanks for reminding me that even with everything that's wrong with this country, it's still the greatest one on the planet.

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I've been voting since 1976. I voted for Carter in 76 then I studied in Europe in 77-78. When I came home, I voted for Reagan in 1980 and have become increasingly more conservative since. What I saw in Europe convinced me I didn't want to live like them. Unfortunately, despite my votes, increasingly I am. I'm not nearly as optimistic.

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Guest mustangdave

Same as MikePapa...76 was my first time to the polls...and I to voted for Jimmah...then I promptly went into the Navy cause Jimmah and the gov't made going to college a financial headache. Saw Europe from the flight deck and liberty launches of USS Dwight D. Eisenhower CVN-69...got to see how FUBAR'd Europe was and still is...in 1980 voted Reagan into office...especially after Operation Eagle Claw blew up in our faces... was part of the 'relief" force for that one too...have gotten more and more conservative as the years have drug on...and it seems a miracle that I survived a Vietnam era liberal almost hippy upbringing in northern California...and...I OWN GUNS too...how's THAT!!!

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Guest Sgt. Joe

1976 for me also, only it was not Jimmy.

Disapointing to lose your first but I kept coming back for more.

I hope to get the early voting done tomorrow.

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I was actually excited about getting to vote for the first time in 92. Freshman year in college, and getting to vote made me feel like a grown up. I didn't really start feeling grown-up until I had to start paying back student loans and paying taxes. I've been voting ever since. My record hasn't been very good on presidential elections, about 40%. Bush, Dole, Bush, Bush, McCain.

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1976 for me also, only it was not Jimmy.

Disapointing to lose your first but I kept coming back for more.

I hope to get the early voting done tomorrow.

I voted today and I've been voting since '75 I lost my first presidential vote to Carter also. I vote in every election that comes up.

The only time that I voted for President and felt that it was the best man for the job was Reagan. All of the others were more like voting for the lesser of two evils or voted for one just hoping that he would beat the other. McCain is the latest example of that.

It sure would be nice to have real candidates for a change.

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My first vote was for Nixon in '72.

I've never voted for a Democrat but I'm not a Republican. I'd vote for a conservative Democrat but I've never had the chance.

I did vote for a Nazi once in a primary - he was running against the Democrat incumbent. :)

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....Yes, I am an old fart. I remember the very first time I got to vote. My boy Reagan won that year. I remember how excited/proud I was to get to vote.

Every election since then I've felt good about voting. I may be depressed about a lot of things going on but election day is always a great day.

I voted early today. I usually don't vote early but when I realized that voting early would allow to avoid my regular polling place ( a school - no carry) I decided to give it a shot. It took me about a minute.

So yes, I am an optimist. But at least for today, the fact that we live in what is STILL the greatest country out there makes me happy...

Mark ....


We still are privileged to live in the greatest country on the face of the earth. The Creator has allowed us to live in the time of the right to vote where individuals can, in fact, have some impact on their leadership thru the voting process thru the rights of free political speech and the right to bear arms. Those three things together make this country great. The vote wont work if the other two things are not in place. Thats the upside of our great nation. The downside is the quality of the candidates (...for the most part...).

My first vote was in 1968 where i had the honor and privilege to vote against that great Democrat (...not Demorat; he wasn't a commie...) Hubert M Humphrey (....i also voted against a third party candidate named George Wallace...). I cast my vote for the infamous Richard M (...Mousehouse...) Nixon. Things were pretty hot in those days due to Vietnam and the squalling of the civil rights movement. Those were interesting times. Still, it was a great thing to be able to vote (....i was 22 years old at the time...)!! Nixon carried 32 states and won in a landslide.

I have voted in ever election since that time; local, state, and federal. I (...like Mark...) am always both gladdened and humbled at the opportunity to vote. The candidates may be pitiful, crooked, or commie; but the US Constitutional process is great.

Remember this picture. The right for that donkey to carry those ballots and allow the woman to vote cost a bunch. Folks would do well to remember that and thank the Creator for the privilege that, sadly, many in America take for granted or are cynical about. Thanks to all you veterans who have secured and continue to secure this great blessing for us all!!!


Food for thought.


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I too first voted in 1976. I also voted for Carter. While this sounds like a big mistake in retrospect, you have to remember a few things. Ford's great campaign to end inflation was to wear buttons saying "Whip Inflation Now!" Inflation and interest rates were sky high, unemployment was high, the gas crisis was still in full effect, and we had just watched the Fall of Saigon on the evening news. In light of all that, it would have been a miracle for Ford to get elected.

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Guest mustangdave
I too first voted in 1976. I also voted for Carter. While this sounds like a big mistake in retrospect, you have to remember a few things. Ford's great campaign to end inflation was to wear buttons saying "Whip Inflation Now!" Inflation and interest rates were sky high, unemployment was high, the gas crisis was still in full effect, and we had just watched the Fall of Saigon on the evening news. In light of all that, it would have been a miracle for Ford to get elected.

....and...the NATIONAL SPEED LIMIT was dropped to 55 friggin miles an hour

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