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WallyWorld ammo question

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I think you are exactly right. Those that worship the "god of money" worry the most about offending any potential customer, no matter how nutty or foolish.

My guess is that they figure the loss in revenue from a relatively small group (...hunters and gun owners...) is offset by the "political correctness" and gratitude that it engenders in the weenies that may like the idea of "no guns and no ammo".


Oh, I doubt it.

So far they've just decided guns/ammo sales by spreadsheet. They've said as much.

Pure profit motive, which I expect to continue.

I'm surprised that any of them still sell guns at all, though, as the profit margin for the sales clerk/manager salary vs time spent with the phone/paperwork just wouldn't seem to be there.

- OS

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I asked for some 9mm at our local Walmart and they were out of stock of the Remington and Winchester that day, but the salesman handed me a box of Tulammo. I had never heard of this brand and asked about it. He told me they were made in the same factory as Remington and Winchester. HELLO...black box with giant red letters that say "MADE IN RUSSIA"!! He tried to cover his butt by telling me his brother used to work at the Winchester plant and they were the same exact thing with different packaging. Who trains these clowns at Wally World?!?

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I asked for some 9mm at our local Walmart and they were out of stock of the Remington and Winchester that day, but the salesman handed me a box of Tulammo. I had never heard of this brand and asked about it. He told me they were made in the same factory as Remington and Winchester. HELLO...black box with giant red letters that say "MADE IN RUSSIA"!! He tried to cover his butt by telling me his brother used to work at the Winchester plant and they were the same exact thing with different packaging. Who trains these clowns at Wally World?!?

No one. WW is as much a threat as the dems. Remember when they used to be on the "made in America" bandwagon?

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Guest clownsdd

Dumb question, but why are you wallyworlds not supporting your local gun shops, rather that the king of all rip offs and sorry service? Price ain't everything.

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Dumb question, but why are you wallyworlds not supporting your local gun shops, rather that the king of all rip offs and sorry service? Price ain't everything.

I thought conservative ideals were to make a profit by besting the competition and circumventing unions?

Where has WalMart failed at this?

- OS

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Guest clownsdd
I thought conservative ideals were to make a profit by besting the competition and circumventing unions?

Where has WalMart failed at this?

OS, you are like me, old enough to remember the local stores where if you messed up, your daddy or momma was going to find out. If you needed something, you got it and could pay them later.

I'm a centrist more or less, though I don't see what political beliefs have to do with it. Wally deals like sears and ripoff used to do. Pressure on the suppliers to keep prices down because of quantity and lack of service. I deal with locals ie hardware, gun shops, car repair etc. IMHO it ain't all about the buck but the service.

You have a world wide company that don't give a rat's rear about your community vs a local businessperson trying to make a living and contributing to the community.

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I thought conservative ideals were to make a profit by besting the competition and circumventing unions?

Where has WalMart failed at this?

OS, you are like me, old enough to remember the local stores where if you messed up, your daddy or momma was going to find out. If you needed something, you got it and could pay them later.

I'm a centrist more or less, though I don't see what political beliefs have to do with it. Wally deals like sears and ripoff used to do. Pressure on the suppliers to keep prices down because of quantity and lack of service. I deal with locals ie hardware, gun shops, car repair etc. IMHO it ain't all about the buck but the service.

You have a world wide company that don't give a rat's rear about your community vs a local businessperson trying to make a living and contributing to the community.

I like to wax nostalgic also; growing up, my bank would just "cover" a bounced check for a few days and give me a call, etc. Buy guns, ammo at the local hardware, etc.

But hey, if WalMart didn't supply the type service at the price point that people want in general, then it wouldn't be in biz, so it's difficult to call it anything except effective retailing.

Btw, I paid a little extra to let a local puter shop order my new laptop, and also suss out power failure in a 5 year old desktop, which THEY built.

They've really dropped the ball, wish I'd gotten the laptop online and dropped the desktop box at Best Buy.

Also, several of the gun shops around here have the customer relations skills of Attila the Hun.

- OS

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Guest clownsdd

Yea, stuff happens..but once you find a local you can deal with you ain't gonna go back.

Computers are a whole different ballgame and I ain't goin' into that.

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I wouldn't drive past a locally owned gunstore to buy guns and ammo. But Wallyworld is near, and I pass it all the time. Our privately owned gun stores are 20 miles away. So, it's hard not to buy some ammo from WW from time to time. I miss Darr's in Red Bank. Come on back, Eddie!

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Guest tnxdshooter
I expect Walmart will eventually go away from handgun ammo. That's what Kmart did in most stores. Rifle and shotgun ammo is somewhat seasonal but handgun can not be tied to a season. Unless you consider "election season"

Kmart stopped selling it because the ammo that was used in the columbine massacre was purchased from K-Mart.

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Dumb question, but why are you wallyworlds not supporting your local gun shops, rather that the king of all rip offs and sorry service? Price ain't everything.

I'm stuck between supporting the local gun shop & paying twice as much or going to Walmart and dealing with idiots! It's hard to support the local gun shop when they charge $5-10 more for the same box of Remington, CCI, or Winchester ammo. I'm all for supporting local business, but I'm not made of money. The local shop is where I buy my HP ammo like Hornady & Gold Dot, but I have to buy where the price is better when I can.

Example: I needed a sight hood for my Marlin and the local gun shop wanted to charge me $35...FOR A SIGHT HOOD!! I ordered it online and got it for $6 brand new from the factory.

Example 2: I needed a new stock bolt for my Mossberg 500. $18.00 at local gunshop....found one for .95 CENTS down the road.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I hate that it is happening, but local shops are going by the wayside. There is no way to compete with Buds or Trading over the forums. Walmart is part of our free market system. Gun shop owners can take in used guns and sell them at a reasonable profit, but I don't see that very often.

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I hate that it is happening, but local shops are going by the wayside. There is no way to compete with Buds or Trading over the forums. Walmart is part of our free market system. Gun shop owners can take in used guns and sell them at a reasonable profit, but I don't see that very often.

I have had forum vendors match or beat Buds.

The only time I had to buy from Buds was when the forum vendors didn’t have a PLR-16 and couldn’t get one.

I have bought a couple of M&P’s and a .308 Panther from Hero Gear that was less than Buds even before shipping or transfer. I also bought a new S&W 617 from G&L that was less than Buds.

All you have to do is let them know what you are looking for.

I buy WWB range ammo from Wal-Mart because it is more reliable and much cleaner than the other cheap ammo and no one beats Wal-Marts price.

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Guest mr_b8908

Any decent gun shop around me is always marked up 10-20% of what wally world charges..... and by god, buy a gun from a local vender, they think they are GOLD!!!

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Walmart may be the largest employer in America but there is nothing "American" about them. It is a proven fact that Walmart destroys communities and actually creates a -2 job impact for every one person it employs. They purposely hire part time people and do not hire people for full time to avoid having to offer benefits. Also they encourage and force companies to ship manufacturing to China in order to increase their profit margins for themselves. Back when they were supposedly a Made in America store, they were found attaching made in America tags on items and then using the ignorant approach and saying the tags were made in america. The reason we are in this turmoil is not because of one political party or the other, it is because you can not support a middle class in any country without a manufacturing base, and let's face it we don't make anything any more. People wan't to blame unions, or blame the people but the one to blame is greed. Until corporations start restructuring and bringing jobs back to America it will only get worse. The only way to fix the problem is to stop supporting companies who ship jobs over seas. Patronage your locally owned and operated businesses and buy American. People talk all day about being patriotic but then buy nothing made in America. I will gladly pay more for something I know keeps someone here working. I call it patriotic tax and pay it proudly.

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I have had forum vendors match or beat Buds.

The only time I had to buy from Buds was when the forum vendors didn’t have a PLR-16 and couldn’t get one.

I have bought a couple of M&P’s and a .308 Panther from Hero Gear that was less than Buds even before shipping or transfer. I also bought a new S&W 617 from G&L that was less than Buds.

All you have to do is let them know what you are looking for.

I buy WWB range ammo from Wal-Mart because it is more reliable and much cleaner than the other cheap ammo and no one beats Wal-Marts price.

I've also found local stores that have made me very good deals. I prefer to buy local, but I'm also not afraid to shop them against each other and ask them to price match...

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Guest tnxdshooter

I always buy the federal fmj 180 grain 40 walmart special for about 15.00 a box. It is cheaper than the winchester wb and shoots cleaner and seems to feed better and be more accurate as well. Also, the walmart here in dayton has really revamped things and they are actually selling Winchester PDX1 rounds now.

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Guest tnxdshooter
Dumb question, but why are you wallyworlds not supporting your local gun shops, rather that the king of all rip offs and sorry service? Price ain't everything.

It is financial.

Why pay 23.00 a box for ammo at a gun store when I can get that exact same brand of ammo in the same quantity at walmart for 15 bucks?

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The reason we are in this turmoil is not because of one political party or the other, it is because you can not support a middle class in any country without a manufacturing base, and let's face it we don't make anything any more. People wan't to blame unions, or blame the people but the one to blame is greed. Until corporations start restructuring and bringing jobs back to America it will only get worse. The only way to fix the problem is to stop supporting companies who ship jobs over seas. Patronage your locally owned and operated businesses and buy American. People talk all day about being patriotic but then buy nothing made in America. I will gladly pay more for something I know keeps someone here working. I call it patriotic tax and pay it proudly.


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Guest 85rx-7gsl-se

Ok just wanted to make sure. Yeah I went to the range last weekend and shot some Federal FMJ and Hollowpoints as well as some Tula. Everything fed fine and shot well but I would notice a power plume every couple shots with the Tula.

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Walmart may be the largest employer in America but there is nothing "American" about them. It is a proven fact that Walmart destroys communities and actually creates a -2 job impact for every one person it employs. They purposely hire part time people and do not hire people for full time to avoid having to offer benefits. Also they encourage and force companies to ship manufacturing to China in order to increase their profit margins for themselves. Back when they were supposedly a Made in America store, they were found attaching made in America tags on items and then using the ignorant approach and saying the tags were made in america. The reason we are in this turmoil is not because of one political party or the other, it is because you can not support a middle class in any country without a manufacturing base, and let's face it we don't make anything any more. People wan't to blame unions, or blame the people but the one to blame is greed. Until corporations start restructuring and bringing jobs back to America it will only get worse. The only way to fix the problem is to stop supporting companies who ship jobs over seas. Patronage your locally owned and operated businesses and buy American. People talk all day about being patriotic but then buy nothing made in America. I will gladly pay more for something I know keeps someone here working. I call it patriotic tax and pay it proudly.

That's certainly one way to look at WalMart.

The antithesis is of course that Sam Walton is the perfect example of the Great American Entrepreneurial Principle. Sell what the people want at a lower price than the competition but still make a profit. Wally found ways to innovate acquisition and distribution that no other entity had ever achieved, including the US military.

Guessing maybe 20% of what Walmart sells is American made (not counting food). Point is that at least 50% of the rest of it is NOT made in America anymore anywhere, so there's no homegrown option anyway.

It's a complicated issue, but you can't necessarily fault an American success story, especially in a Marxist business climate where both individual and corporate success is punished and failure is rewarded.

- OS

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...let's face it we don't make anything any more. People wan't to blame unions, or blame the people but the one to blame is greed. Until corporations start restructuring and bringing jobs back to America it will only get worse.

What do you mean "we don't make anything any more"? The value of U.S. manufactured goods is more than any country in world!

Don't blame a company for moving factories. If a person in Indonesia with the equivalent of a 2nd grade education can do the same job as a union worker here, why on earth would anyone pay $40/hr & leave the factory here? The ONLY competitive advantage most foreign made goods have is reduced labor costs.

Besides it IS the idiots in Washington that reward companies for relocating. They shouldn't offer any company any incentives of any kind for any reason. They should keep their grubby paws out of the economy. All they do is make things worse.

They can't add import taxes to protect our companies, b/c we export more goods than anyone else. If we apply import tariffs, others will do the same to our goods & our manufacturers will suffer the most.

There's a reason why Nissan, Toyota, Honda, and Kia are building most of their cars here. It's b/c they save money. How? It's b/c they won't deal with unions. They pay a fair wage and still make a profit.

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