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You Memphis Metro People, Yes or not For Charter?

Guest uofmeet

The new Charter for a metro Goverment  

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  1. 1. The new Charter for a metro Goverment

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100% AGAINST consolidation. I think City of Memphis needs to be pushed back to inside the 240 loop and everything else be either County or municipal governments. I have watched the city government destroy this town in my lifetime and I'll be damned if I'll vote to allow anyone inside the city have a say in what I do. I have always lived in a county area and I will always live in a county area or Bartlett, Germantown, etc. I will never live inside city limits.

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Not just no, but HELL no. We already have enough problems in the county, can you imagine what it would be like if the city of Memphis has its say on issues that affect us?

I shudder to consider it.

Any county person who votes for this should simply move inside the city limits. It won't save one penny in tax dollars and the Memphis political machine needs to be kept as far away from county politics as possible...

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Ok. I live in Nashville. A Metropolitan Government. Simple answer to a complex question - Look at how Metro Nashville has performed.

See how few officers, firemen, and emts are available at any time of the day. See the crime rates. See the tax rates vs service levels. See the amount of influence and input the citizens have...

IMHO, during the 1960's this was considered a way to make government efficient and better respond to the public. Now, it has become a way where those who control the mayor get what they want. (Spend a minimum of $500 million on a convention center, when convention centers around the nation are not successful, and ignore the citizens lack of wanting it. Yet claim there is nothing in the budget to support the fairgrounds which brings in over $300 million in revenue... so some developer can buy it for less than its worth and develop something not wanted...see rolling mills hill...)

Edited by HvyMtl
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Guest jackdm3

They tell me I don't understand the issue fully. Probably true, but while I live in Memphis proper and would benefit from taking the assets of the county, I don't feel it's right for what I consider a bailout (no one else calls it that way but me). It seems the city needs county resources and it's not fair for them to cover my losses. At a recent town meeting meant to clarify peoples' concerns, many citizens left with no answers. If you can't tell me exactly who benefits and how in a way simpletons (over here!) can understand, you don't move forward, if you want the respect of the collective body.

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I just sent an email to Rep. Todd and Sen. Kelsey. This is what I said:


I am writing you today in regards to the subject of consolidating the

Memphis city and Shelby County governments. I do not know all the facts

about this subject and would like to be better informed when I cast my


As a resident of Shelby County, and not a city municipality, I am

curious as to how this new government could affect me. My two biggest

concerns are the school systems and the annexation of my neighborhood by

the City of Memphis.

Any and all information you can send my way will be greatly appreciated.

Also I am curious to how you stand on this matter.


I will post their replies, if any.

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Guest jackdm3

You've let your feelings be known in your question, for which I'm sure they'll respond (if they respond) in a nice, easy way to allay your fears just until November. "Go to sleep little voter. Go to sleep. We'll take care of you."

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Guest KimberChick
100% AGAINST consolidation. I think City of Memphis needs to be pushed back to inside the 240 loop and everything else be either County or municipal governments. I have watched the city government destroy this town in my lifetime and I'll be damned if I'll vote to allow anyone inside the city have a say in what I do. I have always lived in a county area and I will always live in a county area or Bartlett, Germantown, etc. I will never live inside city limits.

That pretty much sums it up. What the consolidation crowd isn't willing to discuss is how much the tax increase will be for people who live within the limits of the other cities in Shelby County as well as the unincorporated portions. Actually, there's a lot they won't discuss and questions that they have zero concrete answers to. It's all speculation at this point and largely a rose-colored view that things "just will be better if it passes."

Consolidation will call for a "metro" rate for the whole county from all I can see. Think the 7.21 rate Memphis residents currently pay becoming what is now the County-wide rate. That means that, in addition to your Bartlett/G'town/Collierville tax rate, you get to pay for the city of Memphis AND the county instead of just your city and the county rate.

So, for Memphis residents, the rate will be lower. For everyone else, it will be more...all to prop up the debt-riddled, bloated budget having, corrupt government electing city. The same city whose mayor said, proudly, that if you "don't like it, just leave." Consolidation is, in effect, reigning in all the people who've had enough of the ongoing, never ending crap in Memphis government. It's saying to those who left, "Ha! you think you got away! You may be able to move to greener pastures, but we're going to make you give us your money anyway!"

There's a huge amount of distrust from Memphis refugees elsewhere in Shelby County and rightfully so. I think it'll be a cold day in Hell before voters approve this measure.

They tell me I don't understand the issue fully. Probably true, but while I live in Memphis proper and would benefit from taking the assets of the county, I don't feel it's right for what I consider a bailout (no one else calls it that way but me). It seems the city needs county resources and it's not fair for them to cover my losses. At a recent town meeting meant to clarify peoples' concerns, many citizens left with no answers. If you can't tell me exactly who benefits and how in a way simpletons (over here!) can understand, you don't move forward, if you want the respect of the collective body.

Spot on, Jack. This is exactly what it is. Every radio interview by Rebuild Government I've heard is a bunch of glad-handing and speculative optimism. Questions aren't being answered, facts are not being presented. If you disagree with them, you jsut "don't understand." They know their law-abiding, taxpayers are leaving. They are taking their money with them. The only way to bring the money back is by making the whole county pay for the city of Memphis via a sham consolidation. Until they provide hard, cold facts concerning how this is better for everyone involved, this will be my view of it.

Edited by KimberChick
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Guest uofmeet

Playing Devil's advocate here...

Their will actually be 3 different tax rates depending on what part of the county you live in.

There is no consolidation, the county is not taking over, the city is not taking over. They are going to throw both out and have a new one. And we get to elect the officials. All of us.

And for us living in the county, we pay for city stuff already. Some of our tax dollars go to city schools and other stuff. And for that matter, this has nothing to do with schools. Schools have their own charter, the only way for them to combine, is for them to do so. Also, the city being so close, we can't call any shots and what happens in the city that affect people in the county. This way we will have a voice.

And the last reason, can it get any worse? I plan on leaving anyways, so I am tempted to vote yes to see what happens.....

But it prob won't pass. And that doesn't bother me......this whole area is screwed.....oh, and if it doesn't pass....this area is done. Fred Smith said he is pulling out if it doesn't pass.......

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I hope you are joking.

If not, then I hope you don't go to the polls with this kind of attitude.


"Can it get worse?" I don't know where you live, but out where I live life is good. Integrating our politics with memphis can't benefit us in ANY way. Not one.

Edited by crimsonaudio
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Guest KimberChick

Fred Smith threatens a pullout over lots of stuff. Has he yet? No. The reason? He's got a cheap, largely uneducated workforce willing to throw boxes at all hours of the day and night for peanuts. There's a steady supply of those people here. It's also an at-will state. I wanna say Fedex pays $1 a year to lease that property from the MSCAA too. These things will keep that hub here for a long time.

It's just a scare tactic and more to do with his relationships with the Rebuild Government crew than being good for all citizens of Shelby County.

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Marion county/ Indianapolis, IN did this about 1972 -- it slowly destroyed the county. Taxes went up to cover the cost of the city. As a result people moved out of the county to avoid paying higher taxes. The taxes are now higher than ever and the city is still looking for ways to draw money from surronding counties!! IMHO - I would vote NO!

Edited by Pig957
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Guest KimberChick
Marion county/ Indianapolis, IN did this about 1972 -- it slowly destroyed the county. Taxes went up to cover the cost of the city. As a result people moved out of the county to avoid paying higher taxes. The taxes are now higher than ever and the city is still looking for ways to draw money from surronding counties!! IMHO - I would vote NO!

Memphis politicians have been flirting with the idea of creating a "right to work" tax paid by all the people who've left Memphis and Shelby County but still work inside Memphis city limits. Similar to Herenton's get the Hell out comment result, I think all this will do is cause business owners to relocate outside the city.

If you can't tell, this issue really chaps my behind. It's a money grab disguised as being good for all the residents of Shelby County.

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Guest uofmeet
Fred Smith threatens a pullout over lots of stuff. Has he yet? No. The reason? He's got a cheap, largely uneducated workforce willing to throw boxes at all hours of the day and night for peanuts. There's a steady supply of those people here. It's also an at-will state. I wanna say Fedex pays $1 a year to lease that property from the MSCAA too. These things will keep that hub here for a long time.

It's just a scare tactic and more to do with his relationships with the Rebuild Government crew than being good for all citizens of Shelby County.

Never Thought about it that way.......I just now started working in news talk radio in the past year and a half, and before that i never really paid attention to local politics or stuff like this. So if he has threatened this before, i never caught it...

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I live in unincorporated Shelby County. I think that if Memphis gets worse the entire area fails. I am more concerned with the negative attitudes towards trying to improve the area. The poor and ignorant will always be with us, and crime knows no city limits.

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With Elvis gone, he's nearly the King Of Memphis. Can't think of a bigger corp. than FedEx or Autozone.

You know how much it would cost FedEx to relocate?

I don't, but I do know it would be unbelievably expensive.

Zero chance of it happening. Zero.

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Guest jackdm3

They've moved enough already. Can't see them going through the expense. Just empty threats. Luttrell's pushing it, but it's up to the voting pool. I'm starting to think I'll never understand Luttrell.

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Guest uofmeet
You know how much it would cost FedEx to relocate?

I don't, but I do know it would be unbelievably expensive.

Zero chance of it happening. Zero.

But at the same time, when he expands, he could choose to expand somewhere else and not in memphis like he has been.....

All i know, is that i still want out either way.

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