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Memphis, TN- Jessie Dotson Guilty of First Degree Murder!


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Good job to the MPD officers and Detectives and the Prosecutors who put this POS away today. Also, kudos to the jury for not buying into the defense team's BS story.

Jessie Dotson Trial Blog- Guilty On All Charges - WREG

Rene Williams, 27; Hollis Seals, 33; and Shindri Roberson, 22, were shot and killed. Stabbed and killed were Cemario Dotson, 4, and Cecil Dotson II, 2. Cecil Dotson Jr., about 9; Cedrick Dotson, about 6; and Ceniyah Dotson, about 2 months old, survived. Marissa has bullet wounds to the ear, leg, chest.

Monday 10-11

5:30pm It took the jury less than two hours to find Jessie Dotson guilty on all six counts of first degree murder and three counts of attempted first degree murder.

Dotson shows no emotion.

Prosecutors said they are more than happy with the verdict, they don't see surprised it was so quick. After the verdict is read, two of the three child survivors was out of the courtroom looking content. Defense attorney Gerald Skahan says he accepts the jury's verdict and respects them for their hard work.

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Defense attorney Gerald Skahan says he accepts the jury's verdict and respects them for their hard work.

Would that be because his client is GUILTY? I just don't think I could be a defense attorney. At least, not one who knowingly tries his best to prove a guilty client innocent. I could do my darndest to defend an innocent man, but when you've seen your client on tape confessing and giving every detail of the crime he commited, how in the hell do you sleep at night after lying and twisting stuff in an attempt to try to acquit him? I just don't understand. ;)

And to the jurors, good job! :up:

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Kb4ns, a law school professor tried to explain criminal defense to me (personally, I hope never to be in a criminal court...)

He stated ALL, including, and especially, the guilty must be given a full defense. This way 1) the prosecutor must do his/her job, and ensures only the truly guilty get convicted, 2) To ensure there is no question about the guilty's defense, so there is no cause for a retrial.

The Professor's view was in hopes of keeping justice in the court.

Looks like justice was served, and hopefully, the defense gave a full one, so there is no room for appeal and setting aside the verdicts...

Could they bring back public hanging for crimes such as these?

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So, it'll be about 10 years before they finally stick him, then?

- OS

Don't forget the hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars spent on the appeals as well.

Ya know, I would gladly save the state a whole lot of time and money. I'd even bring my own bullet.

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