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WAY to GO VOLS!!!!!!!!!!!


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Urban isnt doing the play calling on offense. that responsibility lies on that idiot Adazio. He needs to either play to the strengths of Brantley and let him stay in the pocket or pass OR pull Brantley from the starting position and let Burton take over as Burton is athletic and can run the option. I like Urban as the head coach and want him there. Who I dont want there is Adazio. I wonder if it would be possible to get enough donations to buy out Mullens contract and bring him back.

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In defense of LSU (which I must now do with my head hung down) I need to say a couple things. Mainly that LSU is a great team full of great players being led by 2 quaterbacks who couldn't get a starting position with most high schools in this country. It's a sad situation when you are resorting to putting Jarred Lee IN because of interceptions being thrown. Ultimately LSU needs to say screw it, just put Russel Sheperd in because he can at least run the football. Patrick Peterson has more return yards then the LSU offense has passing yards. That sums it up pretty well right there. Florida is going to humiliate the crap out of LSU next week.

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Lets get one thing straight. Florida HAS a quarterback. What they DONT have is a playbook geared towards that qb and a good center. You put a playbook that Brantley is good with and he will pick you apart if he can get good snaps. You dont own nearly every passing record in the state of Florida while being a bad quarterback.

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