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Brownells Brushed Stainless - Nashville peeps


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I am going to put a new finish on one of my pistols with this. I only want to do one. The paint is about $30 plus shipping (another $13). Eeek, paying $43 dollars for something that I won't use much doesn't sound appealing at all.

Ergo, I am searching for 1 of 2 things,

a) someone who will sell me the rest of their can. I am only painting my slide and I will pay shipping

:D someone who wants to go in on half or 3rds - because again, I am only going to use it to paint a slide. then I am going to hand it off to you - each can has enough to do about 4 pistols.

P.S if anyone wants to do the same thing for ammo I am also up for that. That shipping kills me.

I hope I am thinking logically, my ex took took all of my cents in the divorce.

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Prep is everything with Gunkote. I have used it dozens of times and has turned out great.

Use gloves for everything. To keep your skin oils off the parts and to keep potentially harmfull stuff off of you.

Here is what I do:

Disassemble the parts to be coated as completely as you can

Clean and degrease all the parts to be coated the best you can

Media blast all the parts to be coated (I used medium aluminum oxide from Northern Tool)

Bring a pot of 1/2 gallon water and 1/2 gallon Simple Green to near boil

As the bubbles start to form remove from heat and let it sit for a minute or two to allow the temp to equalize

Place the parts to be coated in the Simple Green solution and let it sit for about 15 minutes

***Do not breath the steam***

Stir the parts occasionally to help break any oils loose

At the same time start boiling some distilled water and turn you oven on its lowest setting

When it starts to boil remove from heat and let it sit for a minute or two to allow the temp to equalize

Remove the parts from the Simple Green solution and place in the distilled water for another 15 minutes

***Do not breath the steam***

Remove the parts from the water and place them in the oven long enough for all the water to evaporate

Remove the parts one at a time, not all at the same time, and coat them according to the instructions

**If you remove them all at the same time and the first ones will be warmer than the last ones causing them to look different**

Make sure you spray outside though because it is some pretty nast stuff, both smelling and bad for you.

After all parts are coated with Gunkote place them back in the oven at the recommended temp for the recommended time. I normally put the parts in then set the temp to the 300 degree temp it requires. Once it gets to temp I time off and hour then turn off the oven and let the parts cool slowly in the oven over the course of a few hours.

Because the finish is already dry when you begin the baking process it doesn't emit any nasty smells in the oven.

This is the down and dirty way I have done it for the last few years and works great. I have only done handguns and small parts but I have went thru at least 4 cans of Gunkote so far. If you have any quesitons feel free to ask.


Edited by Dolomite_supafly
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Can I bake the slide with the novak sights on????????

j/k. now i just have to find a way to get them off.

Which Novak's? If they are anything other than standard black then no. I called around when I was getting ready to coat a pistol with nightsights. Everyone said that they couldn't gurantee they wouldn't bust. The dovetails are one of the places to watch for grease and oil if you can't remove them. But with that said the instructions I gave above worked for me. Also, it doesn't hurt to let the parts sit longer the the 1/2 and 1/2 solution just to make sure they are good.

Something I did forget to mention in the list above is to make sure to "stir" the parts a bit in each solution.

Here are a few pictures of a Norinco I did a number of years ago. It had tones of work done to it as well as the coating. The silver parts of Gunkote Matte Stainless and the rest is matte black Gunkote.




I carried this gun daily for about a year before selling it and I didn't have any of the coating flake or peel off. Even though it was a budget gun it was a fun gun and was dead nut relliable with everything I fed it.


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Can I bake the slide with the novak sights on????????

j/k. now i just have to find a way to get them off.

Which Novak's? If they are anything other than standard black then no. I called around when I was getting ready to coat a pistol with nightsights. Everyone said that they couldn't gurantee they wouldn't bust. The dovetails are one of the places to watch for grease and oil if you can't remove them. But with that said the instructions I gave above worked for me. Also, it doesn't hurt to let the parts sit longer the the 1/2 and 1/2 solution just to make sure they are good.

Something I did forget to mention in the list above is to make sure to "stir" the parts a bit in each solution.

Here are a few pictures of a Norinco I did a number of years ago. The silver parts of Gunkote Matte Stainless and the rest is matte black Gunkote.




I carried this gun daily for about a year before selling it and I didn't have any of the coating flake or peel off.


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