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this is making me ill.

Guest buttonhook

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Guest Sgt. Joe

I am pretty sure doing such a thing would make me more than queasy:yuck: .

I dont think I could actually do such a thing on the subject of Gun Control and would have to find something just as stupid such as what a fine job O is doing in the White House. But then again that would be equally sickening.:up:

It dont seem that there are any good answers for this one....:tough: Just hold your nose and write and keep the barf bucket close by.;)

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I didn't finish school. Was at TTU, wifey got pregnant somehow. I am envious that you are doing it at 35.

I believe if done right this can strengthen your "pro" gun argument when dealing with the left.

You should have just made up stats and wild accusations...wait that is what they do.

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Guest Halfpint

I had to do something similar for a political science class my senior year -- the professor was as conservative as I am, and wound up being a customer eventually. Mine was written from the POV of an advisor to President Hillary Clinton, sarcastically explaining that a military response to terrorist strikes was a horrible idea and that we should begin negotiations instead of carpet bombing.

The whole thing was tongue-in-cheek, and I used the same "report" to tender my resignation as her national security advisor. :poop:

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Guest buttonhook

Well thanks it's not easy going back to school at my age.....but it's over in dec. at least until I finish my master degree next dec. (I'm working on that now as well/ I have a degree already engineering is just an additional degree)

BTW I even use some information from the NRA.....stats on gun ownership and such.

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You should have pretend you hate Guns, and wrote Pro Gun.

You might have got some brownie points with him if he his anti.

Or to be safe, avoid guns totally and went anti Death penalty or Anti Neclear power. I am sure you could find something to try an anti something on.

It is easy to be devil's advocate on almost anything.

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This is actually an excellent exercise. If you cannot understand the arguments against your own viewpoint, you will have trouble effectively arguing your own side. And it's not like there isn't a pantload of articles out there trying to explain the 'benefits' of gun control.

I had to do a similar exercise many years ago in Political Science extolling the benefits of Mutual assured Destruction. There was plenty of information to distill into a nice paper. After the paper was done, I attached another page explaining why the first one was cr@p. (one sentence explaining that MAD required rational behavior in order to be effective, and people often did irrational things.)

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