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Any Plumbers or Knowledgeable DIYers .... ?


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The Wifey and I bought our first house about 3 months ago. Love the house, but noticed a couple issues.

Background Info:

* House Built in 2004

* Plumbing, etc... all passed inspection prior to purchase

We have an irragation system. We ran it 3 days a week for a month and our water bill was $385.xx :lol: Holy mother of goodness .... The highest water bill before moving in to this house was about $40 bucks .... To say the least, we weren't prepared for a water bill that high. So, we did what anyone would do in our situation ... and we shut the sprinklers off for good. Next month, water bill only drops to $280.xx .... WHAT IN THE WORLD ?!?!?!? I take a shower every morning and the wifey takes one every other day. Other than that, we don't take baths, or run water often except laundry about once every 10 days ....

So .... started looking for issues. Noticed a small leak at the water shut off valve to the toilet of the master (kind of rusty around it) 2nd, we had the water meter checker knock on our door this AM to tell us, our "Backflow Preventer" was bad and we are required to get it repaired. We asked him if this could be the cause of the leak, and is said, probably not ....

So ... Going over my bases, this is what I plan to replace tomorrow:

1. Water Shutoff Valve to Master Toilet

2. All 3 toilet Flapper Valves (just in case we have small leaks) -- and at $4 a pop, might as well replace them since we don't know the age of the actual valve.

3. Try and replace the Backflow Preventer (Anti-Siphon Valve) myself on the irrigation system if I can figure out how.

Is there anything else I can check for? Any other possible leaks? We left one morning and I checked the meter. Once we got home in the afternoon, and used some that evening (washing dishes, hands, etc...) it only went up half a point. Not sure what half a point is equivalent too, but that is what it was.

Sorry for the long winded post ... Tired of the expensive water bills :D Especially when that extra doh could be used in the investment of firearms ;)

Edited by xRUSTYx
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I'd only replace the toilet flappers that give you obvious refill noise, at first. I had a spare flapper for my Granny's toilet I was going to install yesterday, but didn't mate with the throat. You may experience this, too.

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I'd only replace the toilet flappers that give you obvious refill noise, at first. I had a spare flapper for my Granny's toilet I was going to install yesterday, but didn't mate with the throat. You may experience this, too.

That's the thing ... None of the flappers make any noise? The one in the master bathroom on occasion has "refilled" randomly a couple times, at least when we have been in there. We aren't in there often, so hearing it refill itself a couple times in just the past 3 months has us thinking it is a bad flapper valve :lol: It even started to fill one time when the wifey was using it .... kind of surprised her :D would have LOVED to see that face!

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Granny says it starts to refill a little when she sits down, because it makes the buoy bob around. But in general, I can't believe flappers are creating the $$$ you're seeing. Hopefully 94user will be in tonight or tomorrow to say sumpin'. He's a pro.

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Granny says it starts to refill a little when she sits down, because it makes the buoy bob around. But in general, I can't believe flappers are creating the $$$ you're seeing. Hopefully 94user will be in tonight or tomorrow to say sumpin'. He's a pro.
Yeah, what Jack said. My master bath toilet runs and my bill never exceeds 20.

You've got a busted pipe.

Yeah, that's what I'm thinking ...

The bright side to all this is the seller paid for a 1 Year Home Warranty and All Plumbing is covered :lol: Everything from busted pipes, to you name it! All we have to pay for is the $60 service fee :D Might as well call in a professional and get everything taken care of correctly the first time!

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With the water shut off (!), you may get away with just a washer for the toilet's shut-off.

I don't think we have "Shutoff Preventers" here, so I don't know about that one.

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I am inclined to agree. You have a leak somewhere other than your toilets. Can you shut the water off at your house, not at the meter, but acutally at the house? If so, try that and see if your meter runs. If it does, you don't need a sprinkler system because you have a leak keeping everything green. However, if you do decide to change your flappers, make sure to wipe around where the valve will seal. I have seen some that get mold or something growing around there to keep it from sealing good.

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I am inclined to agree. You have a leak somewhere other than your toilets. Can you shut the water off at your house, not at the meter, but acutally at the house? If so, try that and see if your meter runs. If it does, you don't need a sprinkler system because you have a leak keeping everything green. However, if you do decide to change your flappers, make sure to wipe around where the valve will seal. I have seen some that get mold or something growing around there to keep it from sealing good.

I can look tomorrow. I know where the shutoff valve is at the meter, I just need to figure out if there is another one where it enters the house. I watched about 4 how to video's on the toilet flappers. Scrubbing is key, and I will definitely make sure to do that when/if I replace them!

Is your ground soft/damp somewhere, indicating an underground river of leaking water? That's where the money is/goes.

Not that I have noticed .... Then again, here in Middle TN, its quite hilly with bedrock underneath so I wouldn't expect sink holes due to the rock underneath ....

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just got off the phone with the home warranty place (AHS) -- Open 24/7 = sweet. Spoke with a pretty knowledgeable and nice AMERICAN call center rep. I have the plumbers calling to schedule tomorrow!!!!

The Good News: Everything in the house plumbing wise is covered. (Within the tract of the house)

The Bad News: The Irragation system is not covered.

So, if the irrigation system is where the leak is taking place - I'm installing a shut-off valve and will just keep it off for eternity. I'm 1 of 2 people in our sub-development of 75+ homes with an irrigation system .... Don't need fricking sprinklers in TN !!! This ain't arizona or cali!

If anyone else has any thoughts I would love to hear them.

I would also like to here from those people that do have sprinklers. If you run them a couple times a week, what is your normal water bill like?

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I can look tomorrow. I know where the shutoff valve is at the meter, I just need to figure out if there is another one where it enters the house. I watched about 4 how to video's on the toilet flappers. Scrubbing is key, and I will definitely make sure to do that when/if I replace them!

Not that I have noticed .... Then again, here in Middle TN, its quite hilly with bedrock underneath so I wouldn't expect sink holes due to the rock underneath ....

The underground river is referring to the water you are losing through the pipes. Find your meter box and walk from it to the house. See if there are any parts in the area that are wet or squishy.


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The water meters will have a small hand or dial that will show a very small usage. Turn off and isolate what you can and watch for that hand to move.

This is where I would start. Clock the meter. Make sure no water is running in the house (Sink, toilet, washing machine, dish washer, you name it) and see the meter is gauge/dial is moving. If so you have a leak.

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A $385.00 and then a $280.00 water bill ?? WTF. You either have the mother of all leaks or you are really being hosed, no pun intended by your water company. I'm sorry I didn't see this thread earlier. Like others have said, make sure you have no water running in the house at all. No open faucets, no running the washing machine, dishwasher, tub or shower. Absolutely nothing. Now look at the meter. It shoul not move at all. If it does you have a leak and for a leak of that cost you this much money you WILL see it move. I hope for your sake if you have a leak it is in the water service or the irrigation and not under the house.

Please tell what the plumbers find.

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Did you have city sewer service at your old house? If you had septic and your new house has sewers, expect your bill to approximately triple due to sewer charges.... your $40 bill becomes $120. Beyond that, have you moved to a different utility company? Rates can vary considerably.

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