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Greatest Rock Band Ever


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Guest FroggyOne2

My votes go for.. Tull, Frank Marino & Mahogany Rush, Rush, Eric Johnson, The Divinyls, The Hellecasters, Bela Fleck & The Flecktones, Yes, Deep Purple, G3... just a few that I can think of right now.

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Guest FroggyOne2
The mention of this subject usually brings up The Rolling Stones. I believe they were grossly overrated.
I would have to agree with you on this one! Though for some odd reason.. I did like Sister Morphine..
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Guest Sgt. Joe
The mention of this subject usually brings up The Rolling Stones. I believe they were grossly overrated.

I also agree with this^^^ I always felt that all of their music was just far too repetitious, but even the bands I do not care a lot for do have a few songs that I like.:D

Also I am ashamed that I failed to mention CCR myself...shame shame

One thing is for sure.....this thread sure has made me long for the old days, there was tons of good music back then but as Mike357 said it started going downhill after the 70's..........

Now it seems all they need is a bass drum and a few rhymes and they call it music....:cool:

Da Dumbasses:p

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Guest Lester Weevils

I used to say the Beatles were the world's finest garage band. World-class writing and the performance was good enough to get the job done. I like beatles but OD'd on em years ago.

Some excellent music just puts me to sleep, and if I hear anything too much, if I put it on I'll start nodding off. Thats the bad thing about collecting music on an ipod. You put your favorite stuff on there and then after hearing it awhile it isn't favorite anymore, or even if it is favorite I just don't want to hear it. The trivial stuff seems to wear best. Old anonymous surf instrumentals and obscure R&B or psychedelia wears better than a lot of 'worlds best' kinds of music.

There are more vastly accomplished youngsters than ever in the past. There is no shortage of no-talent slackers, but a wealth of fabulously talented youngsters who practice a lot more seriously than most of my generation did. But I'm not often impressed with the end-result of their endeavors. Fabulously talented youngsters playing impeccable "ho hum" product. But maybe I'm just too jaded.

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  • 1 year later...

I was going to make a thread, "If you could see any singer/band live who would it be?". However this is close enough. I would see who I think is the best band ever. Creedence Clearwater Revival. Introduced to them by my dad, and that's all she wrote.

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Guest NYCrulesU

Best ever? Most would say Zep. I never cared for them and still don't. Never was a fan of AC/DC or Metallica either.

Best ever in my opinion...really should read..."my favorite all time rock band"...


Followed by Cindarella, Tesla, Poison and Trixter.

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I saw a John Fogerty special on tv the other day. brought back some memories he's still pretty good

One the best concerts I've seen was Bob Seager shocking good concert. Others I've seen that I'll throw in the mix

ZZ top

Jethro Tull



Almond bros

Hated I missed Hendrix he had to top the list

I saw steppenwolf He really sucked really disapointed on this one.

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