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Have my HCP class scheduled.

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My self and 2 of my brothers will be attending HCP class this coming saturday morning in Rockwood. and be firing at the Police range, Hope that we can all pass. I am excited about finally getting to go to class. We spent monday afternoon going thru a couple hundred rds each to ensure we can qualify. We all did fairly well , oldest bro did have some trouble at 15 yds, and we did not have a full size target, just the small round pistol targets.

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Guest Guy N. Cognito

I first took the class in 1996. There was an older gentleman who couldn't work his firearm, pointed a loaded weapon at the line twice and who's target looked like it had been shot with a shotgun at 25 yds. He passed.

For you Memphis folks: this training took place at a range on Lamar. I believe it is now out of business. Anyone remember the name?

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I first took the class in 1996. There was an older gentleman who couldn't work his firearm, pointed a loaded weapon at the line twice and who's target looked like it had been shot with a shotgun at 25 yds. He passed.

For you Memphis folks: this training took place at a range on Lamar. I believe it is now out of business. Anyone remember the name?

I don't know what the name of the range used to be, but I do know that a prior owner ended up in some pretty serious legal trouble over some "irregularities" including selling HCP class certs without the person actually taking the class.

It is now owned by different folks and is open as Security Academy & Supply & Bullz Eye Range.

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Class was great,Mr. Gene Sutton of Small Arms Training. was very good instructor . I passed both the written an firing test with 100%. had all but 1 shot inside the 9 ring. Now to the DMV and start the final leg of my trek for My HCP. Also Both my brothers passed today also.

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Guest tnxdshooter
My self and 2 of my brothers will be attending HCP class this coming saturday morning in Rockwood. and be firing at the Police range, Hope that we can all pass. I am excited about finally getting to go to class. We spent monday afternoon going thru a couple hundred rds each to ensure we can qualify. We all did fairly well , oldest bro did have some trouble at 15 yds, and we did not have a full size target, just the small round pistol targets.


Unless you are completely blind, or legally retarded you should be able to pass the shooting portion no problem. There were people in my class that had never handled a gun before and they qualified with flying colors.

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Guest tnxdshooter
Don't forget, you gotta be able to do few essay questions on the test ;)

haha jk.

You'll do fine....class was cake for me.

Yeah that was really hard on the NRA test seeing as how we got to use our NRA basic pistol book on it and the answers were easy to find if you didnt know. Then we took the State test and the questions on it were pretty much the same as what was on the NRA test they were just in a different order.

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Guest tnxdshooter
Watch out for the 357 Glock in the Video, it is the Special TN edition.

No Vontar get it right. It was a 357 magnum glock. Old Jimmy Hester or whatever his name was cracked everyone in our class up. I know he meant 357 sig but still.

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