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Kel-Tec P11 vs Bersa 380...???

Guest TargetShooter84

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Guest TargetShooter84

Ok guys, If you have about $325 bucks on you and if you had to pick between Kel-Tec P11 or Bersa 380...what would your answer be? and why? Would it be fully black or two-toned kind? I talked to one of my buddies today and he recommended Bersa 380 since it is more reliable than Kel-Tec P11 and it is about $30 dollar difference and the .380 ammo was priced same as 9mm ammo so I am kinda stuck between those two guns :) so your inputs would be helpful with my next purchase....

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A coworker has the bersa and is very pleased with it. IMO, the 9mm would be the way to go. 9mm ammo is everywhere, and it has more punch. As far as finish, thats for you to decide.:)

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Guest bulletproof

Now, no one is going to believe this but I came here tonight to ask almost the

same question. I'm going to Guns and Leather tomorrow and will come home with one or the other. Kel-Tec versus Bersa. So far I'm leaning toward the Bersa 9mm compact or .380 concealed carry. I'm just gonna sit back and see what you guys think.

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While I know you didn't mention this as a choice but have you considered a Makarov? They come chambered in either .380 or 9mm x 18 and can be had for alot less than $325. I recently picked up my 2nd one and only paid $169 OTD and they threw in a free box of ammo. Currently I am paying $11.50/box of 50 rounds for the 9mm x 18 ammo.

Just a thought???


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I have three Kel-Tec pistols: p3at, P11 and PF9. The PF9 is my favorite for regular front pocket carry. I've never owned a Bersa, but I know people who do and they like them.

I really like all of my Kel-Tec pistols. Most are quite reliable from the git go. If something goes haywire, KT customer service is legendary. I would go with the P-11, or get a PF-9 if possible.

Here's my P-11....


And here's my review: http://www.mouseguns.com/ideal.htm

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I'd tend to go with the PF9 although I know of folks who really like their P11. The PF9 is newer technology and a bit thinner.

I also know some things things about the Bersa. It is also a good gun.

The odd cartridge of the Makarov was the reason I got rid of mine. Good gun, but a bit odd.

Kel-Tec P11 vs Bersa 380? Uh...neither. I'd probably go with the PF9.

And I've never understood the fascination with two-tone. The less easy to see the better. Having some jungle experience with this, I like all black.

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Guest bulletproof

Went to Guns & Leather today and left with:

1 Bersa Thunder 380

1 box 50 .380 steel jacket (well not really - I left them at the range)

1 box 25 .380 Hornady 90gr JHP

2 boxes .22 CCI Mini Mags

$303 out the door.

The main problem I had with the Kel-Tecs was that they just didn't feel right.

The Bersa slid right into my hand and fit perfect. It is also weighted the way I like.

Shoots like a dream. I even impressed myself.

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Guest TargetShooter84
Went to Guns & Leather today and left with:

1 Bersa Thunder 380

1 box 50 .380 steel jacket (well not really - I left them at the range)

1 box 25 .380 Hornady 90gr JHP

2 boxes .22 CCI Mini Mags

$303 out the door.

The main problem I had with the Kel-Tecs was that they just didn't feel right.

The Bersa slid right into my hand and fit perfect. It is also weighted the way I like.

Shoots like a dream. I even impressed myself.

Congratulations on your purchase....Did you try the bersa 9mm? If so, what did you think of it? Have you ever owned or shot a Kel Tec? If so, what kind of KT did you use? After reading all the reviews, I'm still now mixed on Kel-Tec PF9 or Bersa 9mm compact....so many choices for me, lol but my next purchase will be soon....hopefully.

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Guest bulletproof

Nope, never owned or shot a Kel Tec. Several of my friends have them and love them. My son-in-law went to buy one but had the same problem I did with the gun just not feeling right in the hand. The Bersa 9mm had a slight bit more kick to it and I almost got the 9mm compact but I've had a .380 for years and so I ended up with the Thunder .380. Have fun deciding. I was looking at reviews for a week.

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Guest mace8924

I bought a the Bersa Thunder 380 about 9 months ago and love it. I spent about a month on the intrnet reading all the reviews on Bersas guns and everywhere I looked they said that people like Rosi and some of the others should send there firearms to Bersa to do the trigger jobs on them. Every thing I read praised the Bersa for the trigger jobs. They shoot great and are a lot of fun.

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Guest canynracer
Now, no one is going to believe this but I came here tonight to ask almost the

same question. I'm going to Guns and Leather tomorrow and will come home with one or the other. Kel-Tec versus Bersa. So far I'm leaning toward the Bersa 9mm compact or .380 concealed carry. I'm just gonna sit back and see what you guys think.

.. :D

congrats on the new Bersa

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For those of you looking for a range gun - avoid the Kel-Tec. I have the PF9 and love it for what it is designed for. Now I have put a few boxes through it at the range. But I assure you it will not give you the same pleasure as a Glock at the range. It is fairly accurate - I can shoot around 3-4 inch groups at say 15-20 yards - not too bad. The Kel-Tec is excellent for concealed carry. Out of all the 9mm in this price range, the PF9 was the lightest and thinnest in the this class of guns. It has proven to be very reliable. If you purchase used, just beware that they had some issues with the first release of the PF9 - but they all come with a lifetime warranty. It has become my primary carry gun just because it conceals so well.

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For those of you looking for a range gun - avoid the Kel-Tec. I have the PF9 and love it for what it is designed for. Now I have put a few boxes through it at the range. But I assure you it will not give you the same pleasure as a Glock at the range.

Oh, Glock, Glock, Glock. Why not other safer guns? Broken record.

The PF9 is a real DAO. Of course it won't be as accurate. Duh! It also won't blow your leg off while you smugly gloat that you have a gun "like the cops use." What do you want, a status symbol or a real-world usable gun?

Pick any of another SA/DA or pretty close to SA handguns and you will do fine or better than the exalted Glock.

H&K, SIG, Beretta, Bersa, etc., etc., etc....all better choices than a Glock.

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I only take my glock to the range in my H1 hummer with the undercover police light package. Then I will only shoot it in my duty rig and my buzz cut hair. I have to have my mace, cuffs, and baton with me when I clean my glock, because that is what the cops do. When I am done at the range, I go to the Pilot and drink coffee with the officers patrolling the interior of the building to protect the doughnuts for the fine citizens of this state. Whatever, Mars.

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Guest Glknknox

Yep I shoot myself in the leg 2 or 3 times a day with the glocks I carry......It's getting kind of old.

To the OP, congrats on the Bersa, I have the Thunder, very accurate, but I consider it a back up gun.

It is better than no gun at all though.

Shoot it and enjoy it.

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I only take my glock to the range in my H1 hummer with the undercover police light package. Then I will only shoot it in my duty rig and my buzz cut hair. I have to have my mace, cuffs, and baton with me when I clean my glock, because that is what the cops do. When I am done at the range, I go to the Pilot and drink coffee with the officers patrolling the interior of the building to protect the doughnuts for the fine citizens of this state. Whatever, Mars.

You are wise, grasshopper.

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Ok guys, If you have about $325 bucks on you and if you had to pick between Kel-Tec P11 or Bersa 380...what would your answer be? and why? Would it be fully black or two-toned kind? I talked to one of my buddies today and he recommended Bersa 380 since it is more reliable than Kel-Tec P11 and it is about $30 dollar difference and the .380 ammo was priced same as 9mm ammo so I am kinda stuck between those two guns :D so your inputs would be helpful with my next purchase....

Get the Bersa...

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Guest canynracer
Went to Guns & Leather today and left with:

1 Bersa Thunder 380

1 box 50 .380 steel jacket (well not really - I left them at the range)

1 box 25 .380 Hornady 90gr JHP

2 boxes .22 CCI Mini Mags

$303 out the door.

The main problem I had with the Kel-Tecs was that they just didn't feel right.

The Bersa slid right into my hand and fit perfect. It is also weighted the way I like.

Shoots like a dream. I even impressed myself.

Get the Bersa...

hit and run posting....

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