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Man wards off Sexual Offender with shots fired.

Guest Letereat!

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Guest Guy N. Cognito

In my neighborhood, the drunk guy who thinks it's prudent to occasionally shoot off a few rounds in the backyard to announce his ownership of firearms would be considered a threat.

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In my neighborhood, the drunk guy who thinks it's prudent to occasionally shoot off a few rounds in the backyard to announce his ownership of firearms would be considered a threat.

I think that is his point...

If my neighbors were possibly inclined to do something against me or my property....I wouldn't mind them thinking I'm a threat to them.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Letereat!
I think that is his point...

If my neighbors were possibly inclined to do something against me or my property....I wouldn't mind them thinking I'm a threat to them.

You are correct fall guy. Thanks.

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Guest Guy N. Cognito
I think that is his point...

If my neighbors were possibly inclined to do something against me or my property....I wouldn't mind them thinking I'm a threat to them.

Yes, I know. My point is, at some point you go from being the guy trying to defend his family to the guy from whom everyone else tries to protect their families. I think you cross this line when you end up in your backyard, drunk, at O dark thirty touching off shotgun rounds.

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Yes, I know. My point is, at some point you go from being the guy trying to defend his family to the guy from whom everyone else tries to protect their families. I think you cross this line when you end up in your backyard, drunk, at O dark thirty touching off shotgun rounds.

Maybe, but whatever it takes so that they leave me alone.....

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Letereat!
In my neighborhood, the drunk guy who thinks it's prudent to occasionally shoot off a few rounds in the backyard to announce his ownership of firearms would be considered a threat.

You have completely missed the point of the story and obviously did not read the whole thread. The issue of Alcohol and Guns was addressed VERY early in the thread, IT WAS NOT A HABITUAL EVENT!!!! A one time error of Judgement that I think I made very clear was a bad choice not to be condoned or repeated. If your just gonna be a Fault finder find another thread. if you have some constructive criticism to add it is welcomed......That was purpose of the whole thread anyway.

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In my neighborhood, the drunk guy who thinks it's prudent to occasionally shoot off a few rounds in the backyard to announce his ownership of firearms would be considered a threat.

Might ought'a stay out of my neighborhood then... 'cause I'll certainly go outside and set off a round or ten to let new neighbors know that their behavior is... unacceptable.

They're usually quite shocked when thy find out I'd be absolutely delighted if they called the police on me, too. :)

A straight up middle class neighborhood where it’s legal to get drunk and crank off a few rounds. Sherwood Forest sounds like a great place to live.

Hey, there's still a few decent places to live, in this state. :P

Oh, and Letereat!... do keep in mind that what's considered "irresponsible behavior" in some circumstances can also be perfectly reasonable - and sometimes even required - in others.

( BTW... am I the only one who thinks provoking someone to set off a gun, in order to send you a message, is probably not wise or responsible behavior? )

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Guest Guy N. Cognito

( BTW... am I the only one who thinks provoking someone to set off a gun, in order to send you a message, is probably not wise or responsible behavior? )

It seems like all his neighbors did is live in the same neighborhood.

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Guest Guy N. Cognito
You have completely missed the point of the story and obviously did not read the whole thread. The issue of Alcohol and Guns was addressed VERY early in the thread, IT WAS NOT A HABITUAL EVENT!!!! A one time error of Judgement that I think I made very clear was a bad choice not to be condoned or repeated. If your just gonna be a Fault finder find another thread. if you have some constructive criticism to add it is welcomed......That was purpose of the whole thread anyway.

I didn't miss your point. I read the thread. My constructive criticism is this: don't fire off rounds in the backyard just to scare your neighbors.

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It seems like all his neighbors did is live in the same neighborhood.

Sometimes, depending on the neighbors and where they are moving in from, that alone is enough. The previous batch that lived next door to me were a good example of that. Once they figured out that this wasn't Madison or Nashville, and that certain things weren't acceptable here... they left.

My constructive criticism is this: don't fire off rounds in the backyard just to scare your neighbors.

I don't fire my guns to scare people, only to get their attention and let them know exactly what they should be prepared to contend with if they continue certain behavior, or display even worse behavior. Think of it as being "preemptively educational". ( Which is the same reason I also have "No Trespassing" and "Beware of Dog" signs up. )

My now-absent former neighbors, for instance, seemed to think that they were all alone and in the middle of no where, and could therefore do anything they pleased, without any consideration for anyone else.

A bit of well-timed target practice dissuaded them from that notion, and in the end, probably convinced them that "country living" wasn't quite right for them.

One way or the other, no one was hurt and this neighborhood has pretty much gone back to it's formerly-peaceful state. Also, the new neighbors keep to themselves and don't cause trouble or grief.

Is that because of myself and others, with our occasional firearms practice?

I don't know for certain... but I can't believe it doesn't at least help. :)

Oh, and one other thing: Over the years, there have been several break-ins and burglaries up and down my road. There was even a couple of ol' boys across the road from me arrested for auto theft a while back. But for some reason, the section here where some of us like to shoot out in our back yards has been left alone so far.

Coincidence, do you think?

Edited by Jamie
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Guest Sgt. Joe
Fair enough.....but then how do you suggest to scare your neighbors? :)

Inviting them over for a cookout of stray cats has always worked for me:)

Seriously I am very lucky as there is a crazy guy in the neighborhood who has lots of guns and wears them OC out in his yard all the time and yells at people who walk thru his yard just trying to stay out of the busy road we live on.:up:

Since everyone thinks dude is so whacked out I get to stay way under the radar, And I actually think the dude is pretty cool.:D

He is just very PO'ed as he was broken into last year and lost a bunch of guns and other stuff......right after that he started acting a bit crazy, he never OC'ed before that happened and it wasnt just him as several houses in the area were hit within a few weeks.

I am sorry he lost his things but the way he acts now sure does keep folks from looking at me so closely. Dude carries two large revolvers most always cowboy style and while everyone sees his I am always CC'ing my EDC and BUG,;) so he remains the crazy guy down the street with all the guns and folks think I am normal.

Boy have I got them all fooled.:D

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Guest XD9GUY

Here is why you thought it was a good idea to click one off at 3:00AM:

Well you see, Norm, it's like this. . A herd of buffalo can only move as fast as the slowest buffalo. And when the heard is hunted, it is the lowest and weakest ones at the back that are killed first. This natural selection is good for the herd as a whole, because the general speed and health of the whole group keeps improving by the regular killing of the weakest members.

In much the same way, the human brain can only operate as fast as the slowest brain cells. Now, as we know, excessive intake of alcohol kills brain cells. But naturally, it attacks the slowest and weakest brain cells first. In this way, regular consumption of beer eliminates the weaker brain cells, making the brain a faster and more efficient machine.

And that, Norm, is why you always feel smarter after a few beers.' :up:

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Guest Letereat!
Here is why you thought it was a good idea to click one off at 3:00AM:

..... regular consumption of beer eliminates the weaker brain cells, making the brain a faster and more efficient machine.

And that, Norm, is why you always feel smarter after a few beers.' :)

Well there you have it. I need to consume more alcohol on a regular basis. Thanks for the words of wisdom.:)

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Guest Letereat!
I didn't miss your point. I read the thread. My constructive criticism is this: don't fire off rounds in the backyard just to scare your neighbors.

I can respect that, thanks for the clarification. We can agree to disagree. I personally feel that clearly warning my neighbors that I will defend my castle with deadly force is on the lines of......"an ounce of prevention....."

The dude down the road who has been convicted af Aggrivated Sexual Battery got the message and the peace of mind is worth loosing the good will of a couple of neighbors.

The ones that I have spoken to on the matter are cool with it.(or mabey there too scared to say otherwise) Plus the two single females who live on the dead end with me think it is great to have a "maniac gunner" as the first house on the block.

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Guest Letereat!


I don't fire my guns to scare people, only to get their attention and let them know exactly what they should be prepared to contend with if they continue certain behavior, or display even worse behavior. Think of it as being "preemptively educational". ( Which is the same reason I also have "No Trespassing" and "Beware of Dog" signs up. )

Precisely. Personally I like to ocassionally display one of my bullet riddled beer kegs on a stump in the front yard. The image itself speaks volumes.

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I had someone on the list move in behind me. Wife and daughter are walking around the neighborhood and cut through the yards to get home(their feet were hurting,barefoot). This guy is not all there and lives with his 60 something parents. He yells at them to freeze and that they are trespassing. They run home and tell me. I jump up and run up to the house. He is not outside so I go around and beat on the front door. The whole family gets a good cussing and threats of beatings and worse. Lucky they did not call on me. I am a big guy and I wanted them all to see me. Family still lives there but he does not show up on the registry, nor have I seen him. Not saying I ran him off, just glad he is gone.

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I had someone on the list move in behind me. Wife and daughter are walking around the neighborhood and cut through the yards to get home(their feet were hurting,barefoot). This guy is not all there and lives with his 60 something parents. He yells at them to freeze and that they are trespassing. They run home and tell me. I jump up and run up to the house. He is not outside so I go around and beat on the front door. The whole family gets a good cussing and threats of beatings and worse. Lucky they did not call on me. I am a big guy and I wanted them all to see me. Family still lives there but he does not show up on the registry, nor have I seen him. Not saying I ran him off, just glad he is gone.

I'd say you're lucky they didn't shoot you. That would have been quite the assortment of charges you'd have racked up there.

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Had to do something. Obviously me calling the police would have been the prudent thing to do. It may have been a violation of his parole to be out at dusk or threaten people. At least have a record of the call. My wife had talked to the Chief when they first moved in, he said anything thing they do could be seen as harassment if they did not have something specific to go on.

But yes defiantly lucky, by the time I got to the house I was raging and getting shot was not something I was thinking. Pulling that sob out of the house was about it. The dad did step out with me and was very apologetic and quickly calmed me down. I got mad after I left because he did it so easily, he has probably done it several times.

Again they knew someone was right behind them that would do anything to protect his family, even irrational, stupid, and not well thought out things.

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Had to do something. Obviously me calling the police would have been the prudent thing to do. It may have been a violation of his parole to be out at dusk or threaten people. At least have a record of the call. My wife had talked to the Chief when they first moved in, he said anything thing they do could be seen as harassment if they did not have something specific to go on.

But yes defiantly lucky, by the time I got to the house I was raging and getting shot was not something I was thinking. Pulling that sob out of the house was about it. The dad did step out with me and was very apologetic and quickly calmed me down. I got mad after I left because he did it so easily, he has probably done it several times.

Again they knew someone was right behind them that would do anything to protect his family, even irrational, stupid, and not well thought out things.

I think we've all done things that we look at later and go "WHEW I'm glad that worked out that way!" lol

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