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Man wards off Sexual Offender with shots fired.

Guest Letereat!

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Guest Letereat!

It’s a bit long so just bare with me

I just gotta tell this story cause im curious about personal opinions on the matter. When the Wife and myself first moved back into South Ktown 3ish years ago I was working second shift. It just bothered the hell outa me not knowing all my neighbors who they were etc.and the worst-case scenario and all. I wanted a way to subtlety let my neighbors know I was armed and if they ever had even the slightest twinge of harming one precious hair on her head I will not hesitate and neither will she. I’m not far enough in the country to really be co sure blastin away in the back yard an all. I knew I would push a lot of buttons and prob piss some people off for good. Only 4 houses on my dead end but plenty of houses in the surrounding area.

So I started irregularly firing off a few 12guage rounds into the dirt every 2 or three months. Once me and one of the immediate neighbors were chillin on the back porch and I goaded him into letting one rip at about 3 am. The wife was PIIIIIIIIIIISED!!!! That one gott us a shout down “DON’T YOU THINK IT’S A BIT LATE FOR THAT Expletive expletive!! From OFF the dead end. We hollered our apologies and I never did it again. Several months pass and I see a schoolmate from my teen’s doin the tree cutin gig. He was still hard drinking, smoking and had started crackin too. Mom was a known dealer back in the day an all that jazz. I obliged him to cut a 20 Ft pine “Stump” for 40 bucks and made nice and chatted up a bit and then posed the question I really wanted the answer to most of all.

ME “Man Creek it’s the damdist thing no one EEVER drives up our dead end street.??” Creek: “That’s cause there afraid there gonna get shot.” Me feigning surprise and consternation at such a thing. “REALLLY. Blah Blah” Drop it and move on to loadin up the stump remains and see ya later pleasantries. I go inside pleased as a peach that my message had indeed gotten out to the masses if you will.

Several months later I discover that Creek is on the registry for Aggravated Sexual assault. And is less than ¼ mile down the road on the cross Street. He Is indeed following in his mothers footsteps and has formed an alliance with another Dude on the cross street.(this I confirmed to be 100% true by my own cunning, and wits, demons lurking in the dark and all if you get my drift). AND if that was not enough Creek has also been implicated but not charged in a Murder at a local apt complex. About as bad as it comes.

The moral of the Story? Trust your instincts, and take calculated risks if necessary?

Edited by Letereat!
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Guest Letereat!
Sounds like you need to move!

Yea thats is an option. We are savin for Mo land, Mo space. That aint happinin for several more years. We dont live in the hood like Vestel or avenue c or nuttin. We are in a straight up middle class hood. Everybody keeps their lawns cut and you would not spot the dealers house. He is no moron, looks all good on the facade. Plus if everyone that lived in range of a criminal just up and moved wed all be movin all the time.

Love your Ben Franklin sig quote by the way. Never read that before.

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Guest clownsdd

Personal opinion......".Once me and one of the immediate neighbors got a bit plowed" I am taking that to mean you had been drinking. What in the heck were you doing with a loaded shotgun drinking?

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Guest Letereat!
Personal opinion......".Once me and one of the immediate neighbors got a bit plowed" I am taking that to mean you had been drinking. What in the heck were you doing with a loaded shotgun drinking?

Yes you are correct and I do not deny it was an egregious and unforgiveable error in judgement, and yes by plowed i mean Booze. Kevin and I were always having some sort of Macho BS competition for the fun of it, and as alcohol always does our judgement was very clouded. I was very suprised and a bit dissapointed that the Blue suits did not show up as it could have very well been a shot fired in malice. Guess maby they get used too stupid drunk necks doin stupid stuff and they just wait for the call if they don't see or hear the event.

Thanks, I am seeking perspective on the whole event other than my over-inflated Macho need to Protect my family. Which is basically what drove the entire sequence of events.

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Guest Letereat!
Sex Offender Search

Don't know if you have been to this site but here it is,

Wish you all well.

Thanks Trig, I shoulda done that. I just decided to check one day and crapped my pants. Fortunatelly it was two days before I moved to Day shift as I would have been a nervous wreck calling my wife every hour, "you still holdin the shotgun honey, remember to take the safety off before you shoot the SOB."

BTW no hard feelings about our differences of opinion on faith etc. It can get nasty in those discussions, I have a great deal of respect for your steadfast faith and commitment. Forgive me If I got ugly, and I think I did a bit.

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Personal observations:

Here in the country we have a location about a mile away with a transit population where from time to time shots are fired. In response from time to time 12 gauge rounds are blasted in response. That is one of the reasons I set up my range. A few items came up missing around the barn before I started practicing but recently all things are accounted for. So I agree with letting it be known you are armed. Having quit drinking some years ago I will not comment on Guns and alcohol of even alcohol in general.

I no longer hear shots being fired from any direction around my place and the poaching has been reduced also. We used to find evidence of poachers in the empty fields where deer frequented but not lately. I also believe the shots fired reduced the number of off road riders that want to ride the ridge behind my place and drive past the "No Trespassing" signs. There is no recent evidence of that either.

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BTW no hard feelings about our differences of opinion on faith etc. It can get nasty in those discussions, I have a great deal of respect for your steadfast faith and commitment. Forgive me If I got ugly, and I think I did a bit.

No hard feelings:), I understand, I was there once 20 years ago:p

At that time(20 years ago) I started caring more about others and not just about my self;)

I hope all works out with your neighbors, You can't be to safe now a days:tinfoil:

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Guest Letereat!

No hard feelings:), I understand, I was there once 20 years ago:p

At that time(20 years ago) I started caring more about others and not just about my self;)

I hope all works out with your neighbors, You can't be to safe now a days:tinfoil: trigem

Thanks. :pleased:The four of us on the dead end are cool. Pretty much everyone else thinks im a wack job Gun Nut. Some of em won't even wave or look up when I walk past with the Dog and their out tinkerin etc. :-\It bothers me a bit cause I hate for people to be afraid of me; as I am not in any hurry to shoot anybody and prey I never have cause to discharge a firearm at anyone EVER.

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Guest Letereat!

Personal observations:

Here in the country we have a location about a mile away with a transit population where from time to time shots are fired. In response from time to time 12 gauge rounds are blasted in response. That is one of the reasons I set up my range. A few items came up missing around the barn before I started practicing but recently all things are accounted for. So I agree with letting it be known you are armed. Having quit drinking some years ago I will not comment on Guns and alcohol of even alcohol in general.

I no longer hear shots being fired from any direction around my place and the poaching has been reduced also. We used to find evidence of poachers in the empty fields where deer frequented but not lately. I also believe the shots fired reduced the number of off road riders that want to ride the ridge behind my place and drive past the "No Trespassing" signs. There is no recent evidence of that either.

Most excellent account of the goodness of Guns and proof that an armed society is a polite society.:D I have left tons of bait out for any who would dare, rideing mowers weed eaters, etc. Seems the hoodlems are genuinly wary and dont want any part of my stuff AT ALL, never even had so much as a dime taken from the driveway.:popcorn:

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Guest tnxdshooter
Yes you are correct and I do not deny it was an egregious and unforgiveable error in judgement, and yes by plowed i mean Booze. Kevin and I were always having some sort of Macho BS competition for the fun of it, and as alcohol always does our judgement was very clouded. I was very suprised and a bit dissapointed that the Blue suits did not show up as it could have very well been a shot fired in malice. Guess maby they get used too stupid drunk necks doin stupid stuff and they just wait for the call if they don't see or hear the event.

Thanks, I am seeking perspective on the whole event other than my over-inflated Macho need to Protect my family. Which is basically what drove the entire sequence of events.

Right, and I wouldnt be posting that on here. Drinking and carrying, or drinking and using the fire arm is a great way to get your permit revoked. If you have one.

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I grew up in south knoxville great place then and still is. Alot of good middle of the road people. That being said, you never really know what's going on in the neighborhood. I realize that this in not an "eye opening" statement. How many times have you seen the neighbors interview on the news. "He was good neighbor", "quiet never bothered anybody", " kept to himself"

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Guest tnxdshooter
I grew up in south knoxville great place then and still is. Alot of good middle of the road people. That being said, you never really know what's going on in the neighborhood. I realize that this in not an "eye opening" statement. How many times have you seen the neighbors interview on the news. "He was good neighbor", "quiet never bothered anybody", " kept to himself"

Til he raped, tortured, murdered, maimed, his entire neighbor hood, family, etc.

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We are in a straight up middle class hood. Everybody keeps their lawns cut and you would not spot the dealers house.

A straight up middle class neighborhood where it’s legal to get drunk and crank off a few rounds. Sherwood Forest sounds like a great place to live. thumbsup.gif

Just when I think I have seen it all on this forum. :poop:


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Guest Letereat!
Right, and I wouldnt be posting that on here. Drinking and carrying, or drinking and using the fire arm is a great way to get your permit revoked. If you have one.

Good point.did not think of that, I may have to alter the story a bit. I don't have my HCP........Yet

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Guest Letereat!
A straight up middle class neighborhood where it’s legal to get drunk and crank off a few rounds. Sherwood Forest sounds like a great place to live. thumbsup.gif

Just when I think I have seen it all on this forum. :D


Who said anything about Drinking and shooting guns??:lies: Only a TOTAL IDIOT would ever do something like that. :screwy:You must have your stories mixed up.:poop:

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