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In rememberance of 9/11


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11 September 2001 ... ... we were just handling our routine chores at the station. My wife called and said, "Turn on the TV. Now." Started viewing just minutes before the 2nd plane hit.

We spent the rest of the shift watching. Stunned. We didn't have any emergency calls that day, maybe because everyone else was glued to the TV, just like we were.

On the collapse of the first tower, there were tears shed by tough guys who normally don't show a lot of emotion. We knew (and knew before the collapse) that a lot of good people wouldn't be going back to their families and loved ones that day.

We didn't have any visitors on the 11th. But the next day, and for about 6 weeks following, a lot of people stopped by. Thanked us for our service. Shook our hands. Said they appreciated us. Brought cookies and pies and stuff. Talked about the loss suffered by FDNY ... 343 ... ... ... and those that didn't stop by, well, a lot of horns were blown and a lot of folks waved ... ...

That lasted about 6 weeks. Now, it's never mentioned by the public. No one stops by, offers any comments, etc., anymore. 6.8, you are so right about people forgetting. But WE don't forget. Never will. This day, 11 September, SHOULD live in infamy, along with 7 December, for as long as we exist, because of the cowardly acts perpetrated on innocents ... and for the heroic efforts of those who worked to SAVE lives.

Sorry about the soap box. This is close to my heart, and I appreciate the thread, and the comments that have been made. I have a daily reminder at my desk, with patches from the uniforms of NYPD, the FDNY, and the Port Authority so that I will not, can not, ever forget.

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Guest Letereat!
I'm flying my flag at half mast today. I also played a funeral degerge from a CD of scottish bagpipes so loud the neighbors across the lake came out a stood at attention. The motto of the MacMillan clan is "No one attacks us with impunity!" Which is in Latin below.

That is totally AWSOME!! Nice Work, Will carry

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I was a freshman in high school. I was sitting in auto shop class when the teacher came in and turned on the tv. We watched the second plane hit. We didn't have a tv in my second period class so we listened to it on the radio and heard that both towers had fell. In my last class on the day my teacher told us all to shut up and pay attention, because this is a day we remember for the rest of of lives. I still remember how it was such a beautiful day here in middle TN, almost perfect.

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We should always remember this day, because we were placed in a war, not by our choice.

We should always reject evil acts like this and destroy the aggressor, not let him build a mosque.

The people who died in those buildings and all the servicemen and women who died fighting

for liberty don't deserve to be remembered by that phallic symbol of a mosque as appeasement

by so many. All those who died deserve better than appeasement and submission.

I was numbed by that plane flying into the tower. Maybe I've just gotten cold, but I don't see

giving into the enemy as much of a remembrance to those who died.

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I remember it like it was just a few weeks ago. I was working for a local shop installing lightbars, sirens, etc. in emergency vehicles. As usual, I had Drake & Zeke on the radio (back when they were on Rock 103). I remember being somewhat beside myself when they reported on the first plane striking the building. I remember thinking "how in the world did that kind of accident happen?" When they started reporting on the second plane hitting the WTC, I knew what was going on. Part of me was hoping it was some kind of sick joke they were playing. I remember huddling up in the front office with my coworkers trying to get a clear picture of what was happening on an old TV that had probably been in a closet for a decade. I remember the sense of unity and patriotism felt by every American for a while after the attack. It's just a shame that so many people allow that to fade.

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