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What draws you to a gun store?


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Good prices on new guns, low FFL transfer fees (haven't found that from an actual gun store yet), and that's about it. Knowledgable staff isn't a key concern of mine because if I go to a gun store I already know what I'm looking for and I've already done the necessary research.

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I want to see racks full of old, quality used guns, with fair prices on them. I also like to see racks full of DIFFERENT guns each time I visit; not the same ones sitting there for years.

This right here.

I could care less about showcases full of the latest tupperware, tricked-out AR's, and high dollar 1911's. You can get those things anywhere. The attitudes annoy me but if I'm at least acknowleged at left to do my drooling then we're good. I can get someone's attention if needed. As far as knowledge goes....well I've never heard more BS, not exactly factual and just plain I don't knows than in a gun store. I go in prepared or leave and come back.

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