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What draws you to a gun store?


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I was thinking about this the other day. I know there have been similar threads on here in the past, but it's been a while. What is the main characteristic that you like to see in a gun shop? Are you looking for the latest and greatest, just released MagPul or Daniel Defense products? Bulk ammo in stock, or a lack of variety, and absolute rock bottom prices?

Personally, I want good, friendly people behind the counter. Beyond that, I want to see a lot of used guns in stock. Not really because I think I can get a great deal on them, but because I like old guns. I can't go order a pre- '64 Winchester, or an Ithaca model 37, or a Savage 99, but I might find one used somewhere. The last few I've purchased haven't been because I was actively looking for whatever it was, but because I just stumbled across one at the right time.

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Guest Bronker

Selection is the biggest factor. Then equally, service and price.

I'll say this, the last few times I've been to the local heavy-hitter gun stores in greater Nashville, with a wad of money in my pocket and an itch to spend it, I've been completely ignored. Then when I finally flag down some help, they seem miffed for the trouble.

Screw that. So done with this.

I'll say this too. I've never been to Winchester on any visit, where I have not had guys falling over themselves to help me. Thanks, Joe.

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Personally, I want good, friendly people behind the counter. .

This!!! If they don't make me feel like they want my business then I go elsewhere. There is a certain gun shop near me that I'll go to just to browse because it's always fun, but I decided I'll never buy a gun from them because of poor CS.

It also can't hurt when they run a sale.

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Guest Glock23ForMe

For Me, Customer Service is KEY.

I'd rather spend a few extra dollars with someone who I KNOW appreciates my business as to buy something cheaper from someone who thinks of me as, "The guy who bought that gun for cheap."

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Hell, if that was my number one concern, I'd never step foot in a single gun shop! :D

Surprisingly ... Guns' N Leather has the cheapest .380 ammo around (Fed/PMC Bronze/etc...) @ $15/box :D haha

I'm still new to guns (moving from LA not to long ago) so still in the stocking up/range every other day mode! work with me here! haha

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I like my LGS, b/c they have a good selection. They do a TON of business, so prices are low. The same 4 or 5 guys are there every time I walk in and they are friendly.

I love that I can go in when there's not a crowd and just to shoot the :D with them without feeling like I'm bothering them.

My only complaint is...they don't get many trade-ins, so I rarely see many used guns for sale.

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There is a certain gun shop near me that I'll go to just to browse because it's always fun, but I decided I'll never buy a gun from them because of poor CS.

I'll bet you that I avoid the same shop for the same reason. I do take it one step further and won't even browse in there. I have however met a couple of TGOers in the parking lot for FTF deals.

Customer Service is king with me and I'll gladly pay a couple of extra dollars to support my LGS as long as I get good service.

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Guest Guy N. Cognito

Selection and location are key to me.

Attitude? Heh, I've come to expect it in gun shops.....either from the staff or from a customer. I tend to ignore it.

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I want to see racks full of old, quality used guns, with fair prices on them. I also like to see racks full of DIFFERENT guns each time I visit; not the same ones sitting there for years. That and a guy behind the counter who isn't a smart a$$. That's about all I look for.

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Guns, the person behind the counter and being able to ask questions, location, price and services available.

In general I am going to know the price range before my shadow cross the entrance.

I just ordered a Gun as Austins and the price he gave me was to the dollar of what I expected before I went in.

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Dadgummitttttt!!!!! Beat me to it.

I go to Tennessee Gun Country in Clarksville for some of the reasons stated here. The prices are not bad/decent/sometimes really good. I can stay out of gun stores for a while (a little while)(addiction), then fall off the wagon and go in there. Every time I walk (addiction) in I get hassled, with verbal needles and barbs thrown my way. Oh, the abuse. Much like here. Gives me a nice warm feeling like being at home.:D

I cannot stand to walk into a shop somewhere as a potential paying customer and be ignored or treated like a nuisance, with arrogant "gun shop commandos" behind and in front of the counter. Like "Gun Mart II" or whatever that was on Charlotte Ave. WORST excuse for customer service I've seen.

Except for the heckling, they've gotten to where they pretty much leave me alone in the Clarksville shop because they know that I know where EVERYTHING is (addiction), and if I need something I'll ask. They've installed things for me and not charged me a dime. I've also seen them go out of their way and spend a great deal of time helping customers who were maybe new to guns or just indecisive. That's what I like.

I'm just using them for an example, as I know there are plenty other shops out there that put forth the same effort, thankfully. I do have to shop price of course, but, like someone else said, I'm willing to spend maybe a few extra bucks with someone who knows the meaning of customer service.

Edited by res308
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Variety, quantity, quality, fair prices, knowledge on items they stock, customer service and even the occassional good conversation.

The 3 places I frequent have all of the above. Thankfully.

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