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how am I doing......target review


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Yes, the good thing is you are hitting the target. the bad is at 6 yards the group size should be a lot smaller. My advice, slow down, speed comes with practice. As Harvey Penick used to say, practice makes permanent...perfect practice makes perfect. Practice working on smoothness, bring the weapon up, find the front sight and pressing the trigger...twice. Then step back and do it again, and again, and again.....soon you will find that there is one fairly small hole in that target.

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Guest Guy N. Cognito

Seem to have a bit of a flinch. I fight the same thing from time to time when I switch to smaller guns in larger calibers.

Here's a trick to break the flinching habit. Get some snapcaps, and have someone else load them at random in your magazines. When you hit one, you'll see the flinch. Furthermore, you can use them as a chance to practice a quick malfunction clearance.

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Im working on it,this glock has been allot better for me than previous 40s

and I see slowly my flinch and group(if u wanna call it that) getting tighter

With my 9MM its a whole bunch tighter because the recoil does not make me flinch,need to get past that though

for the larger round...appreciate the feedback

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When dry firing does the gun dip? What does your grip look like? I am a big fan of the iscosles stance and thumbs forward grip.

I'm no bullseye shooter by any stretch but at 7 yards or less you should have a group covered by a half dollar

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When dry firing does the gun dip? What does your grip look like? I am a big fan of the iscosles stance and thumbs forward grip.

I'm no bullseye shooter by any stretch but at 7 yards or less you should have a group covered by a half dollar

Im working in it,dry firing is not an issue,nor is a smaller caliber - I just flinch with that 40......PRACTICE is all I can do

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