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Need some help from the glock guys....


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My daily carry gun is a G26. I LOVE the platform. I dont really dislike the grip but i feel it has some room for improvement. I bought a houge slip on today and like some aspects of it. I read some reviews (after the purchase) and found out about some slipping issuess. So far, it feels good but i haven't had a chance to go to the range. Is this really a issue? I went ahead and cut out a little extra space around the magazine release just to ease my mind until i get to the range. Please give me your opinions on aftermarket grips......

Also, is there any reason not to buy a $6.00 plug to fill the void near the magazine well? I feel like i read somewhere that it was there by design but i cant remember for sure......



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may not need a new grip but i'll need a new owb holster, iwb holster, paddle holster, magazines, night sights, and all the other glock goodies i've accumulated over time. I dont feel like going through all that again. But, the time is coming that i add a full size .45 to the collection. The m&p will get a hard look.

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I've had better results stippling the frame than add on stickers or tubes.

The hole is there to let debris fall out of the sear area and to aid in magazine removal if the pistol double feeds. I don't see the logic in the plug as you cannot possibly get a magazine stuck in there. I guess it makes people feel better.


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+1 on the tactical bike tube, especially if you'll wear it IWB and it'll end up against bare skin, but overall I prefer griptape as it adds virtually no thickness and gives the best purchase ($5 at a skateboard shop will get you a sheet that'll make at least 10 grips, Jessup brand is the best and better than what you'll find at a hardware store too). If you choose to stipple it practice on a pmag first and be aware that even a great job takes a lot of value off what the gun's worth (if you care).

I'd also get the plug, since it's a carry piece keeping lint and debris out is a good idea and mag changes can get hung up on the open channel.

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Guest Bronker

+1 on the bike innertube.

I bought a $4 mountain bike inner tube several months ago, and have made probably a dozen so far out of it. I have it on both of my carry glocks and my CZ75 Phantom. I've tried a Hogue before and hated it.

The bike inner tube adds just enough tack, without rough texture, without bulk, and without spending $10-$20 a pop.

Love mine.

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Check out the Talo grips.

Forget the plug. Just a gimmick for plug makers to make money. Serves absolutely no purpose. If the Glocks needed it they would come with it

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The concept behind the hole in the grip is to allow any debris that might find it's way in there to fall out without obstructing the trigger.

For 99% of what we use a Glock for, a plug is fine.

The area where the plug goes in the grip is there to add a Glock stock for an SBR. Legal in other countries.

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I used a Pachmyr on my G27 and loved it. Put a Hogue on the G30 and hate it to this day. Slug plug is recommended, but if you ever use a larger mag (probably have/do) with a magazine spacer, it will interfere with the slug plug. Well worth the money, IMHO.

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There are many stories out there that address the hole in the grip; allow to strip out a stuck magazine easier, the original glock mold had to have it to form the plastic, blah blah blah...

In the larger frame glocks there is a cut out making story 1 possible. In the subs this thumb cut out isn't there. I plug my 27 cause it it gets a lot of lint in there.

As for the grips I don't have any on my carry guns cause they are hard on my love handles. Now for play guns like my 21 I like the stick on sand paper.

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