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Sons of Anarchy Season3

Il Duce

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Yeah they will. I dunno what I think about this deal thing going on. I understand it is a way for Gemma's character to come back in the show and be interactive with everyone but still. Anyways, once again its going to be a long few days till it comes back on

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So we know the Irish lady that runs the store had a thing for Jax's dad. Clay and Gemma seemed worried about what Jax would find out about if he go to Belfast. Anybody have any guesses? I am wondering in Gemma isn't Jax's real mom. The way Jemma said MY son to the Irish lady was kinda strange.

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My guess is the Irish lady (played by Paula Malcomson) had a thing with John Teller and her daughter and Jax are half brother and sister. Paula's character said a few times "A boy needs his dad", and this would explain John Teller going back to the states to be with Gemma and his two boys instead of staying in Belfast with her and his daughter.

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Still here, busy with work.

I am of the mind that Maurine, or her daughter are of relation to Jax. One thing that gets me, the heart defect, Gemma has it, and Thomas (I think that was the brother) died of it. But Jax seems fine. I am nearly certain that the daughter is at least Jax's half sister. The reason I am not willing to go to the full belief that Maurine, or Mo as they call her, is Jax's mother, well, I don't think she would have been so willing to give up the baby, which would have been her grandson.

With Tara, I knew she was pregnant. That didn't come as a big shock. Jax straight up leaving her did, although they have built to it all season. It was nice to see Darby again. I despise him, good actor.

Jax and Stahl. Wow. I don't even know how I feel about that, other than the firming of my belief that he is my least favorite character of the show. Stahl, god I love to hate her.

It was nice to see Happy come back to the mother charter. I am not certain, I know he was a big part early in the first season, and he mentioned going Nomad, but they never made a deal of him leaving, which leads me to believe he was always (or had been for a while) Nomad. I wonder if Tig's position as Sergeant at Arms is in jeopardy, Happy is a one serious MFer. Tig is still my favorite character.

The teasers for next week look awesome, but it looks like still another week out from Belfast. I am looking forward to that. This season will be over too quick, cause it is just ripping along.

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Then again the thing with Mo, she was awful tore up over Abel, but her ties to and fear of the IRA may have made her do it anyways, and her guilt is why she called Gemma, even though she may have stolen her son and man. It would explain the thing with the Belfast President being First Nine.

I really want to see where this story arc goes, I know for a lot of folks, they aren't digging this arc, but being Irish, it fascinates me.

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I'm with Murgatroy in his thoughts and love of the Irish story line. Im only the 3rd generation born here in my family so I still have alot of family there.

I honestly am ready for Tara to just go away. I've never liked her character. I'm curious as to where Kurt Sutter is taking all this, but I have a feeling this season is going to end with alot of unanswered questions and screaming fans.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Tara and Jax are both my least favorite characters, I have mentioned it before. I think the ensemble cast is more of what keeps me coming back. I love Tig, Bobby, Chibs and the other assorted bit players. The Clay/Jax drama, the Jax/Tara drama and the Jax/The rest of the MC drama is fun, but I still can't seem to associate with Jax. I don't think it is the character as much as it is the way Charlie Hunn portrays the character, and even then, I have to admit, he does a fairly decent job amongst some of the veterans on the cast. There is just something about him that is too stiff, the delivery of his lines are off. I can overlook his accent to a point, given that he is British. But some of his words are still to chopped, and he is trying to channel the Marlboro Man while being a Nike Biker. I like the stance he takes on some of the issues, and frankly the Tig/Jax drama in Season One/early Season Two was some of the best in the show.

I just can't bring myself to like him as much as the rest of the characters.

Tara, well, I warmed up to her this season. She finally went full on with the club. Again, the actress just seems... well, lost. When Tara and Gemma have their scenes, Katey Sagal just walks all over her. Her portrayal of Gemma has completely erased all memory of Peggy Bundy. She is hardcore. I like it.

As for the way this season ends, I have a feeling we will have a lot more questions than we have the last two seasons, but I think it is being done right, they will answer enough to keep us coming back, and make us sit back in our collective chairs and go 'whoa, I didn't see that coming' at the same time. I don't think the Season Two cliff hanger will have anything on Season Three.

Just speculating, I think Jax is gonna find out how John Teller really died. And I have the gut twist feeling it isn't gonna be how we all think. Well those of us that think Clay and Gemma did it. And then BAM! Season Three is over.

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Well just got around to watching Tuesday's episode. Seems like things are starting to amp up. The theme here seems to be things are finally turning. Old friends are now enemies, old enemies are now new friends. I think we're witnessing the start of some very rocky times where SAMCRO isn't top dog anymore.

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It is interesting to see that SAMBEL has thrown in with Jimmy. I didn't expect that, but I wasn't surprised.

Finding out that Trinity, Moe's daughter, is Jax's half-sister wasn't a shock either.

Gemma busting out of jail, was a twist. I kinda wish she hadn't done that. Unser turning his back on the club, well, I didn't see that coming, although the signs had pointed towards it.

All in all though, my favorite part was either the Hospital Admin backing up Tara (that was a great performance,) or Tig leading the "P I G G I E S" (his words, not mine) on a wild goose chase. I was laughing the whole time as he was screaming at them while tearing up the roads. I am sad that he won't be in Ireland, but he will be in Charming when the former Calderon pres comes to start things, which will be a great thing.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Good episode. Really a good job after a weak showing last week.

My favorite line: "Unless we want a six headed grandchild, we better get in there and share some family secrets."

Nor more that that until those that watch on Hulu have a chance to see it t'marra.

Edited by Murgatroy
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