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Fire at Tenn. Mosque Building Site Ruled Arson

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Guest GT_Rat
That's right, but those missionaries are usually going over to other countries to aid

people that want the assistance.

Muslims do to. They come here and build Mosques to help other Muslims that want them here. The couldn't afford to build them if they didn't have a worshipper base.
No one that I know of is being forced into a church

they don't want, are they?

Nobody is being forced into a Mosque either.
On the flip side, there were a few radical muslims that learned to fly airplanes. They

didn't get to the part on landings very well, or, did they?

A few radical Christians started the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, etc, etc. Christianity as a whole doesn't want to be judged by that but it's ok to judge Islam as a whole for the actions of a few extremists?
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Guest 6.8 AR

Well, you defended the muslims very well. They don't need to.

I never had a bone to pick with muslims until they learned to

fly, but using the Crusades as justification is a bit much. There are

more than just a few extremists in their fold. Look at Iran.

Move on over. Let them do what they wish. Let's all forget about

911 and be the apologists and sympathizers. Cum ba yah!

I feel refreshed, now.

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Guest 6.8 AR

It just seems that they would want to flush their own toilets, of the radicals,

unless they are either scared of them, or that they might agree with them.

I think there is much more going on, in the world of Islam, that is detrimental

to our way of life than some realize. I don't know the solution. Never claimed

I did. With the problems other countries are having with "sharia law" and

muslim demands for it, we shouldn't be playing nice until we know more.

If I recall correctly, it was their radicals that flew the planes. I don't recall

us inviting them out of those planes flight plans.

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Guest GT_Rat
Well, you defended the muslims very well. They don't need to.

I never had a bone to pick with muslims until they learned to

fly, but using the Crusades as justification is a bit much. There are

more than just a few extremists in their fold. Look at Iran.

Move on over. Let them do what they wish. Let's all forget about

911 and be the apologists and sympathizers. Cum ba yah!

I feel refreshed, now.

I'm not justifying anything. Extremist Muslims deserve every bullet and bomb they get. I take issue with people demonizing an entire group for the transgressions of a few. That's the parallel I'm drawing with the Crusades/Inquisition/Etc. I can't demonize Christianity for those transgressions in their past even though many in the world do. You apparently don't have a problem with that so by extension you can either take as good as you give or you can be a hypocrite.

Oh, and look at Iran. On the brink if revolution for the second time in 30 years BECAUSE of the extremism of their government.

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Ignorant thinking and ignorant posts don't just make you look ignorant they make all of us look ignorant. Again judging muslims based on 9-11 is like saying all americans are like Timothy Mcvay. Or we are all like Al Sharpton, the Mi Militia, or are we all like Charles Manson? We have enough crackpots in this country that make us look bad already, do we get judged based on those few people? Wake up and take a deep breath, now let your hatred out and God will set you free. It amazes me how many people claim to be Christians but don't want to follow the teachings of Christ. What happened to love thy neighbor? Do you want to be the one standing in front of Christ being asked "Uh, What part of my teachings didn't you understand? I laid it out clearly for you!" Come on people quit being the biggest group of hypocrites and open your eyes that not all Muslims are evil.

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The fact is the majority of muslims are peaceful. The problem is they are judged by the actions of the few extremists. No different than the majority of southerners are decent hard working people but we often get called ignorant and lazy because of the few that lazy, ignorant, disability faking, and "gun nuts". I have no problem with a mosque, church, temple, or anything else they want to build. What I have a problem with is people who cling to the constitution when it suits their wants and needs but, quickly abandon it when it goes against what they want. These are US citizens and have the right to worship however they see fit.

Perfectly stated, imo.

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Guest 6.8 AR

Then perhaps the Muslims, as I said earlier, would

do well to police their own, instead of letting their

radical brothers control their agenda.

I don't like that we are being used after 9/11.


There is a lot more to this than we know and those

that wish to argue justification, try and remember that

two wrongs don't make a right. The Crusades, Inquisition and the like were embarrassing times when we look back and if you take that kind of logic when looking at

history without looking at what state civilization was in,

it kind of skews the picture.

Sharia law doesn't fit into our way of life very well.

Call me what you wish.

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That's right, but those missionaries are usually going over to other countries to aid

people that want the assistance. No one that I know of is being forced into a church

they don't want, are they?

On the flip side, there were a few radical muslims that learned to fly airplanes. They

didn't get to the part on landings very well, or, did they?

Do you recall the ****ing crusades by chance?


Looks like I was beaten to the punch.

Edited by Daniel
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There is a lot more to this than we know and those

that wish to argue justification, try and remember that

two wrongs don't make a right. The Crusades, Inquisition and the like were embarrassing times when we look back and if you take that kind of logic when looking at

history without looking at what state civilization was in,

it kind of skews the picture.

Sharia law doesn't fit into our way of life very well.

Call me what you wish.

The only justification I offer is that they aren't breaking any laws, so why be proactive? We can't pick and choose the parts of the US Constitution we wish to follow.

As for Shariah law, that's 100% up to our government whether or not they intend to enforce US laws. I couldn't care less what the Muslims believe, they abide by US law or they accept the punishment, same as everyone else.

Not sure why everyone's so worried about it - it's not like next year there will be a decree that your wife has to wear a burka. Freedom works both ways - they can't force us to live according tot heir beliefs.

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My point is that Christians have enforced their will upon others.

Indeed, everyone has at some point in history.

However, comparing something from a millennia ago - when the world was an entirely different place - with something that happened nine years ago is a stretch at best...

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Do you recall the ****ing crusades by chance?


Looks like I was beaten to the punch.

I love the lack of historical accuracy that pervades our culture, not.

What has somehow been lost in the 20th/21st Centuries, but was understood for 1000 years before, was that the Crusades were a direct response to the Moorish invasion of Western Europe. The only thing that is preventing us from all being under Sharia Law currently is the victory of Charles "The Hammer" Martel over Tariq ibn-Zayad in 732 AD at the Battle of Tours. The Moors, or Muslims as we now call them, had conquered all of Hispania and Gaul and were rapidly taking over the entirety of Europe. But somehow, that has been completely forgotten. I guess the Europeans were supposed to have gladly accepted the Moors with open arms and given up, then and only then would they have not been guilty of the horrible atrocity of fighting back. The Islamists are just pissed that they did not succeed and but have since succeeded in re-writing history, and Americans are buying it.

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My point is that Christians have enforced their will upon others.

And the answer to this point is, although there have indeed been some horrific things done in the name of Christianity such as the Spanish Inquisition (I do not count the Crusades because it was done in self defense), there is no scriptural justification for it in the Bible in any way, shape, or form. Self defense is the only justification for violence under the Christian scriptures.

However, in the Quran, violence is at the very heart of the text. The spread of Islam, by force, is it's central theme. Killing and murder are not only condoned, but promoted and not merely as a self defense mechanism.

That is a huge difference that even a self proclaimed "atheist" should understand.

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One last thing, Daniel, and please don't take this as a personal attack, because it's not. If you're going to fight against something as hard as you do like religion, please take the time to read the sacred texts of them so you can understand them more. And I mean cover to cover, not snippets taken out of context. I do not expect you to take my word for any of it, but will offer to give you a copy of the Holy Bible and the Quran for you to be better prepared in your arguements against religion. PM me with your address and I will have a copy of both in your mail ASAP.

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And the answer to this point is, although there have indeed been some horrific things done in the name of Christianity such as the Spanish Inquisition (I do not count the Crusades because it was done in self defense), there is no scriptural justification for it in the Bible in any way, shape, or form. Self defense is the only justification for violence under the Christian scriptures.

However, in the Quran, violence is at the very heart of the text. The spread of Islam, by force, is it's central theme. Killing and murder are not only condoned, but promoted and not merely as a self defense mechanism.

That is a huge difference that even a self proclaimed "atheist" should understand.


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And the answer to this point is, although there have indeed been some horrific things done in the name of Christianity such as the Spanish Inquisition (I do not count the Crusades because it was done in self defense), there is no scriptural justification for it in the Bible in any way, shape, or form. Self defense is the only justification for violence under the Christian scriptures.

However, in the Quran, violence is at the very heart of the text. The spread of Islam, by force, is it's central theme. Killing and murder are not only condoned, but promoted and not merely as a self defense mechanism.

That is a huge difference that even a self proclaimed "atheist" should understand.

Go look up the first crusade. It was to initially to help the Byzantine empire but then they decided to retake the holy land which hadn't been under christian control in close to 500 years..

Edited by Daniel
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Guest 270win

The problem I have with many of the organized muslims and mosques in the states is their lack of condemnation for terrorists here and abroad. They do not police themselves well. They at the very least have quite a bit of hate speech directed towards the USA by their leaders and it is well known. It is also well known that mosques here have been caught pooling money for terrorists or terrorist sympathizers (those who haven't been convicted YET).

It is a whole different breed of religion mixed with a movement mixed with politics mixed with violence and money and way of life.

These guys, in my view, are totally different than Church of Christ, Baptist, Catholic, Jewish, Mormon, Jehovah's Witness, who is right and wrong, even throw in the recent newcomer Hindu and Buddhists. I have yet to here of any of these groups recently hide in mass terrorists and funnel money to terrorists. Yes they all disagree but they're not turning a blind eye to their 'misguided' members who decide to go off the deep end in the name of their religion or even funnel money to it mass amounts of congregations.

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The problem I have with many of the organized muslims and mosques in the states is their lack of condemnation for terrorists here and abroad. They do not police themselves well. They at the very least have quite a bit of hate speech directed towards the USA by their leaders and it is well known. It is also well known that mosques here have been caught pooling money for terrorists or terrorist sympathizers (those who haven't been convicted YET).

Muslims have condemned terrorists for decades.

These guys, in my view, are totally different than Church of Christ, Baptist, Catholic, Jewish, Mormon, Jehovah's Witness, who is right and wrong, even throw in the recent newcomer Hindu and Buddhists. I have yet to here of any of these groups recently hide in mass terrorists and funnel money to terrorists. Yes they all disagree but they're not turning a blind eye to their 'misguided' members who decide to go off the deep end in the name of their religion or even funnel money to it mass amounts of congregations.

Hinduism is a term for a wide variety of related religious traditions native to India.[1] Historically, it encompasses the development of Religion in India since the Iron Age traditions, which in turn hark back to prehistoric religions such as that of the Bronze Age Indus Valley Civilization followed by the Vedic religion.
Buddhism is a religion and philosophy encompassing a variety of traditions, beliefs and practices, largely based on teachings attributed to Siddhartha Gautama, commonly known as the Buddha (Pāli/Sanskrit "the awakened one"). The Buddha lived and taught in the northeastern Indian subcontinent some time between the 6th and 4th centuries BCE.[2] He is recognized by adherents as an awakened teacher who shared his insights to help sentient beings end suffering (or dukkha), achieve nirvana, and escape what is seen as a cycle of suffering and rebirth.

It appears that Hinduism and Buddism predate Christianity by a little bit.

Who turned Eric Rudolph in? Anyone? Oh wait, that guy lived off "fruits and berries with no help" for 4 years because he didnt have sympathizers that thought it was ok to bomb abortion clinics and gay bars.

Edited by Daniel
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Guest GT_Rat
I love the lack of historical accuracy that pervades our culture, not.

What has somehow been lost in the 20th/21st Centuries, but was understood for 1000 years before, was that the Crusades were a direct response to the Moorish invasion of Western Europe. The only thing that is preventing us from all being under Sharia Law currently is the victory of Charles "The Hammer" Martel over Tariq ibn-Zayad in 732 AD at the Battle of Tours. The Moors, or Muslims as we now call them, had conquered all of Hispania and Gaul and were rapidly taking over the entirety of Europe. But somehow, that has been completely forgotten. I guess the Europeans were supposed to have gladly accepted the Moors with open arms and given up, then and only then would they have not been guilty of the horrible atrocity of fighting back. The Islamists are just pissed that they did not succeed and but have since succeeded in re-writing history, and Americans are buying it.

While the first Crusades were in fact to repel Moorish invaders the later invasions of Moorish lands were to conquer and convert, and to liberate the Holy Lands from Muslim hands.

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