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So what is with the new acronym EDC??

Guest Mudlizard

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Guest Mudlizard

OK, spell it out for me.

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Guest Mudlizard
  Photoguy67 said:
every day carry

Man, I just posted this 3 seconds ago. Thanks, yes it is new to me. Worse than the military!!



The End Of The World As We Know It.




SNAFUBAR, when SNAFU or FUBAR alone just aren't descriptive enough.



Guest Glock23ForMe
  Mudlizard said:
OK, spell it out for me.

FNG.... :P

  Photoguy67 said:
don't feel bad, to be honest I had to work it out myself the first time I saw it.

Same here and same most every time there s a new one. Some times it takes a while because I don't want to ask. If I don't eventually figure it out, someone will ask :-)

Guest jackdm3
  wstrnrdr said:

Got it!!!!!


Butt Ugly Guy?

Guest jackdm3

Damn, Dan'l. Should have made him wait a bit for that one.

Guest chaplain tom

Maybe this will help.

Common Firearm Related Abbreviations

AWB - Assault Weapons Ban

BT - Boat Tail [Ammo]

BUG - BackUp Gun

CC - Concealed Carry

CCW - Carry Concealed Weapon (carry permit)

CHP - Concealed Handgun Permit (carry permit)

CMP - Civilian Marksmanship Program

CWP - Concealed Weapons Permit (carry permit)

DA - Double Action [Firing Mechanism]

DAO - Double Action Only [Firing Mechanism]

HCP - Handgun Carry Permit (carry permit)

FFL - Federal Firearms License

FMJ - Full Metal Jacket [Ammo]

FTE - Failed To Eject [semi-auto]

FTF - Fail To Feed [semi-auto]

HP - Hollow Point [Ammo]

IWB - Inside Waist Band [Holster]

JHP - Jacketed Hollow Point [Ammo]

LEO - Law Enforcement Officer

NRA - National Rifle Association

OWB - Outside Waist Band [Holster]

OC - Open Carry [Carrying your firearm in open view]

POTUS - President Of The United States

RKBA- Right to Keep and Bear Arms

SCOTUS - Supreme Court Of The United States

SA - Single Action [Firing Mechanism]

SA/DA - Single Action/Double Action [Firing Mechanism]

SO - Sheriff's Office

Buying and Selling

FTF or F2F- Face To Face (Transaction)

SPF - Sold Pending Funds

WTB - Want To Buy

WTS - Want To Sell

WTT - Want To Trade

General Webspeak

AFAIK - As Far As I Know

BF Boy Friend

BFF Best Friends Forever

BTTT - Back To The Top

Bump - Outside of a For Sale type thread, an effort by someone that doesn't have anything to contribute to get a thread back into discussion.

DFTT Don't Feed The Troll

FWIW - For What It's Worth

IANAL - I Am Not A Lawyer

IBTL - In Before The Lock!

IIRC - If I Remember Correctly

IMO - In My Opinion

IMHO - In My Humble (or Honest) Opinion

KWIM - Know What I Mean?

OP - Original Post or Original Poster

ROTFL Rolling On The Floor Laughing

ROTFLMAO Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass Off

YMMV - Your mileage may vary

More Gun Abbreviations:

2A 2nd Amendment

ACOG Advanced Combat Optical Gun sight

ACP Automatic Colt Pistol

AD Accidental Discharge (see also ND, negligent discharge)

AE Action Express

AF Alternative Force

AFAIK As Far As I Know

AI Ackley Improved

AOP Assault on Principal [exec protection]

AOW Any Other Weapon (zip guns, other non-standard small-bore firearms)

AWB Assault Weapons Ban (part of the 1994 Crime Bill) [legislation]

BAR Browning Automatic Rifle

BB - Bull Barrel

BC Ballistic Coefficient

BG Bad Guy, or Big Grin

BHP Browning Hi-Power

BMG Browning Machine Gun

BOB Bug-Out Bag (or "Go Bag")

BOHICA Bend Over, Here It Comes Again

BP Black Powder; Black Powder Cartridge Rifle

BUG Back-Up Gun (second or third gun carried in case the primary malfunctions)

CC Concealed carry

CCW Concealed Carry Weapon (license)

CHL Concealed Handgun License

CHP Concealed Handgun Permit

CIAO This is not an acronym. It's Italian for "bye."

COD Cash On Delivery

COM Center Of Mass

CONUS Continental United States

CPL Concealed Pistol License

CQB Close-Quarters Battle

CQC Close-Quarters Combat

CRISAT Cooperative Research Into Small Arms Technology

CRPA Certified Royal Pain in the A--

CUP Copper Units of Pressure; a method of measuring chamber pressure, most common with shotguns

CWP Concealed Weapons Permit

DA Double Action

DAO Double Action Only

DARFC Duck And Run For Cover

DD Destructive Device (generally bombs and large-bore weapons)

DOA Dead On Arrival [police]

DPS Department of Public Safety (most states have them)

DVC Diligentia Vis Celeritas (Latin for Accuracy, Power, Speed)

EBR - Evil Black Rifle

EDC Every Day Carry

EDP Emotionally Disturbed Person [NYPD]

EIN Employer Identification Number

EO Executive Order

ETA Estimated Time of Arrival

ETA Edited To Add (Internet speak)

ETS End tenure of service.

FFL Federal Firearms License or Licensee

FOIA Freedom of Information Act

FPS Feet Per Second

FTE Failure to Eject

FTE Failure to Extract

FTF Face to Face (referring to non-FFL-mediated gun transfers)

FTF Failure to Feed

FTF Failure to Fire

FTLOG For The Love Of God

FUBAR F---ed Up Beyond All Recognition

FUDD Slang term for a "casual" gun owner - and does not truly believe in the true premise of the second amendment

FWIW For What It's Worth

FYI For Your Information

GC gas check; a copper-zinc alloy cup used as gilding to protect the base of lead bullets from hot gas obduration during internal ballistics.

GD&R Grin, Duck, & Run

GF Girl Friend

GFSZ Gun free school zone

GG Good Guy

GI Government Issue

GMT Greenwich Mean Time (time zone, equivalent to Zulu/UTC)

HAND Have A Nice Day

HCP Handgun Carry Permit

HD Home Defense

HDC Home Defense Carbine

HMG Heavy Machine Gun

HSLD High Speed Low Drag

HSO Handle for a moronic Moderator on the best firearms boards around (Health & Safety Officer)

HSP Highly Sensitive Person

HTH Hope That Helps

IANAL I Am Not A Lawyer

IBTL In before the lock, or In before thread lock

IDLE International Date Line East

IDLW International Date Line West

IINM If I'm Not Mistaken

IIRC If I Remember Correctly

IMHO In My Humble Opinion

IMNSHO In My Not So Humble Opinion

IMO In My Opinion

IOW In Other Words

IRL In Real Life

IWB Inside Waist Band

JBT Jack Booted Thug

JMB John Moses Browning

JMO Just My Opinion

JSP Jacketed Soft Point

KB Kaboom

KISS Keep It Simple, Stupid

KWIM Know What I Mean

KYPD Keep Your Powder Dry

LDA Light Double Action

LE Law Enforcement

LEA Law Enforcement Agency

LEO Law Enforcement Officer/Official

LGS Local gun store

LLEA Local Law Enforcement Agency

LMAO Laughing My A-- Off

LMG Light Machine Gun

LNIB Like New In Box, usually means the item looks new but has been lightly used (see also NIB)

LOL Laughing Out Loud

LOS Line Of Sight

MG Machine Gun

MIM Metal Injection Molding

MOA Minutes Of Angle (angular measurement, 1/60 of a °, 360° in a circle)

MOB Middle Of Back

MOS Military Occupational Specialty

MV Muzzle Velocity

NAP Non-Aggression Principle (and criticism)

ND Negligent Discharge ( see also AD, accidental discharge)

NIB New In Box, usually means the item has not been used since bought, but can also mean LNIB.

NOYB None Of Your Business

NSFW Not Suitable/Safe for Work (inappropriate content for the workplace - video with profanity, for example)

OAL Over All Length

OC Open carry

OMG Oh My God

OOTB Out Of The Box

OP Original Poster

ORM-D Other Regulated Materials - Domestic (seen on boxes of shipped ammo)

OT Off-Topic

OTOH On The Other Hand

OWB Outside the Waist Band

PASGT Personnel Armor System for Ground Troops

PBR Point Blank Range

PCS Permanent change of station

PDW Personal Defense Weapon

PHB Pointy-Haired Boss (Dilbert reference, a boss without a clue)

PITA Pain In The A--

POA Point Of Aim

POI Point Of Impact

POI Person Of Interest

POS Piece Of S---

PSI Pounds per Square Inch

PT Physical Training

PTL&PTA Praise The Lord & Pass The Ammunition

QC Quality Control

REMF Rear Echelon Mother F---er (derogatory name for a non-combatant in a combat zone or a military occupational specialty that would keep one from seeing combat)

RINO Republican In Name Only (usually a right wing nut calling a moderate Republican a left wing nut)

RKBA Right to Keep and Bear Arms

SA Single Action

SAA Single Action Army (famous Colt revolver design that shows up in Westerns)

SA/DA Single Action/Double Action [Firing Mechanism]

SAK Swiss Army Knife

SBR - Short Barrel Rifle

SD Self Defense; Sectional Density (weight [lbs] to cross-section area [in^2])

SHTF S--- Hits The Fan

SKS Samozaryadnaya Karabina Simonova, or Self-loading carbine Simonov. Sergei Gavrilovich Simonov was one of the old Soviet Union's foremost arms designers. The rifle was adopted by the USSR in 1945, and was made both there and in China.

SLR Self-Loading Rifle

SMG Sub-Machine Gun

SNAFU Situation Normal: All F---ed Up

SO Significant Other (boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife)

SO Sherriff's Office

SOB Small Of Back (6 o'clock carry)

SOP Standard Operating Procedure

SOT Special Occupational Tax license (administered by the BATFE)

SWAT Special Weapons And Tactics

SxS Side by Side (i.e. a shotgun)

TDY Temporary duty

TEOTWAWKI The End Of The World As We Know It

TIA Thanks In Advance

TID Tax ID number

TLA Three Letter Acronym

TMI Too Much Information

TNSTAAFL There's no such thing as a free lunch

TPTB The Powers That Be

TTW Taunting The Wookie (someone known to rip arms out of sockets when inflamed)

TU **** Up (military origin, meaning f---ed; often spelled phonetically as "Tango Uniform")

URL Uniform Resource Locator

UTC Universal Time Coordinate (time zone, equivalent to Zulu/GMT)

VCA Violent Criminal Assailant

WTSHTF When The S--- Hits The Fan

WWB Winchester White Box (ammo)

WYSIWYG What You See Is What You Get

YMMV Your Mileage/Methods May Vary

Buying and Selling

FTF/F2F Face to Face (transaction)

SPF Sold Pending Funds

WTB Want to Buy

WTS Want to Sell

WTT Want to Trade

Bullet Design

AP Armor Piercing

API Armor Piercing, Incendiary

APT Armor Piercing, Tracer

BBWC Bevel Base Wad Cutter

BT Boat Tail

FMJ Full Metal Jacket

FP Flat Point

HP Hollow Point

J Jacketed

JFP Jacketed Flat Point

JHC Jacketed Hollow Cavity

JHP Jacketed Hollow Point

JSP Jacketed Soft Point

L Lead

LRN Lead Round Nose

LSWC Lead Semi-Wad Cutter

LWC Lead Wad Cutter

RN Round Nose

SJ Semi-Jacketed

SJHP Semi-Jacketed Hollow Point

SP Soft Point

SWC Semi-Wad Cutter

TC Truncated Cone

TMJ Total Metal Jacket

WC Wad Cutter

National Membership-type RKBA Organizations

AKTI American Knife and Tool Institute

CCRKBA Citizens' Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms

GOA Gun Owners of America

JPFO Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership

Kniferights Knife Rights

NRA National Rifle Association

SAF Second Amendment Foundation

SAS (2AS) Second Amendment Sisters

Other Organizations (both pro and anti-gun)

ACLU American Civil Liberties Union

AHSA American Hunters and Shooters Association (false flag gun banners pretending to be pro)


ASA Australian Shooting Association

BCPGV Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence

BF Blade Forums

CAS Cowboy Action Shooting

CLDF Civil Liberties Defense Foundation

COA Citizens of America

CPHV Center to Prevent Handgun Violence (Brady Center offshoot)

DU Democratic Underground

FOP Fraternal Order of Police

FOUP Firearm Owners Unification Project

GT Glock Talk

HCI Handgun Control Inc. (Brady Center)

IALEFI International Association of Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors

IDPA International Defensive Pistol Association

IPSC International Practical Shooting Confederation

KABA Keep And Bear Arms

LEAA Law Enforcement Alliance of America

MMM Million Mom March

NRAILA National Rifle Association Institute for Legislative Action

NSSF National Shooting Sports Foundation

SAAMI Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers Institute

SASS Single Action Shooting Society

SATF Second Amendment Task Force

SDF Self Defense Forums

SHOTShow Shooting, Hunting, and Outdoor Travel Show

TFL The Firing Line

THR The High Road

TRT Tyranny Response Team

USPSA United States Practical Shooting Association

License/Permit Abbreviations

CCW Concealed Carry of Weapons (MO)

CDWL Concealed Deadly Weapons License (KY)

CFP Concealed Firearm Permit (UT, NV)

CHL Concealed Handgun License (AR, NM, OR, TX)

CHP Concealed Handgun Permit (AK, LA, NC, VA)

CPL Concealed Pistol License (MI, WA)

CWL Concealed Weapon License (FL, ID, OK)

CWP Concealed Weapon Permit (AZ, CO, MT, ND)

FL Firearms License (GA)

FOID - Firearm Owner Identification Card (IL residents)

FP Firearms Permit (MS)

LTC License to Carry (CA, IN, MA, NY)

LTCCH License to Carry a Concealed Handgun (OH)

LTCF License to Carry Firearms (PA)

PL Pistol License (AL, NH)

PTC Permit to Carry (CT, IA, ME, MD, MN, NJ)

  OhShoot said:
SNAFUBAR, when SNAFU or FUBAR alone just aren't descriptive enough.

- OS

  Daniel said:
The End Of The World As We Know It.
  chaplain tom said:
Maybe this will help.

Common Firearm Related Abbreviations

AWB - Assault Weapons Ban

BT - Boat Tail [Ammo]

BUG - BackUp Gun

CC - Concealed Carry

CCW - Carry Concealed Weapon (carry permit)

CHP - Concealed Handgun Permit (carry permit)

CMP - Civilian Marksmanship Program

CWP - Concealed Weapons Permit (carry permit)

DA - Double Action [Firing Mechanism]

DAO - Double Action Only [Firing Mechanism]

HCP - Handgun Carry Permit (carry permit)

FFL - Federal Firearms License

FMJ - Full Metal Jacket [Ammo]

FTE - Failed To Eject [semi-auto]

FTF - Fail To Feed [semi-auto]

HP - Hollow Point [Ammo]

IWB - Inside Waist Band [Holster]

JHP - Jacketed Hollow Point [Ammo]

LEO - Law Enforcement Officer

NRA - National Rifle Association

OWB - Outside Waist Band [Holster]

OC - Open Carry [Carrying your firearm in open view]

POTUS - President Of The United States

RKBA- Right to Keep and Bear Arms

SCOTUS - Supreme Court Of The United States

SA - Single Action [Firing Mechanism]

SA/DA - Single Action/Double Action [Firing Mechanism]

SO - Sheriff's Office

Buying and Selling

FTF or F2F- Face To Face (Transaction)

SPF - Sold Pending Funds

WTB - Want To Buy

WTS - Want To Sell

WTT - Want To Trade

General Webspeak

AFAIK - As Far As I Know

BF Boy Friend

BFF Best Friends Forever

BTTT - Back To The Top

Bump - Outside of a For Sale type thread, an effort by someone that doesn't have anything to contribute to get a thread back into discussion.

DFTT Don't Feed The Troll

FWIW - For What It's Worth

IANAL - I Am Not A Lawyer

IBTL - In Before The Lock!

IIRC - If I Remember Correctly

IMO - In My Opinion

IMHO - In My Humble (or Honest) Opinion

KWIM - Know What I Mean?

OP - Original Post or Original Poster

ROTFL Rolling On The Floor Laughing

ROTFLMAO Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass Off

YMMV - Your mileage may vary

More Gun Abbreviations:

2A 2nd Amendment

ACOG Advanced Combat Optical Gun sight

ACP Automatic Colt Pistol

AD Accidental Discharge (see also ND, negligent discharge)

AE Action Express

AF Alternative Force

AFAIK As Far As I Know

AI Ackley Improved

AOP Assault on Principal [exec protection]

AOW Any Other Weapon (zip guns, other non-standard small-bore firearms)

AWB Assault Weapons Ban (part of the 1994 Crime Bill) [legislation]

BAR Browning Automatic Rifle

BB - Bull Barrel

BC Ballistic Coefficient

BG Bad Guy, or Big Grin

BHP Browning Hi-Power

BMG Browning Machine Gun

BOB Bug-Out Bag (or "Go Bag")

BOHICA Bend Over, Here It Comes Again

BP Black Powder; Black Powder Cartridge Rifle

BUG Back-Up Gun (second or third gun carried in case the primary malfunctions)

CC Concealed carry

CCW Concealed Carry Weapon (license)

CHL Concealed Handgun License

CHP Concealed Handgun Permit

CIAO This is not an acronym. It's Italian for "bye."

COD Cash On Delivery

COM Center Of Mass

CONUS Continental United States

CPL Concealed Pistol License

CQB Close-Quarters Battle

CQC Close-Quarters Combat

CRISAT Cooperative Research Into Small Arms Technology

CRPA Certified Royal Pain in the A--

CUP Copper Units of Pressure; a method of measuring chamber pressure, most common with shotguns

CWP Concealed Weapons Permit

DA Double Action

DAO Double Action Only

DARFC Duck And Run For Cover

DD Destructive Device (generally bombs and large-bore weapons)

DOA Dead On Arrival [police]

DPS Department of Public Safety (most states have them)

DVC Diligentia Vis Celeritas (Latin for Accuracy, Power, Speed)

EBR - Evil Black Rifle

EDC Every Day Carry

EDP Emotionally Disturbed Person [NYPD]

EIN Employer Identification Number

EO Executive Order

ETA Estimated Time of Arrival

ETA Edited To Add (Internet speak)

ETS End tenure of service.

FFL Federal Firearms License or Licensee

FOIA Freedom of Information Act

FPS Feet Per Second

FTE Failure to Eject

FTE Failure to Extract

FTF Face to Face (referring to non-FFL-mediated gun transfers)

FTF Failure to Feed

FTF Failure to Fire

FTLOG For The Love Of God

FUBAR F---ed Up Beyond All Recognition

FUDD Slang term for a "casual" gun owner - and does not truly believe in the true premise of the second amendment

FWIW For What It's Worth

FYI For Your Information

GC gas check; a copper-zinc alloy cup used as gilding to protect the base of lead bullets from hot gas obduration during internal ballistics.

GD&R Grin, Duck, & Run

GF Girl Friend

GFSZ Gun free school zone

GG Good Guy

GI Government Issue

GMT Greenwich Mean Time (time zone, equivalent to Zulu/UTC)

HAND Have A Nice Day

HCP Handgun Carry Permit

HD Home Defense

HDC Home Defense Carbine

HMG Heavy Machine Gun

HSLD High Speed Low Drag

HSO Handle for a moronic Moderator on the best firearms boards around (Health & Safety Officer)

HSP Highly Sensitive Person

HTH Hope That Helps

IANAL I Am Not A Lawyer

IBTL In before the lock, or In before thread lock

IDLE International Date Line East

IDLW International Date Line West

IINM If I'm Not Mistaken

IIRC If I Remember Correctly

IMHO In My Humble Opinion

IMNSHO In My Not So Humble Opinion

IMO In My Opinion

IOW In Other Words

IRL In Real Life

IWB Inside Waist Band

JBT Jack Booted Thug

JMB John Moses Browning

JMO Just My Opinion

JSP Jacketed Soft Point

KB Kaboom

KISS Keep It Simple, Stupid

KWIM Know What I Mean

KYPD Keep Your Powder Dry

LDA Light Double Action

LE Law Enforcement

LEA Law Enforcement Agency

LEO Law Enforcement Officer/Official

LGS Local gun store

LLEA Local Law Enforcement Agency

LMAO Laughing My A-- Off

LMG Light Machine Gun

LNIB Like New In Box, usually means the item looks new but has been lightly used (see also NIB)

LOL Laughing Out Loud

LOS Line Of Sight

MG Machine Gun

MIM Metal Injection Molding

MOA Minutes Of Angle (angular measurement, 1/60 of a °, 360° in a circle)

MOB Middle Of Back

MOS Military Occupational Specialty

MV Muzzle Velocity

NAP Non-Aggression Principle (and criticism)

ND Negligent Discharge ( see also AD, accidental discharge)

NIB New In Box, usually means the item has not been used since bought, but can also mean LNIB.

NOYB None Of Your Business

NSFW Not Suitable/Safe for Work (inappropriate content for the workplace - video with profanity, for example)

OAL Over All Length

OC Open carry

OMG Oh My God

OOTB Out Of The Box

OP Original Poster

ORM-D Other Regulated Materials - Domestic (seen on boxes of shipped ammo)

OT Off-Topic

OTOH On The Other Hand

OWB Outside the Waist Band

PASGT Personnel Armor System for Ground Troops

PBR Point Blank Range

PCS Permanent change of station

PDW Personal Defense Weapon

PHB Pointy-Haired Boss (Dilbert reference, a boss without a clue)

PITA Pain In The A--

POA Point Of Aim

POI Point Of Impact

POI Person Of Interest

POS Piece Of S---

PSI Pounds per Square Inch

PT Physical Training

PTL&PTA Praise The Lord & Pass The Ammunition

QC Quality Control

REMF Rear Echelon Mother F---er (derogatory name for a non-combatant in a combat zone or a military occupational specialty that would keep one from seeing combat)

RINO Republican In Name Only (usually a right wing nut calling a moderate Republican a left wing nut)

RKBA Right to Keep and Bear Arms

SA Single Action

SAA Single Action Army (famous Colt revolver design that shows up in Westerns)

SA/DA Single Action/Double Action [Firing Mechanism]

SAK Swiss Army Knife

SBR - Short Barrel Rifle

SD Self Defense; Sectional Density (weight [lbs] to cross-section area [in^2])

SHTF S--- Hits The Fan

SKS Samozaryadnaya Karabina Simonova, or Self-loading carbine Simonov. Sergei Gavrilovich Simonov was one of the old Soviet Union's foremost arms designers. The rifle was adopted by the USSR in 1945, and was made both there and in China.

SLR Self-Loading Rifle

SMG Sub-Machine Gun

SNAFU Situation Normal: All F---ed Up

SO Significant Other (boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife)

SO Sherriff's Office

SOB Small Of Back (6 o'clock carry)

SOP Standard Operating Procedure

SOT Special Occupational Tax license (administered by the BATFE)

SWAT Special Weapons And Tactics

SxS Side by Side (i.e. a shotgun)

TDY Temporary duty

TEOTWAWKI The End Of The World As We Know It

TIA Thanks In Advance

TID Tax ID number

TLA Three Letter Acronym

TMI Too Much Information

TNSTAAFL There's no such thing as a free lunch

TPTB The Powers That Be

TTW Taunting The Wookie (someone known to rip arms out of sockets when inflamed)

TU **** Up (military origin, meaning f---ed; often spelled phonetically as "Tango Uniform")

URL Uniform Resource Locator

UTC Universal Time Coordinate (time zone, equivalent to Zulu/GMT)

VCA Violent Criminal Assailant

WTSHTF When The S--- Hits The Fan

WWB Winchester White Box (ammo)

WYSIWYG What You See Is What You Get

YMMV Your Mileage/Methods May Vary

Buying and Selling

FTF/F2F Face to Face (transaction)

SPF Sold Pending Funds

WTB Want to Buy

WTS Want to Sell

WTT Want to Trade

Bullet Design

AP Armor Piercing

API Armor Piercing, Incendiary

APT Armor Piercing, Tracer

BBWC Bevel Base Wad Cutter

BT Boat Tail

FMJ Full Metal Jacket

FP Flat Point

HP Hollow Point

J Jacketed

JFP Jacketed Flat Point

JHC Jacketed Hollow Cavity

JHP Jacketed Hollow Point

JSP Jacketed Soft Point

L Lead

LRN Lead Round Nose

LSWC Lead Semi-Wad Cutter

LWC Lead Wad Cutter

RN Round Nose

SJ Semi-Jacketed

SJHP Semi-Jacketed Hollow Point

SP Soft Point

SWC Semi-Wad Cutter

TC Truncated Cone

TMJ Total Metal Jacket

WC Wad Cutter

National Membership-type RKBA Organizations

AKTI American Knife and Tool Institute

CCRKBA Citizens' Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms

GOA Gun Owners of America

JPFO Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership

Kniferights Knife Rights

NRA National Rifle Association

SAF Second Amendment Foundation

SAS (2AS) Second Amendment Sisters

Other Organizations (both pro and anti-gun)

ACLU American Civil Liberties Union

AHSA American Hunters and Shooters Association (false flag gun banners pretending to be pro)


ASA Australian Shooting Association

BCPGV Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence

BF Blade Forums

CAS Cowboy Action Shooting

CLDF Civil Liberties Defense Foundation

COA Citizens of America

CPHV Center to Prevent Handgun Violence (Brady Center offshoot)

DU Democratic Underground

FOP Fraternal Order of Police

FOUP Firearm Owners Unification Project

GT Glock Talk

HCI Handgun Control Inc. (Brady Center)

IALEFI International Association of Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors

IDPA International Defensive Pistol Association

IPSC International Practical Shooting Confederation

KABA Keep And Bear Arms

LEAA Law Enforcement Alliance of America

MMM Million Mom March

NRAILA National Rifle Association Institute for Legislative Action

NSSF National Shooting Sports Foundation

SAAMI Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers Institute

SASS Single Action Shooting Society

SATF Second Amendment Task Force

SDF Self Defense Forums

SHOTShow Shooting, Hunting, and Outdoor Travel Show

TFL The Firing Line

THR The High Road

TRT Tyranny Response Team

USPSA United States Practical Shooting Association

License/Permit Abbreviations

CCW Concealed Carry of Weapons (MO)

CDWL Concealed Deadly Weapons License (KY)

CFP Concealed Firearm Permit (UT, NV)

CHL Concealed Handgun License (AR, NM, OR, TX)

CHP Concealed Handgun Permit (AK, LA, NC, VA)

CPL Concealed Pistol License (MI, WA)

CWL Concealed Weapon License (FL, ID, OK)

CWP Concealed Weapon Permit (AZ, CO, MT, ND)

FL Firearms License (GA)

FOID - Firearm Owner Identification Card (IL residents)

FP Firearms Permit (MS)

LTC License to Carry (CA, IN, MA, NY)

LTCCH License to Carry a Concealed Handgun (OH)

LTCF License to Carry Firearms (PA)

PL Pistol License (AL, NH)

PTC Permit to Carry (CT, IA, ME, MD, MN, NJ)

Wow! someone spent a lot of time typing! Thanks for the reference material! Hey Mods is there somewhere that this particular post can be stickied?


Alpha, Im fairly certian that he just copy and pasted that from the TGO info page.

Google usually works pretty good for finding out what acronyms mean.

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