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13 days in the hospital


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LOL. I'm sure MN is a fine hospital. It just seemed like good common sense not to go into the Raleigh area at 2:30 AM while I was too sick to defend myself!

LOL it was! Although I will say this, oddly enough, we have the lowest crime stats of any of the area hospitals.

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Diverticulosis is a common condition in developed countries and can be traced back to the early 1900's when low fiber and processed foods became a part of an everyday diet.

In countries like Asia and Africa where a diet is based on large amounts of fresh fruits and vegetables and minimal to no pre-packaged/processed foods, the condition is virtually non-existent.

If left untreated however, this condition can lead to such complications as peritonitis which is where the abdominal cavity lining becomes infected after the infection spreads from the diverticula. This condition can be potentially fatal. The inflammation of the diverticula can also cause the bowel to become narrower which in turn can lead to obstruction in the bowel.

While people over the age of 60 are more at risk it is also important to realize that people as young as 20 years or age are also susceptible to this condition and that a spread of weight around the abdominal region is a common warning sign.

The term diverticula disease describes the overall condition and it takes on board two phases of the disease, diverticulosis and diverticulitis.

Diverticulosis: Diverticulosis is used to refer to the presence of diverticula (pockets) within the colon. It is quite common that any persons with diverticulosis may never show any symptoms of the disease and it is quite likely they will never progress to the second phase or "active" phase.

Diverticulitis: Diverticulitis is the term which does actually describe the active phase of the disease. This is where the diverticula become inflamed. Diverticulitis, according to current studies, occurs when bodily fluids or fecal matter becomes trapped in the diverticula.

Here are a few points to remember...

  1. It is quite possible that the infection will fix itself on it's own without medical intervention
  2. However, left untreated, Diverticulitis can lead to more serious complications, including complete blockage of the bowel.

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well the scope thing isn't THAT bad........I had mine and the biggest pain in the butt (pun intended) was the prep work. After you drink all the draino, keep one bathroom clear and some very SOFT toilet paper around. Trust me, after you've starting taking the draino by the end of the day, you will be "pat, pat, pat" due to extreme monkey butt.........but hey, the drugs are great and the picture show afterwards ain't bad either.......FWIW

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I've been through the prep before. Had a lower G.I. done years ago. Think the prep is bad? Try rolling from side to side on an x-ray table after they pump what feels like 20 gallons of barium up your a** without having a major "blow it out your a**" event. The 10' from the table to the commode was the longest walk of my life.

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