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13 days in the hospital


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I started having stomach pains the morning of Aug 15. Not real bad at first but by late evening I knew something was seriously wrong. I began to worry that I had appendicitis. Had to have the wife drive me to St Francis E.R. in Bartlett. Methodist North is closer to home but there was no way I was gonna go there, not with the people I saw in that E.R. waiting room last time I was there.

E.R. doc also suspected appendicitis but it turns out we were both wrong. I was diagnosed with diverticulitis and there was a large abscess on my bowel. After many doses of antibiotics and 10 days of being fed through an I.V. , no real food at at all the abscess drained itself into my bowels and they let me go after being sure I could eat a soft diet. I'm going to need a colonoscopy in mid Oct and the doc told me to be prepared to have that section of bowel removed because he believes it will cause me more trouble in the future.

Man this sucks but at least I,m still here above ground.

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Guest Verbal Kint

Wow. Glad you got the medical attention needed, and they caught/corrected the issue at hand (for the moment). Doesn't sound like a fun time at all, with more less-than-exciting times ahead... but I'm sure you'll better for it, when all is said and done. Again, glad you're feeling better. :ugh:

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Guest Glock23ForMe

Good Luck with everything bud...

My dad had a colonoscopy and I called him right after he was done and I said, "You always thought I was a big pain in the butt." He didn't like that humor, though. He said it doesn't hurt, they put him to sleep, he also said he wasn't walking funny.

Good Luck with everything. Hope it all comes out great... No pun intended.

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I started having stomach pains the morning of Aug 15. Not real bad at first but by late evening I knew something was seriously wrong. I began to worry that I had appendicitis. Had to have the wife drive me to St Francis E.R. in Bartlett. Methodist North is closer to home but there was no way I was gonna go there, not with the people I saw in that E.R. waiting room last time I was there.

E.R. doc also suspected appendicitis but it turns out we were both wrong. I was diagnosed with diverticulitis and there was a large abscess on my bowel. After many doses of antibiotics and 10 days of being fed through an I.V. , no real food at at all the abscess drained itself into my bowels and they let me go after being sure I could eat a soft diet. I'm going to need a colonoscopy in mid Oct and the doc told me to be prepared to have that section of bowel removed because he believes it will cause me more trouble in the future.

Man this sucks but at least I,m still here above ground.

First let me say, glad you are still above ground as well.

Now, don't feel bad about mis diagnosing it, Hell you where as good as the first doctor. :up:

Ok, enough fun,

I have to ask, when you are feed via an IV, do you get hungry? Something I have wondered off and on but never thought about consulting the mighty google.

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I got absolutely no rest in that place.

Reminds me of a stay in a hospital I had when I was about 16. Long story how I ended up in the ER, not going there.

But after they took me out of the OR and put me in a room about 1am, I remember they would not let mom stay in the room because there was another male patient in there. She was waiting in the hall. There was no way in hell they were going to get her more then that away from me with out an armed guard.

I went to sleep, about 2 am a Nurse came in woke me up and started asking me questions, my name, birth day.

after about 2 questions in as she ask the 3, I said mom is in the hall way, ask her.

turns out mom had stepped away to the bathroom after I went to sleep and the nurse came in checking on me. It pissed me off.

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... and the doc told me to be prepared to have that section of bowel removed because he believes it will cause me more trouble in the future. ..

Don't fear that. "Major" but "routine". Will probably be one of the hemicolectomy procedures. Unless you're too well, umm, fat, done laproscopically.

Had one myself about five years ago. PM me once you have diagnosis and their plan, and I'll give you my experience.

- OS

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I started having stomach pains the morning of Aug 15. Not real bad at first but by late evening I knew something was seriously wrong. I began to worry that I had appendicitis. Had to have the wife drive me to St Francis E.R. in Bartlett. Methodist North is closer to home but there was no way I was gonna go there, not with the people I saw in that E.R. waiting room last time I was there.

E.R. doc also suspected appendicitis but it turns out we were both wrong. I was diagnosed with diverticulitis and there was a large abscess on my bowel. After many doses of antibiotics and 10 days of being fed through an I.V. , no real food at at all the abscess drained itself into my bowels and they let me go after being sure I could eat a soft diet. I'm going to need a colonoscopy in mid Oct and the doc told me to be prepared to have that section of bowel removed because he believes it will cause me more trouble in the future.

Man this sucks but at least I,m still here above ground.

Get well soon. I suffer from diverticulitis also. I did not require surgery, but the pain and the hospital stay make you want to die.

On a positive note your post will make me start watching my diet again. Get well.

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Have Chron's diseaes and had 9 ft removed several years ago. Hope your diagnosis goes great.

PM if you like to know my experiences. Surgery Friday evening and went home Monday afternoon,

with 27 staples up the middle.

Hope all goes well!!

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Glad you're ok man! Don't judge North by some of our average clients lol we have a great staff of nurses and doctors and I'll make sure you stay safe while you're there!

LOL. I'm sure MN is a fine hospital. It just seemed like good common sense not to go into the Raleigh area at 2:30 AM while I was too sick to defend myself!

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My wife's uncle had a recent bout with diverticulitis as well. Your experience sounds similar to his, though there was no mention of surgery for him.

As for getting no rest... I'm convinced that the hospital is the only place they'll wake you up to give you a sleeping pill.

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Guest jackdm3

Granny has it and I can tell you that she seems to be unable to eat more things than she CAN eat. If she lapses or forgets, she'll bleed out for 2 or 3 days.

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First let me say, glad you are still above ground as well.

Now, don't feel bad about mis diagnosing it, Hell you where as good as the first doctor. :D

Ok, enough fun,

I have to ask, when you are feed via an IV, do you get hungry? Something I have wondered off and on but never thought about consulting the mighty google.

Yes I did get hungry but it wasn't like I felt I was starving to death.

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