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What if your Wrong

Guest trigem

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Guest trigem

Dr. Maurice Rawlings, MD, a heart surgeon, has written a number of books on the death experience and clearly shows from his own practice and from the experiences of his patients, that not everyone goes to the light when they die, where there is total love. Many of his patients, after being resuscitated on the operating table, spoke about hell.


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Oh boy... It's too early in the morning for this crap... :D

I'll come back when it's a little later, and I've had more coffee.

BTW, while I'm gone, contemplate this: What if it's the doctor and his patients who are wrong?


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Guest trigem
We never hear of those experiences. I would like to hear some of them, as well. You know there is a hell. One cannot believe in God without also believing in Satan. What good is our power to choose, if there is no choice to make?

Yes, this is the most powerful video testimony I have ever seen or heard!:tinfoil:

These are real people whom died on the operating table & Dr. Rawling's whom brought them

to to life was an atheist(was):D

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I thought the "going to the light" thing had been determined to be part of the central nervous system shutting down.

As you die and blood stops flowing to the eyes they perceive a white light.

If heaven and hell are real i dare say most of us are screwed. Of course it also depends on what religion you follow.

The nuns in school always told us that as long as you followed your religion and were a good person you were good to go.

And we all know nuns never lie.

I personally believe in the golden rule as my guide for life.

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Guest trigem

At least watch these peoples experiences before you judge, these were educated atheist, not religious at all

What do you have to fear but fear it self

A wise man feareth, and departeth from evil: but the fool rageth, and is confident.

(Pro 14:16)

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Yes, this is the most powerful video testimony I have ever seen or heard!:tinfoil:

These are real people whom died on the operating table & Dr. Rawling's whom brought them

to to life was an atheist(was):D

Uh, Trigem... those people DID NOT DIE. Period. They didn't even get particularly CLOSE to dying.

Your heart not beating isn't death. Hell, it spends more time not beating, in the average person's life, than it does beating. All those little spaces between beats? That's your heart at rest, doing nothing. Bumpbump *dead* Bumpbump *dead* Bumpbump *dead* ? I don't think so.

So, until one's brain stops functioning, and the various organs and cells in your body quit working and start to decay, you're not dead, or even close to it.

And as long as your brain is functioning, it can generate all sorts of interesting, believable experiences.

Remember, every single thing you ever experience, in your whole life, is nothing more than your brain's interpretation of various input from your sensory organs. And under the right ( or wrong ) circumstances, a brain can generate all sorts of things without any input at all.

So, although I'm sure the people in the vid are quite convinced what they experienced was real, the odds are far better that it was all just a product of their own minds.

BTW, being religious or not has nothing to do with any of this. It's all about biology and how your mind and body work, nothing more. Some people try to use such things to "prove" their own beliefs, but in the end, it just doesn't hold water.


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Yep. Been there too. The Zombie Jesus scared the :tinfoil: outa me until I woke up.

There's nothing like cheap whiskey and a ten-bagger of either Krystals or Whitecastles to invoke a religious experience of the negative kind the next morning. :P:D


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Guest KimberChick

If the good doctor believes in


then I can assure you his god no longer exists. Halfpint and I consumed all his noodly appendages for supper last night...in a casserole....with cheese....and garlic bread.

So yeah, that's one theory off the block. :burp: mmm, garlicky. :D

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Guest KimberChick
They way I figure it - eternity is THE one thing I don't want to be wrong about. I've also been told that hell never fills up.

True. Which is why, no matter what you choose to believe, you believe it earnestly and with all your heart.


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the thing about dying that really bothers me is the saying that your life flashes before your eyes as you die.

I have always feared that right now I am dying and what I have thought of as life is my life flashing before me. And it really pisses me off to think I have had to live through this twice.

One thing that is certain is that none of us will know for sure until the day we wink out and go for the dirt nap.

As for there being heaven or hell, I always wonder what happened to Limbo? Limbo being the place that those who were unbaptized go to spend eternity. I am pretty sure somewhere along the way that the church decided there is no Limbo anymore. It is all very confusing.

I do very much believe religion and belief in God and Christianity has its place in living a better life.

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I do very much believe religion and belief in God and Christianity has its place in living a better life.

That's what I've always believed in and strived for. This is why I don't "witness" to people and I just stare at athiests who live for nothing more than to berate me because I believe in "the magic man in the sky".

"I believe in God, you don't, I'm an idiot, cool I get it, you're the same guy who tells 4 year olds Santa doesn't exist."

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Guest Glock23ForMe
I swear if Punisher tries to tell me there is no tooth fairy I am hitchiking to Memphis just to kick his ass

Got room for one more on the way?

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