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09/21/10 - Woot-Off


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Woot® : One Day, One Deal

Notice on the upper right corner they're looking for comments that'll help them sell it:

"Got something of value to say about today's Woot? You'd be the first. Somebody, anybody, give us a quality post. We're dying here."

My cousin's Roomba is an annoying little bastardo. Think they'll let me say that?

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1,350 units sold in barely over 2 hours.

iRobot Roomba 530 Robotic Vacuum with Virtual Wall Statistics

Speed to First Woot:1m 8.910sFirst Sucker:matticaSellout Time:10:17:18 AM Central TimeWooter To Blame For Sellout:p8ball4lifeItem quantity:1350Order Pace:0m 5.831sWoot Wage:$86,433.99 (revenue per hour)

Purchaser Experience

  • 21% first woot21%
  • 12% second woot12%
  • 35% < 10 woots35%
  • 19% < 25 woots19%
  • 12% > 25 woots12%

Purchaser Seniority

  • 15% joined today15%
  • 1% one week old1%
  • 2% one month old2%
  • 21% < one year old21%
  • 61% > one year old61%

Quantity Breakdown

  • 96% bought 196%
  • 3% bought 23%
  • 1% bought 31%

Percentage of Sales Per Hour:

From 8AM to 9: 46% were sold

From 9 to 10: 42% were sold

Just after 10, the rest/last were sold.

Woots by State:

chart?cht=t&chtm=usa&chld=ALARAZCACOCTDCDEFLGAIAIDILINKSKYLAMAMDMEMIMNMOMSMTNCNDNENHNJNMNVNYOHOKORPARISCSDTNTXUTVAVTWAWIWVWY&chd=t:60.0,60.0,30.0,30.0,70.0,50.0,145.0,70.0,40.0,55.0,40.0,15.0,45.0,50.0,65.0,40.0,60.0,100.0,80.0,50.0,50.0,65.0,60.0,10.0,25.0,40.0,35.0,25.0,60.0,45.0,55.0,10.0,50.0,50.0,45.0,30.0,45.0,10.0,40.0,60.0,50.0,70.0,40.0,95.0,75.0,50.0,50.0,25.0,25.0&chco=000000,000000,9bb669&chf=bg,s,ffffff&chs=440x220 zero wooters wooting heatMapLegend.5.png lots of wooters wooting

Edited by jackdm3
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You can see by the states graph that Mississippi is REALLY not interested in keeping a clean house, among other states. Alaska and the western states don't want it. Must not clean up snow and sand very well.

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Guest Glock23ForMe
You can see by the states graph that Mississippi is REALLY not interested in keeping a clean house, among other states. Alaska and the western states don't want it. Must not clean up snow and sand very well.

IIRC Woot! won't ship to AK or HI...

Nevada, Idaho, West Virginia, and Rhode Island must not care too much either.

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  • 4 weeks later...

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