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MAGPUL goodies

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Well I've finally gotten around to doing some upgrades on my Bushmaster and I decided to get a few MAGPUL goodies to toss on it. MOE stock is on, PMAG came in yesterday, and the new hand guard will be in Monday. I'll post pics once it's all together.

I was wondering what some of you think about MAGPUL in general and if there any other parts you'd recommend?

Also, what is a good flashlight mount for an AR? Nothing expensive or uber-tactical, just something I can put on a rail and pop a Surefire G2 or similar light in.

I know I'm going to be picking up a riser mount for the AR as well as my FN 12 gauge soon and start looking at optics for both so any help there would also be appreciated. Wanting to TRY to stay under 100 bucks per optic if I can find something decent, like a red dot.

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Guest DanE479

In my opinion, and experience, the BAD lever is a non-starter. It's trying to address a problem that doesn't exsist by encouraging poor manipulation of the firearm. The only time your finger should be in that trigger guard is to pull the trigger. It also has a tendency to defeat the bolt hold open on last round. It's yet another example of Magpul answering a question that nobody really cared about.

Why are you getting a riser mount for an optic on your AR? just get an optic with the correct height on it. THere are all kinds of mounts that will let you correctly co-witness with the iron sights.

Command arms has some flashlight mounts that will work mostly OK for cheap. If you are going to mount a flashlight, get an LED conversion for the surefire. Unless you want to keep paying for new bulbs, or you can upgrade to a shock isolated bezel. Then go get some professional low light training.

I have never understood the desire to cheap out on accessries for a $900 gun. $100 optics are OK for Airsoft stuff, but will eventually lose their zero after many rounds down range, or just simply go balls up, because you get what you pay for. Same with cheap rail mounts, flashlight mounts, or any other thing. Your desire to mount an optic and light signals that at some point, you think that gun might be used in a self defense scenario. In that case, don't cheap out on gear. Cheap gear fails, and equipment failure gets people killed over saving a few $. You wouldn't put used crappy tires on a Mercedes. Don't cheap out on your defense gun.

As to the rest of Magpul's products:

Some are good, some are OK, and some just leave me scratching my head. The MOE stock is good, the MOE and MIAD grips are good, the MOE handguards are OK, but lack good heat sheilding, and PMAGS are decent, except in cold weather. Their rail covers are OK (Ladder rail covers are the best in my opinion), and the MS-2 sling is decent, but heavier than it needs to be.

I prefer a stubby vertical grip to the angled foregip.

I have no use for the rest of thier stuff.

GO get some quality training with a reputable company (Suarez, Tactical response, CSAT, TDI, etc), and learn how to run that rifle. THat's teh best investment you can make into that thing.

Edited by DanE479
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In my opinion, and experience, the BAD lever is a non-starter. It's trying to address a problem that doesn't exsist by encouraging poor manipulation of the firearm. The only time your finger should be in that trigger guard is to pull the trigger. It also has a tendency to defeat the bolt hold open on last round. It's yet another example of Magpul answering a question that nobody really cared about.

Why are you getting a riser mount for an optic on your AR? just get an optic with the correct height on it. THere are all kinds of mounts that will let you correctly co-witness with the iron sights.

Command arms has some flashlight mounts that will work mostly OK for cheap. If you are going to mount a flashlight, get an LED conversion for the surefire. Unless you want to keep paying for new bulbs, or you can upgrade to a shock isolated bezel. Then go get some professional low light training.

I have never understood the desire to cheap out on accessries for a $900 gun. $100 optics are OK for Airsoft stuff, but will eventually lose their zero after many rounds down range, or just simply go balls up, because you get what you pay for. Same with cheap rail mounts, flashlight mounts, or any other thing. Your desire to mount an optic and light signals that at some point, you think that gun might be used in a self defense scenario. In that case, don't cheap out on gear. Cheap gear fails, and equipment failure gets people killed over saving a few $. You wouldn't put used crappy tires on a Mercedes. Don't cheap out on your defense gun.

I'll check into other mounts. Have an LED, have had quite a bit of low light training. Also, I'm not trying to "cheap out" on optics. I'd like a cheap red dot to use on the range until I can get money for an EO Tech. I'm planning a trip to Europe in the spring so I'm not gonna blow out a grand on AR accessories. My AR is only going to be a self-defense gun if the crap hits the fan. Otherwise I've got shotguns for HD and handguns for the rest. The AR is a fun item for me right now.

I honestly appreciate the response, but the condescending attitude is not as appreciated. I'm asking opinions on gear, not for lectures or money tips. I've done my fair share of training, buying, and selling gear.

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GO get some quality training with a reputable company (Suarez, Tactical response, CSAT, TDI, etc), and learn how to run that rifle. THat's teh best investment you can make into that thing.

Why the blanket assumption that I have had zero training or don't know how to operate my weapon based on gear questions?

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Guest DanE479

In my professional experience, when guys talk about gear, and declare a low price limit as the defining limitation, I usually find out that they have next to no practical training. Guys that have trained extensively usually go for the best gear that fits their style, and disregard price. I answer questions based on the wording of the question, and my experience in training and outfitting people. I don't pay attention to post count or other stuff.

If you are saving for a trip, I'd forget the cheap optic, and train with your iron sights. If you can hit it with irons, you can hit it with optics (if you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball). That way, you have an extra $100 to put into your eotech.

YOu can choose to be offended by my response, that is your perrogative. You can also chose to take my response, and use what info you feel is best, and disregard the rest. I really don't care.

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In my professional experience, when guys talk about gear, and declare a low price limit as the defining limitation, I usually find out that they have next to no practical training. Guys that have trained extensively usually go for the best gear that fits their style, and disregard price. I answer questions based on the wording of the question, and my experience in training and outfitting people. I don't pay attention to post count or other stuff.

If you are saving for a trip, I'd forget the cheap optic, and train with your iron sights. If you can hit it with irons, you can hit it with optics (if you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball). That way, you have an extra $100 to put into your eotech.

YOu can choose to be offended by my response, that is your perrogative. You can also chose to take my response, and use what info you feel is best, and disregard the rest. I really don't care.

Far from offended, just curious as to why you chose to take a simple question and jump over the moon with conclusions. I'm not about budget gear, but I'm also not about buying 2 grand worth of accessories for a safe gun that I pull out to shoot maybe 3-4 times a year. I'll spend my money keeping my Kimber and my HD shotgun nice. I've been running iron sights since I was 7, so I'm good there. I think optics are nice, but over rated for the faith alot of people put into them.

I just find it amusing when people jump into a conversation with no knowledge of the person they are talking to and make blanket assumptions about training, personality, etc. I think it shows a desire to look like a bad ass on the internet, which is something I have quite a bit of disdain for, but thanks for stopping by. I'll try not to shoot myself in the foot or anything. :(

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Guest DanE479

I'm not a badass, and I don't advertise that I am. I'm not going to get in a peeing match with you, because I don't care. Your general questions about magpul, combined with your other wording implied that you don't know about AR stuff. I answered in kind.

Do what you want. Again, I don't care. Be a 5000 post badass. Rock on, buddy. Keep rolling your eyes because it might improve your sight.

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I'm not a badass, and I don't advertise that I am. I'm not going to get in a peeing match with you, because I don't care. Your general questions about magpul, combined with your other wording implied that you don't know about AR stuff. I answered in kind.

Do what you want. Again, I don't care. Be a 5000 post badass. Rock on, buddy. Keep rolling your eyes because it might improve your sight.

LOL what is your obsession with post count? Dude let me lay it out for you like this, I'm used to a stock M-16, but I sold, shot, and trained with rifles, shotguns,and handguns as a job and a hobby for years. Just because you read something into my post that wasn't there doesn't mean you need to come into my thread and try to impart your "wisdom" like you know it all. Now, run along and let me get my thread back on track and get my post count up!

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I really like the BAD lever. It does take a couple of steps out of the manual of arms, and makes some movements much more efficient in my opinion.

I run on two weapons, and have had zero problems with it affecting the bolt hold-open feature. It's really just bolting onto, and extending the bolt realease. It doesn't require you to keep you finger in the trigger guard. It extends outside the guard, where the manipulation of the lever is performed.

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I really like the BAD lever. It does take a couple of steps out of the manual of arms, and makes some movements much more efficient in my opinion.

I run on two weapons, and have had zero problems with it affecting the bolt hold-open feature. It's really just bolting onto, and extending the bolt realease. It doesn't require you to keep you finger in the trigger guard. It extends outside the guard, where the manipulation of the lever is performed.

That's what it looked like to me on the SHOT show vid. Seemed like the only reason dude had to get "inside" the trigger guard at all was because his fingers weren't very long.

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If you're ever in Nashville, you are more than welcome to try mine out before you buy one.

If you want to see some more video of it in action, Travis Haley runs one for a good bit of the Magpul Dynamic Carbine series of DVD's.

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If you're ever in Nashville, you are more than welcome to try mine out before you buy one.

If you want to see some more video of it in action, Travis Haley runs one for a good bit of the Magpul Dynamic Carbine series of DVD's.

Thanks! My friend, Halfpint on here, has one apparently so I'm gonna check his out.

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Guest Halfpint

Actually ALMOST ran the BAD lever during Table 2 qual this weekend . . . but then we didn't get to shoot. My unit is about half full of former active duty Marines, and several of the guys who have solely been reservists for a couple years have a combat tour in Iraq. Pretty much EVERYBODY who saw my rifle with the BAD on it has decided to buy one for our pending deployment. Chuck, you're still welcome to try it out any time, just let me know when and we'll meet up.

I personally don't like the MS2 sling or their mount--it's hell to put on, you need a 3rd hand (I've done a dozen or so of these installs)-- but the MIAD grip and MOE/CTR stock are two additions that will be on ALL of my fighting carbines, if I'm given the choice. The MIAD gives me a much more comfortable grip than the stock A2 pistol grip, as well as allowing me to keep small essential gear close by. The MOE/CTR stock just makes better sense to me, as I've adjusted the standard stock without meaning to, then thrown it up to my shoulder and not gotten a good cheekweld or sight picture because I'm used to a different length. I had an angled foregrip and generally liked it, but I'm waiting for the AFG-2 to come out, because it's supposed to fit my rifle's rail better.

I run L-Plates and their followers in all my issue mags -- Dane, not busting you out or anything, just pointing this out -- which I'll be taking into combat in a little over a year's time. Very likely, a BAD lever, MIAD grip, and AFG will go with me.

Some of their gear, I don't care for . . . as mentioned, the MS2 sling and ASAP plate, among other small things. PMags, BAD lever, MIAD/MOE grips, basically things that enhance or improve control / manipulation of the weapon . . . yeah, I'm all for things that will give me an edge in combat. Not training, or classes, or even home defense -- "he's shooting at me, I'm shooting back so I can come home alive" combat.

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Guest DanE479

Right now, for lack of anything better in teh sling department, I'm running the MS-2 hooked to a Noveske QD end plate sling mount. I do not like the ASAP plate because it's got one too many metal parts. I jus hook the sling into the QD swivel, and go from there. I use the sling in single point mode, but it stays in the bag in two-point mode (QD swivel on a troy rail for the front point) for quicker mounting, if need be. If the poop hits the airfoil (I'd love to have one of those new Dyson air movers), I can get the rifle slung quickly, and then set it to single point when I get a chance.

I'm going to replace the sling at some point, but I just don't know what I'm going to get. I'm not a really big fan of anything out there right now.

I guess my biggest conceptual problem with the BAD lever is that it bolts onto the bolt catch. I'm really not a fan of boting something onto a critical component of the firearm. I might have less of a problem if they made a BAD release that replaced the bolt catch. I run a very minimal gun to keep failure possibilities to a minimum. All I have is a sling, light, and a Reflex optic.

I totally agree about the MIAD grip. I use the largest backstrap, and the oversized trigger guard front strap, and now when I handle a rifle with a stock grip, it feels weird. I like my MOE stock as well. It's got a small footprint, and is nice and simple. I my try out one of the new VLTOR Imod stocks in the future. Anything that allows me to carry more batteries is a good thing. I also use a stubby Troy vertical grip from time to time. I'm a magwell gripper, so I normally roll that way.

I see from your sig that you're a Magpul Dynamics follower. I'll have to get back into one of their rifle classes. I've taken some other training recently, and I wnat to compare/contrast again...

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I'm a Magpul fan. I think their products are very innovative.

I like the BAD lever, and have it installed on two of my ARs. I love the fact that I can (now) lock back the BCG without losing my firing grip. I always hated that about the AR design, and the BAD lever solves the problem. I know many other shooters that have had the same wish, so it is definitely a great solution to the problem. My trigger finger never goes inside the trigger guard while using it, so I feel completely safe using it. I love the MOE grip, and it is an addition to all of my ARs. I prefer it's shape and grip texture over the MIAD grip. The MOE stock is nice, but I prefer the CTR stock due to the fact that it has a QD sling attachment point. The ACS stock was a bit of a disappointment: I run Crane SOPMOD stocks on my ARs, and was pleased that the ACS stock had the same profile, but I hate the fact that it has no QD sling attachment. I don't know why they did not put one on there. It is still a nice stock, though. The UBR stock is nice, but quite heavy. I have never used the ASAP sling attachment, but the metal on metal seems like it would make too much noise.

All in all, I think Magpul makes great products.

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Guest Halfpint

Well, it doesn't suck . . . except for the loose nut behind the trigger. :popcorn: I don't like the Hogue grips, but that's just me. Otherwise, good looking carbine.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest mercohaulic

I like the hogue grip better than the Miad, but that's just me. Hope you like the Vtac light mount, sure liked mine. As for the BAD lever, I definately see it's use, but I am a lefty... Also incase you don't know, Magpul makes 1913 rails for there handguards in a few different lengths.

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I like the hogue grip better than the Miad, but that's just me. Hope you like the Vtac light mount, sure liked mine. As for the BAD lever, I definately see it's use, but I am a lefty... Also incase you don't know, Magpul makes 1913 rails for there handguards in a few different lengths.

LOVE,LOVE,LOVE the VTAC mount. Once I got it set up with the foregrip I had I can't understand why anyone would buy those 600 dollar Surefire setups. It's perfect for my use and need. I did actually buy the 9 slot MAGPUL rail for the handguards. Couldn't be happier.

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